1.   Miracles, siddhis, and other supernatural powers may be compatible with religious Fundamentalism, but they can have no place in religious Transcendentalism, which is 'beyond the pale' of mystical illusions.  A person rooted in the Cosmos, with a fundamentalist respect for the light, may well develop special powers and even be able to perform certain miracles.  But a person who has turned his back on such mysticism because reborn into the spirit ... will have no time for miraculous feats, since too evolved to be partial to actions which betray a cosmic allegiance.  His bias, on the contrary, will be towards the air and the attainment, through conscious focus, of a joyful lightness.  There is nothing miraculous in such a bias.  Only truth and deliverance from the World and, by implication, any contiguity with cosmic Pantheism.


2.   The true philosopher always writes aphoristically, with spaces between his entries and the avoidance, as a moral necessity, of too voluminous an impression.  For volume is of water, and hence the purgatorial Overworld of a lunar materialism, which has nothing whatsoever to do with true philosophy but everything, by contrast, to do with fiction and ... essayistic philosophy, the 'bovaryization' of philosophy relative to a purgatorial, or lunar, civilization ... such that fights shy of truth in its overriding concern, if positive, with intellectual goodness, the goodness, needless to say, of a middle-class mean.  No, true philosophy cannot be pursued on an essayistic basis, and that is why, as a self-styled true philosopher (a necessarily classless individual), I have rejected volume in deference to space, albeit with a bias, so far as possible, for spaced space over spatial space, in keeping with my omega orientation.  Hence the significance of fairly frequent capitalization in the more intensely spaced passages of my mature philosophy.


3.   The genuine philosopher, who is a classless exponent of truth, does not seek to write voluminous tomes, but keeps his work to a length well short of the voluminous, as befitting a Being of space.  In fact, truly true philosophy is only really conceivable on computer disc, since even short books, though they may strive to avoid creating an impression of volume, are still basically voluminous entities, and hence less well-suited to a delineation of space.  This is one of the main reasons why I do not write books or have my work published in book form, preferring to reserve my best thoughts for computer disc - an altogether more transcendental medium.  Thus instead of a book, a word disc.  And instead of intellectual goodness or, at best, goodly truth, the Truth ... such that only a genuine philosopher could be expected to write or, rather, key-in.


4.   Middle-class civilization, which is by definition lunar and purgatorial, does not encourage true philosophy but seeks to hype such philosophy as it produces to a standing it ill-deserves in relation to the Truth, and to regard its philosophers, in reality 'professors of philosophy' and purveyors of intellectual essays, as bona fide thinkers!  Worse, it strives to exclude from the category of serious philosopher ... all those who are without a degree in philosophy (PhD), thereby reducing philosophy to the academic parameters of its universities, wherein the professional teachers of philosophy are regarded as genuine philosophers and all those who pursue philosophy independently of a professorial commitment ... as amateurs or even, if too serious about themselves, charlatans or madmen!  For philosophy is only safe, from a middle-class viewpoint, when pursued within the academic context, wherein it will fall well short of the Truth and any threat, in consequence, to the intellectual status quo.... Or so one might be led to infer from the scrupulousness with which middle-class civilization makes academic philosophy the touchstone of what is authentic!