1. The apparent Being of the outer light contrasts
absolutely with the essential Being of the inner spirit, while the qualitative
Being of the outer spirit contrasts relatively with the quantitative Being of
the inner light.
2. The apparent Doing
of the outer heat contrasts absolutely with the essential Doing of the inner
soul, while the qualitative Doing of the outer soul contrasts relatively with
the quantitative Doing of the inner heat.
3. The apparent Taking of the outer coldness
contrasts absolutely with the essential Taking of the inner mind, while the
qualitative Taking of the outer mind contrasts relatively with the quantitative
Taking of the inner coldness.
4. The apparent Giving of the outer darkness
contrasts absolutely with the essential Giving of the inner will, while the
qualitative Giving of the outer will contrasts relatively with the quantitative
Giving of the inner darkness.
5. The appearance of Doing (Alpha Devil)
contrasts absolutely with the essence of Being (Omega
God), while the quality of Giving (inner woman) contrasts relatively with the
quantity of Taking (outer man).
6. Whereas apparent/quantitative Being is spatial, qualitative/essential Being is spaced.
7. Whereas apparent/quantitative Doing is
sequential, qualitative/essential Doing is repetitive.
8. Whereas apparent/quantitative Taking is
volumetric, qualitative/essential Taking is voluminous.
9. Whereas apparent/quantitative Giving is
massed, qualitative/essential Giving is massive.
10. The perceptual
objectivity of spatial Being contrasts, as light, with the conceptual
subjectivity of spaced Being, or spirit.
11. The perceptual
objectivity of sequential Doing contrasts, as heat, with the conceptual
subjectivity of repetitive Doing, or soul.
12. The perceptual
objectivity of volumetric Taking contrasts, as coldness, with the
conceptual subjectivity of voluminous Taking, or intellect.
13. The perceptual
objectivity of massed Giving contrasts, as darkness, with the conceptual
subjectivity of massive Giving, or will.
14. Nature is developed through will (flesh) and antinature through darkness (earth).
15. Civilization is developed through mind (brain)
and anti-civilization through coldness (water).
16. Barbarism is developed through soul (blood)
and anti-barbarism through hotness (fire).
17. Culture is developed through spirit (air) and anticulture through brightness (light).
18. The nature of the Blessed Virgin vis-à-vis the
antinature of the Cursed Whore.
19. The civilization of Christ vis-à-vis the anti-civilization
of the Antichrist.
20. The barbarism of the Father vis-à-vis the
anti-barbarism of the Antifather (Satan).
21. The culture of the Holy Spirit vis-à-vis the anticulture of the Antispirit
22. The massive nature of the Holy Will of the
World (the Mother) vis-à-vis the massed antinature of
the Clear Darkness of Mass (the Antimother).
23. The voluminous civilization of the Holy Mind
of Purgatory (the Son) vis-à-vis the volumetric anti-civilization of the Clear
Coldness of Volume (the Antichrist).
24. The repetitive barbarism of the Holy Soul of
Hell (the Father) vis-à-vis the sequential anti-barbarism of the Clear Heat of
Time (Satan).
25. The spaced culture of the Holy Spirit of
Heaven (the Second Coming) vis-à-vis the spatial anticulture
of the Clear Light of the Void (Jehovah).
26. The massive nature of the Unholy Will of Mass
(the outer Mother) vis-à-vis the massed antinature of
the Unclear Darkness of the World (the inner Antimother).
27. The voluminous civilization of the Unholy Mind
of Volume (the outer Son) vis-à-vis the volumetric anti-civilization of the
Unclear Coldness of Purgatory (the inner Antison).
28. The repetitive barbarism of the Unholy Soul of
Time (the outer Father) vis-à-vis the sequential anti-barbarism of the Unclear
Heat of Hell (the inner Antifather).
29. The spaced culture of the Unholy Spirit of the
Void (the outer Spirit) vis-à-vis the spatial anticulture
of the Unclear Light of Heaven (the inner Antispirit).