1.   Man is most devilish when into the heart, most godly when into the lungs, most manly when into the brain, and most womanly when into the womb.


2.   In music, the spaces (gaps) between notes are their pitch, while the time (duration) between notes is their rhythm.  Hence to contrast the divine nature of pitch with the diabolic nature of rhythm.


3.   Likewise, the volume (number) of notes is their melody, while the mass (density) of notes is their harmony.  Hence to contrast the masculine nature of melody with the feminine nature of harmony.


4.   The spirit of the lungs responds to pitch, the soul of the heart to rhythm, the mind of the brain to melody, and the will of the flesh to harmony.


5.   The ultimate, or divine, music can only be rhythm-free ... as it ascends on the lightness of a pitch so spaced ... that there is little or nothing rhythmic about it.


6.   Laughter is a diabolical subversion of the lungs by the heart, which causes them to reverberate in rhythmical fashion, echoing its objectivity.  In laughter, the Devil demonstrates his contempt for God.


7.   In contrast to the above, crying is a divine conversion of the heart to the lungs, as it sobs out its contrition in pitch-oriented fashion, rising and falling with the breath.  In crying, the Devil achieves an accommodation with God.


8.   Ordinarily the Devil is a jerk, whose sexuality is masturbatory (rhythmic), whose music is percussive, and whose organ is the heart - that triangular embodiment of noumenal objectivity.


9.   A country/people with a 'large heart' are likely to have 'small lungs', i.e. will be more Devil than God, and hence more Doing than Being.


10.  Heterosexuality achieves an approximation to the Good, the True, and the Beautiful, corresponding, in musical terms, to melody, pitch, and harmony, through petting, kissing, and coupling.  The use of hands corresponds to melody, the use of lips to pitch, and the use of the sex organs to harmony.  Obviously, such an approximation is necessarily amoral in its all-embracing associations.


11.  The sexual jerk knows only the strength of rhythm ... as he masturbates in percussive aloofness from the Good, the True, and the Beautiful.


12.  One of the main logical contradictions of Christian theology was the adaptation of the Platonic triad ... of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful ... to the Blessed Trinity, so that God the Father (the True), God the Son (the Good), and God the Holy Ghost (the Beautiful) came to signify, as with Plato, three aspects of the same 'Divinity', what he called Eros, or Love, and these virtues were thought to be somehow interconnected.  In reality, however (the sexual analogue of petting [the Good], kissing [the True], and coupling [the Beautiful] notwithstanding), nothing could be further from the truth!  For truth has nothing to do with the Father and everything to do with the Holy Spirit, while beauty is a quality, or virtue, of the World, and thus of the Blessed Virgin.  What the Platonic triad overlooked ... was strength, the pagan virtue of the Strong, and it is in the Father that strength finds its virtuous place.  Hence the phrase 'the Good, the True, and the Beautiful' has nothing whatsoever to do with the Blessed Trinity, but only with the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Mother (in that order).  The Father, corresponding to strength, is 'beneath the pale' of this virtuous phrase, much as, in music, rhythm is 'beneath the pale' of melody, pitch, and harmony, whilst, in sex, masturbating is 'beneath the pale' of petting, kissing, and coupling.  Yet such a combination of factors, amounting to a sort of 'Three in One', is a far cry from the Blessed Trinity which, contrary to the goodness, truth, and beauty of our Platonic triad, is rooted in strength, the strength of the Father, Who is the One with whom the goodness of the Son and the beauty (sic) of the Holy Spirit are consanguineous.  Clearly, such a patent falsehood will not and cannot do justice to the Holy Spirit, which is far more than beauty!  We Social Transcendentalists, for whom the Holy Spirit of Heaven is the One True God, must uproot this falsehood of strength posing as truth ... in order that the Holy Spirit may be set free of the lie and live the truth it so richly deserves.  Only then will the Holy Spirit of Heaven come truly to pass, consigning the Holy Soul of Hell, the lie of the Father, to the 'rubbish heap' of theological history, and its Church along with it!  For as long as strength continues to pose as truth, people will be obliged to worship this 'truth' rather than achieve the truth themselves.  Only in and through the Holy Spirit of Heaven can they ultimately be set free.