1.   The strength, power, 'greatness' ... of Great Britain ... is precisely what keeps Britain and, by implication, the British people from taking truth seriously.  The truth-seeker and/or advocator is (especially when Catholic Irish) 'beyond the pale', and therefore not someone to take seriously either.  Such a regrettable state-of-affairs can only persist so long as Britain is free to be 'Great' and, thus, no friend of either the meek or, worse again from Britain's viewpoint, the pure-in-spirit, whose wisdom is a variance with objective values.  For alpha and omega are incommensurate, and a society rooted in alpha, like Britain, can have no real understanding of or respect for omega.  Only when such a situation no longer exists, because Britain has democratically opted, under Messianic guidance, to dissolve itself and move from the superstate alpha to the nation-state middle-ground (of England, Scotland, and Wales) will matters be otherwise, with redemptive possibilities for the respective nations of what is currently Great Britain.  Only then will omega truth grow in appeal, becoming the goal and salvation of each nation, now One with the World (including, not least of all, Catholic Ireland).


2.   What happened in the Soviet Union with regard to the break-up of an imperialistic Superstate ... has yet to happen in the United Kingdom ... of Great Britain (in reality three separate nations) and Northern Ireland (in reality the greater part of a province of the Irish nation).  For only when the respective components of Great Britain democratically abandon the superstate alpha for the nation-state middle-ground ... will they be in a position similar to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc., from which the possibility of a democratically-sanctioned salvation (in religious sovereignty) from the World (of the middle-ground) can duly be engineered ... compliments of the Second Coming.


3.   What applies to Great Britain may even apply, in due course, to the United States of America and to a variety of other countries which retain a superstate status to the detriment of moral progress to the middle-ground and ... beyond.  For, assuredly, the 'stars and stripes' are incompatible with the supercross of the Centrist 'Kingdom of Heaven', since having more to do with fire and water than with earth and air.  Devolution from the alpha is a precondition of evolution towards the omega.  But it must be achieved with the democratic consent of the People as a whole!