1.   Where spatial Space is the metaphysical cause of the outer light, spatial Heaven is the effective cause of the inner light.  Conversely, where the inner spirit is the metaphysical effect of spaced Heaven, the outer spirit is the causative effect of spaced Space.


2.   Where sequential Time is the metaphysical cause of the outer heat, sequential Hell is the effective cause of the inner heat.  Conversely, where the inner soul is the metaphysical effect of repetitive Hell, the outer soul is the causative effect of repetitive Time.


3.   Where volumetric Volume is the metaphysical cause of the outer coldness, volumetric Purgatory is the effective cause of the inner coldness.  Conversely, where the inner mind is the metaphysical effect of voluminous Purgatory, the outer mind is the causative effect of voluminous Volume.


4.   Where massed Mass is the metaphysical cause of the outer darkness, the massed World is the effective cause of the inner darkness.  Conversely, where the inner will is the metaphysical effect of the massive World, the outer will is the causative effect of massive Mass.


5.   Effective causes differ from metaphysical causes as phenomenal relativity from noumenal absolutism, just as causative effects differ from metaphysical effects as phenomenal relativity from noumenal absolutism.


6.   The negative elements of ... light, fire, water, and earth are reactions against the metaphysically unsatisfactory nature (vacuous) of the primal conditions.


7.   The positive elements of ... flesh, brain, blood, and air are attracted towards the metaphysically satisfactory nature (subjective) of the ultimate conditions.


8.   Light reacts against space, but air is attracted towards spirit (consciousness).


9.   Fire reacts against time, but blood is attracted towards soul (emotion).


10.  Water reacts against volume, but brain is attracted towards mind (intellect).


11.  Earth reacts against mass, but flesh is attracted towards will (pleasure).


12.  Hence the negative metaphysical conditions and their reactive elements can never be made the goal of evolutionary striving, since nothing defies the notion of an evolutionary goal more than these primal conditions/elements.


13.  One cannot approach the Clear Light of Space (the Void), since cosmic light is a reaction against space, and hence an outwards-tending element with a repellent appearance.


14.  One can only approach the Holy Spirit of Heaven, since Heaven (air) is an attraction towards spirit, and hence an inwards-tending element with a seductive essence.


15.  Spirit is the metaphysical salvation of air, space the metaphysical damnation of light.


16.  Likewise, soul is the metaphysical salvation of blood, time the metaphysical damnation of fire.


17.  Mind (intellect) is the metaphysical salvation of brain, volume the metaphysical damnation of water.


18.  Will (pleasurable sensation) is the metaphysical salvation of flesh, mass the metaphysical damnation of earth.


19.  From the truth of air (Heaven) to the joy of spirit (lightness).


20.  From the strength of blood (Hell) to the pride of soul (keenness).


21.  From the goodness of brain (Purgatory) to the love of mind (dullness).


22.  From the beauty of flesh (the World) to the pleasure of will (heaviness).


23.  Conversely, from the woe of space (Antiheaven) comes the illusion of light (brightness).


24.  From the humiliation of time (Antihell) comes the weakness of fire (hotness).


25.  From the hate of volume (Antipurgatory) comes the evil of water (coldness).


26.  From the pain of mass (the Antiworld) comes the ugliness of earth (darkness).