1.   From the appearance of Being, which is brightness, to the essence of Being, which is spirit - alpha and omega of the divine.  Brightness, which is spatial Being, has no essence, while spirit, which is spaced Being, has no appearance.


2.   From the appearance of Doing, which is hotness, to the essence of Doing, which is soul - alpha and omega of the diabolic.  Hotness, which is sequential Doing, has no essence, while soul, which is repetitive Doing, has no appearance.


3.   From the appearance of Taking, which is coldness, to the essence of Taking, which is mind - alpha and omega of the masculine.  Coldness, which is volumetric Taking, has no essence, while mind, which is voluminous Taking, has no appearance.


4.   From the appearance of Giving, which is darkness, to the essence of Giving, which is will - alpha and omega of the feminine.  Darkness, which is massed Giving, has no essence, while will, which is massive Giving, has no appearance.


5.   Particles, having no essence, are individual, whereas wavicles, being all essence, are collective - vacuums and plenums of an alpha/omega dichotomy.


6.   Hence whereas God is an individual (Jehovah) in the alpha context of photon particles, God is a collective entity (the Holy Spirit of Heaven) in the omega context of photon wavicles.


7.   From the quality of Being, which is outer spirit, to the quantity of Being, which is inner light: omega-in-the-alpha and alpha-in-the-omega of the divine.  Outer spirit, which is spaced Being, has no quantity, while inner light, which is spatial Being, has no quality.


8.   From the quality of Doing, which is outer soul, to the quantity of Doing, which is inner heat: omega-in-the-alpha and alpha-in-the-omega of the diabolic.  Outer soul, which is repetitive Doing, has no quantity, while inner heat, which is sequential Doing, has no quality.


9.   From the quality of Taking, which is outer mind, to the quantity of Taking, which is inner coldness: omega-in-the-alpha and alpha-in-the-omega of the masculine.  Outer mind, which is voluminous Taking, has no quantity, while inner coldness, which is volumetric Taking, has no quality.


10.  From the quality of Giving, which is outer will, to the quantity of Giving, which is inner darkness: omega-in-the-alpha and alpha-in-the-omega of the feminine.  Outer will, which is massive Giving, has no quantity, while inner darkness, which is massed Giving, has no quality.


11.  The being against others of the outer light (elemental photon particles) contrasts absolutely with the being for self of the inner spirit (elemental photon wavicles), while the being against self of the inner light (molecular photon particles) contrasts relatively with the being for others of the outer spirit (molecular photon wavicles).


12.  The doing against others of the outer heat (elemental proton particles) contrasts absolutely with the doing for self of the inner soul (elemental proton wavicles), while the doing against self of the inner heat (molecular proton particles) contrasts relatively with the doing for others of the outer soul (molecular proton wavicles).


13.  The taking against others of the outer coldness (elemental neutron particles) contrasts absolutely with the taking for self of the inner mind (elemental neutron wavicles), while the taking against self of the inner coldness (molecular neutron particles) contrasts relatively with the taking for others of the outer mind (molecular neutron wavicles).


14.  The giving against others of the outer darkness (elemental electron particles) contrasts absolutely with the giving for self of the inner will (elemental electron wavicles), while the giving against self of the inner darkness (molecular electron particles) contrasts relatively with the giving for others of the outer will (molecular electron wavicles).