1.   No less than intellect is dependent upon the brain, so consciousness is dependent upon air.  But the ability to focus consciousness is mind, which transcends the brain.


2.   Consciousness is never more focused than when it is one with the air in a convergence of absolute mind to the omega point of the psyche, or so-called 'crown centre'.


3.   Expressions like 'mind that step' or 'mind your own business' indicate that mind is something which has to be applied to consciousness in order to focus it at a specific point.  For consciousness is like a flame that burns on the wick of air, and whether this flame be focused, and holy, or unfocused, and profane, will depend upon the individual and the circumstances in which he finds himself at any given time.  Mostly, for a majority of people much of the time, consciousness is compromised by the senses, especially the sense of sight, and accordingly directed outwards toward some phenomenal entity, which becomes its 'object of focus'.  Such external mind is rather more profane than holy, descending, through optical vitiation, towards the outer light.  In fact, if taken to optical extremes, external mind can be dissipated by the light, becoming completely vacuous and effectively damned.  Therefore external mind is less a blessing than a curse, which should always be guarded against with the aid of techniques that further internal mind, or the focus of consciousness upon the air which is its life's blood, so to speak, and ultimate salvation.  For the more consciousness is identified with the plenum of air one breathes-in, the more the Holy Spirit (mind) of Heaven will come to pass, as consciousness, focused on the air, becomes absolute mind, the blissful antithesis of absolute not-mind, or light.  Only in such absolute mind is salvation achieved, and such a salvation can and ultimately will be made to last for ever.