1.   The elemental photon particles of the outer negative noumenal self of the Clear Light of Space (the Void); the molecular photon wavicles of the outer positive noumenal self of the Unholy Spirit of Space (the Void); the molecular photon particles of the inner negative noumenal self of the Unclear Light of Heaven; the elemental photon wavicles of the inner positive noumenal self of the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


2.   The elemental proton particles of the outer negative noumenal not-self of the Clear Heat of Time; the molecular proton wavicles of the outer positive noumenal not-self of the Unholy Soul of Time; the molecular proton particles of the inner negative noumenal not-self of the Unclear Heat of Hell; the elemental proton wavicles of the inner positive noumenal not-self of the Holy Soul of Hell.


3.   The elemental neutron particles of the outer negative phenomenal not-self of the Clear Coldness of Volume; the molecular neutron particles of the outer positive phenomenal not-self of the Unholy Mind of Volume; the molecular neutron particles of the inner negative phenomenal not-self of the Unclear Coldness of Purgatory; the elemental neutron wavicles of the inner positive phenomenal not-self of the Holy Mind of Purgatory.


4.   The elemental electron particles of the outer negative phenomenal self of the Clear Darkness of Mass; the molecular electron wavicles of the outer positive phenomenal self of the Unholy Will of Mass; the molecular electron particles of the inner negative phenomenal self of the Unclear Darkness of the World; the elemental electron wavicles of the inner positive phenomenal self of the Holy Will of the World.


5.   The alpha of Space vis-à-vis the omega of Heaven; the omega-in-the-alpha of spaced Space vis-à-vis the alpha-in-the-omega of spatial Heaven.


6.   The alpha of Time vis-à-vis the omega of Hell; the omega-in-the-alpha of repetitive Time vis-à-vis the alpha-in-the-omega of sequential Hell.


7.   The alpha of Volume vis-à-vis the omega of Purgatory; the omega-in-the-alpha of voluminous Volume vis-à-vis the alpha-in-the-omega of volumetric Purgatory.


8.   The alpha of Mass vis-à-vis the omega of the World; the omega-in-the-alpha of massive Mass vis-à-vis the alpha-in-the-omega of the massed World.


9.   Space is fundamental to the negative element of light, whereas spirit (consciousness) is transcendental to the positive element of air.


10.  Time is fundamental to the negative element of fire, whereas soul (emotion) is transcendental to the positive element of blood.


11.  Volume is fundamental to the negative element of water, whereas mind (intellect) is transcendental to the positive element of brain.


12.  Mass is fundamental to the negative element of earth, whereas will (sensation) is transcendental to the positive element of flesh.