1.   The naturalism of the heart vis-à-vis the idealism of the lungs along the horizontal axis, so to speak, of Hell and Heaven.


2.   The materialism of the brain vis-à-vis the realism of the sex organs along the vertical axis, so to speak, of Purgatory and the World.


3.   Twentieth-century society was rooted in the noumenal objectivity of the heart, and consequently its music was beat-driven and fundamentally emotional, if not emotive.


4.   Whenever the heart, and thus passion, is uppermost, the lungs tend to get a raw deal, and not simply in terms of suffering the indignities of tobacco abuse, etc., but with regard to a general marginalization of their status and/or function.


5.   It is not the body which is the 'temple of the Holy Ghost', but the lungs, the seat of all that is most divine in human beings.


6.   If the lungs are the 'temple of the Holy Ghost', as I believe, then it could be said of the heart that it is the 'temple of the Father', of the brain that it is the 'temple of the Son', and of the womb that it is the 'temple of the Mother'.  Thus the Holy Spirit of Heaven could only thrive on the basis of sound lungs, the Holy Soul of Hell (the Father) on the basis of a sound heart, the Holy Mind of Purgatory (the Son) on the basis of a sound brain, and the Holy Will of the World (the Mother) on the basis of a sound womb.


7.   Air is the plenum of Heaven, blood the plenum of Hell, intellect the plenum of Purgatory, and sperm the plenum of the World.  Hence the spirit (divine) needs air to be holy; the soul (diabolic) needs blood to be holy; the mind (masculine) needs intellect to be holy; and the will (feminine) needs sperm to be holy.


8.   Spirit without air is no more holy than soul without blood, mind without intellect, or will without sperm.  In fact, spirit without air is merely optical, soul without blood merely aural, mind without intellect merely verbal, and will without sperm merely sexual.  Thus instead of the Holy Spirit of Heaven, the Clear Light of Space; instead of the Holy Soul of Hell, the Clear Heat of Time; instead of the Holy Mind of Purgatory, the Clear Coldness of Volume; and instead of the Holy Will of the World, the Clear Darkness of Mass.


9.   Now, in this terrible time of ours, is the age when the vacuous alpha proclaims its hollow victory over the plenumous omega, the cross eclipsed by the star, and man is accordingly at odds with his true self.  Staring and listening have effectively eclipsed breathing and feeling, while lower down, so to speak, in the phenomenal realms ... speaking and fornicating have effectively eclipsed studying and breeding.  Whatever the spectrum one cares to dwell on, be it divine, diabolic, masculine, or feminine, the cursed alpha prevails over the blessed omega, and such will presumably continue to be the case until 'Kingdom Come', when, if all goes well from a Messianic standpoint, the alpha will be cast down and the omega resurrected on a supernoumenal basis ... such that will lead beyond the World to the heaven of ultimate salvation.


10.  The Jehovahesque nature of the Clear Light of Space; the Satanic nature of the Clear Heat of Time; the Antichristic nature of the Clear Coldness of Volume; and the Antivirginal nature of the Clear Darkness of Mass.  In fact, one could alternatively speak of the antispirit of the Clear Light of Space; the antisoul of the Clear Heat of Time; the antimind of the Clear Coldness of Volume; and the antiwill of the Clear Darkness of Mass, this latter commensurate with the Cursed Whore ... whereas the Holy Will of the World is commensurate with the Blessed Virgin.


11.  The vacuous spirit of optical delusion revels in Original Sin, while the vacuous soul of aural delusion revels in the Satanic Fall, the vacuous mind of verbal delusion in the Fall of Man, and the vacuous will of sexual delusion in the Fall of Woman.  And being vacuous, such revellings are cursed with the freedoms of their respective stars.


12.  Whatever the star's colour, whether white and stellar, or yellow and solar, or blue and lunar, or red and planar (planetary), those under it are cursed with the vacuous alpha of all that is not so much unholy (for that, after all, is only an outer manifestation of holiness), as antiholy, and hence profane, secular, evil, occult.  The star is always alpha, and whilst it may have eclipsed the cross in most Western countries, its victory is hollow because confined to a limited period of time, a period of necessarily profane time during which it will continue to devolve towards the extinction which inevitably awaits that which is contrary to human nature and thus morally untenable.  The star may be first now or not so, depending on the context, but it will be the supercross of spiritual resurrection which has the final say ... when the time comes for humanity to return to its centre and abandon the delusions of sense which deceived so many twentieth-century people into believing that freedom was a desirable end-in-itself and not merely a fall from some grace to which they may or may not have paid lip service from the hollow vacuums of the shadow selves whose victims they remained.  Only the Second Coming can now set humanity free of their delusions for the truth of a binding supreme - the binding to God ... the Holy Spirit of Heaven ... in 'Kingdom Come'.