1.   Space is as anterior to the light as spirit is posterior to the air.


2.   Time is as anterior to the fire as soul is posterior to the blood.


3.   Volume is as anterior to the water as mind is posterior to the brain.


4.   Mass is as anterior to the earth as will is posterior to the flesh.


5.   Space, time, volume, and mass are the metaphysical pre-conditions of light, fire, water, and earth, whereas will, mind, soul, and spirit are the metaphysical post-conditions of flesh, brain, blood, and air.


6.   Space is as metaphysically antithetical to spirit as woe to joy, whereas light is as physically antithetical to air as illusion to truth.


7.   Time is as metaphysically antithetical to soul as humiliation to pride, whereas fire is as physically antithetical to blood as weakness to strength.


8.   Volume is as metaphysically antithetical to mind as hate to love, whereas water is as physically antithetical to brain as evil to goodness.


9.   Mass is as metaphysically antithetical to will as pain to pleasure, whereas earth is as physically antithetical to flesh as ugliness to beauty.


10.  The negative (vacuous) conditions of space, time, volume, and mass are the metaphysical causes of the negative (objective) physical elements of light, fire, water, and earth.


11.  The positive (subjective) conditions of will, mind, soul, and spirit are the metaphysical effects of the positive (plenumous) physical elements of flesh, brain, blood, and air.


12.  The illusion of light is metaphysically caused by the woe of space, which drives it outwards.


13.  The weakness of fire is metaphysically caused by the humiliation of time, which drives it outwards.


14.  The evil of water is metaphysically caused by the hatred of volume, which drives it outwards.


15.  The ugliness of earth is metaphysically caused by the pain of mass, which drives it outwards.


16.  Conversely, the joy of spirit is the metaphysical effect of the truth of air, which is centred inwards.


17.  The pride of soul is the metaphysical effect of the strength of blood, which is centred inwards.


18.  The love of mind is the metaphysical effect of the goodness of brain, which is centred inwards.


19.  The pleasure of will is the metaphysical effect of the beauty of flesh, which is centred inwards.