1.   In regard to the above, I should like to advance the theory that a retroussé nose is more suited to inhalations than to exhalations, in contrast to the greater disposition for exhalations of an aquiline nose.  Hence where the snub-nosed person would suggest an omega orientation commensurate with a bias towards inhalation and, by implication, the left nostril, his hook-nosed counterpart would suggest, by contrast, an alpha orientation commensurate with a bias towards exhalation and thus, by implication, the right nostril, the reactive nostril of a light equation.  In between, however, would come the more or less balanced breathing (between inhalations and exhalations) of straight-nosed people, who are neither for nor against the air, but effectively neutral in their physiognomic stance between alpha and omega, the light and the spirit.


2.   All such speculation is not, of course, to be taken too literally, but used rather more as a loose guide to the relationship between physiognomy and moral type, as well as viewed in relation to the exaggerated claims of traditional religion with regard to the divine image, etc., which no one in his right (or perhaps I should say left) mind would take too seriously, in view of the dubiously divine nature of images anyway, not to mention the manifestly heterogeneous composition of the human countenance ... with or without bodily appurtenances.  Only a liberally amoral person would mistake the totality of cosmic precedent for God, notwithstanding the negatively divine standing which attaches to that aspect of it which was truly primal, and hence of the Clear Light of the Void - namely, the central star of this galaxy, and therefore unworthy of the slightest degree of Christian respect.  For Christianity is all about the 'Kingdom Within', and the more one develops that ... with the aid, needless to say, of breathing techniques which facilitate enhanced consciousness, the less concern will one have for the 'Kingdom Without' in the starry Cosmos.  Verily, that man who is at one with his true nature is no Devil-mongering heathen, but a God-affirming Christian who may yet achieve, through the Second Coming, a Superchristic transcendentalism which should directly lead to the omega point of ultimate salvation.  The folly of cosmic fundamentalism can have no place in the life of such a man.  His liberation will be complete.


3.   My work is no heathen heresy, but the godly gnosis of our time.