1.   As regards the negative alternative to positive technological stratagems ... it could even transpire that, rhetorical exaggerations of the apocalyptic variety notwithstanding, the siting of large shields at strategic positions in space specifically to reduce the sun's influence on the earth would lead to martial opposition from reactionary powers that had no wish to further such a reduction themselves, and who were prepared to wage war, by whatever means at their disposal, in defence of heathen traditions.


2.   In the event of the above hypothetical scenario ever transpiring, it could happen that victory by the more progressive side would result in the siting of solar shields over the loser's territory, thus assisting his progress towards some kind of moral parity with his former adversary.  For unless, one way or another, a 'level playing field' of environment and/or climate is established by dint of recourse to artificial means, it is difficult to foresee a harmonization or standardization of ideological sensibility throughout the planet.  Countries which suffer a hot/dry climate will simply continue to lag behind their more fortunate counterparts in temperate zones.  Yet, whatever their natural climates, it is my belief and hope that all countries will eventually have access to 'blocking devices' which, situated in space, will considerably reduce the sun's influence and thereby permit a much more uniformly-spread omega orientation than would otherwise be possible.  For as long as the sun continues to shine down upon the world, there will always be some justification for fundamentalist reaction to transcendentalist aspirations, and never more deeply than in countries which are most exposed to its powerful rays!


3.   Naturally, one would not wish to create a situation in which the earth became too cold in consequence of recourse to such blocking devices, or solar shields, since that could prove of more detriment to mankind's welfare than the unmitigated rays of a too fiercely-felt sun.  But some degree of protection from the sun's rays would, I feel confident, still be required, not least of all in relation to continuing ozone depletion, and should this result in a relative loss of temperature ... then alternative sources of heat would have to be utilized, including a much greater reliance on indoor artificial heating than had hitherto obtained and/or the design of specially protective masked zippersuits for use outdoors.

