1.   Having contended, some time ago, that magazines, newspapers, co-mags (comic books), and books appertain to a quadruplicity of intellectual materialism which has its axis, so to speak, in the neutron element of a lunar, or nonconformist, civilization, and then contrasted this quadruplicity with the instinctual realism of televisions, midis, video-recorders, and computers ... as germane to the electron(ic) element of a planar, or humanist, civilization, I should now like to categorically distinguish between the black-and-white, or monochromatic, essence of the former quadruplicity when its component media are truly germane to the lunar limbo, so to speak, of nonconformist civilization, and the colour, or polychromatic, essence of the latter quadruplicity when all the media which pertain to it are truly of the World and thus fully humanistic.  For it has to be admitted that both the media of the former and the latter quadruplicities can be either monochromatic or polychromatic, black-and-white or colour, and that this justifies us, I believe, in allowing for intermediate positions, relevant to each quadruplicity, and a further distinction, in consequence, between polychromatic magazines, newspapers, co-mags, and books on the one hand, and monochromatic televisions, radios, video-recorders, and computers on the other hand.


2.   Now it is my belief that whereas the intellectual quadruplicity will have a parliamentary correlation when monochromatic and thus properly lunar, the instinctual or wilful quadruplicity, by contrast, will have a social republican correlation when polychromatic and thus properly planar, or of the World.  The polychromatic alternative to the intellectual quadruplicity, however, will have a nonconformist republican correlation, whereas the monochromatic alternative to the instinctual quadruplicity will have a humanist republican correlation.  Thus where opposites meet ... in a kind of no-man's land of 'republican' compromise, the lunar quadruplicity (of magazines, newspapers, co-mags, and books) will be in colour, while the planar quadruplicity (of televisions, radios [midis being more properly of the World], video-recorders, and computers) will be in black-and-white.  The opposites that don't meet, like parliamentarians and socialist republicans, will remain respectively monochromatic and polychromatic, lunar and planar, with strongly neutron and electron implications.


3.   Heart, womb (or sex organs), and brain form a vicious circle of solar, planar, and lunar correlations which tend to perpetuate the class-bound status quo ... to the detriment of supra-terrestrial salvation from the World and/or its traditional oppressors.  Sex has the unfortunate consequence of ultimately transforming the principal protagonists into fathers and mothers, hearts/suns and wombs/earths, whose offspring are fated to become brains/moons ... in the formative years of schooling which follow infancy.  Hence fathers, mothers, and sons/daughters, with no holy ghosts of lungs/heavens to speak of ... short, that is, of either or both offspring (sons and daughters) refusing to become fathers and mothers when they grow up but opting, instead, to develop the spirit in transcendence of conventional social patterns, thereby becoming holy.  But such transcendence should not be confounded with a defiance of conventional social or sexual patterns ... such that simply results in unconventional ones instead!  For homosexuality and lesbianism have nothing to do with the sort of classless spiritual life I have in mind, being inverted forms of sexuality which fall short of fatherhood and motherhood to the degree that sons and daughters do when they opt simply to defy rather than either to conform (and become fathers and mothers themselves) or transcend (and become holy).  In fact, homosexuality is akin to polychromatic intellectual materialism (the quadruplicity of colour magazines, newspapers, co-mags, and books), while lesbianism is akin to monochromatic instinctual realism (the quadruplicity of black-and-white televisions, radios, video-recorders, and computers), both of which are somewhat androgynous in relation to the more heterosexual extremes of monochromatic intellectual materialism and polychromatic instinctual realism - the former of which seeks relief from its narrow masculinity through the polychromatic emotional naturalism, so to speak, of (filmic) fatherhood, and the latter of which develops its femininity away from adolescence through the polychromatic wilful realism of motherhood, thereby bringing the World to fruition.