1.   The extreme left-wing nature of hats contrasts absolutely with the extreme right-wing nature of hoods, while the left-wing nature of caps contrasts relatively with the right-wing nature of umbrellas.


2.   The solar Extreme Left contrasts absolutely with the stellar Extreme Right, while the planar Left contrasts relatively with the lunar Right.


3.   The noumenal objectivity (objectivism) of the Extreme Left contrasts absolutely with the noumenal subjectivity (subjectivism) of the Extreme Right, as the Devil with God, while the phenomenal subjectivity of the Left contrasts relatively with the phenomenal objectivity of the Right, as woman with man.


4.   One could speak of the heart as extreme left wing, in contrast to the extreme right-wing nature of the lungs.


5.   Likewise, to contrast the left-wing nature of the sex organs (including the womb) with the right-wing nature of the brain.


6.   To 'fall in love' is to succumb, through the emotions, to the heart, and thus to function as a devil vis-à-vis the object of desire.  Hence the subversive nature of love (and sex) from the standpoint of God.  For that which turns one against the subjective (and hence the lungs) is subversive, and contrasts with the conversion of the objective to subjectivity.


7.   When a man falls back on the heart through love and sex, he puts himself beneath the pale of salvation and all that is holy.  He becomes a creature of the Father, effectively extreme left wing in his identification, through love, with the blood.  At first he is impressed by the looks of the woman with whom he has 'fallen in love'.  Then he expresses himself verbally and/or physically to her.  Finally, he explodes into her, causing her to implode in orgasmic response.  He is thus a loser twice over - first through expression (a thing of the outer spirit), then through explosion (a thing of the outer light).  By contrast, his woman is a winner twice over - first through impression (a thing of the inner spirit), then through implosion (a thing of the inner light).  But both fall.


8.   Not for nothing are the Extreme Left synonymous with the colour red, in contrast to the white connotation (doubtless in imperfect allusion to the colourlessness of air) accruing to the Extreme Right.


9.   Likewise, one can contrast, relatively, the brown of the Left with the blue of the Right, socialism with capitalism.


10.  The extreme left-wing nature of time (sequential or repetitive) contrasts absolutely with the extreme right-wing nature of space (spatial or spaced).


11.  The left-wing nature of mass (massed or massive) contrasts relatively with the right-wing nature of volume (volumetric or voluminous).


12.  The superstar of noumenal objectivity in the extreme left-wing time of the Devil (Satan or the Father) contrasts absolutely with the supercross of noumenal subjectivity in the extreme right-wing space of God (Jehovah or the Holy Ghost).


13.  The star of phenomenal subjectivity in the left-wing mass of woman (the Cursed Whore or the Blessed Virgin) contrasts relatively with the cross of phenomenal objectivity in the right-wing volume of man (the Antichrist or Christ).


14.  The First (cross) of volume shall be the Last (superstar) of time, while the Last (star) of mass will be the First (supercross) of space.


15.  The damnation of the Right (Purgatory) in the Extreme Left (Hell) ... contrasts with the salvation of the Left (the World) in the Extreme Right (Heaven).  Cross to superstar, and star to supercross.


16.  Neo-Fascism is an imperfect intimation, harking back to fascist opposition to Bolshevism, of the 'Kingdom of Heaven' to come in the Social Transcendentalist Centre, when men will blend into the supreme individualism of the Divine, abandoning the collective delusions of the age for the salvation of God ... the Second Coming's/Holy Ghost's truth.


17.  The bad collectivism of the Devil contrasts absolutely with the good individualism of God, while the good collectivity of woman contrasts relatively with the bad individuality of man - objectivism with subjectivism, and subjectivity with objectivity.