1.   The extreme left-wing nature of crime vis-à-vis the right-wing nature of punishment - barbarism and civilization.


2.   The left-wing nature of sin vis-à-vis the extreme right-wing nature of grace - nature and culture.


3.   The criminality of the Devil vis-à-vis the punitive redress of man -   fundamentalism and nonconformism.


4.   The sinfulness of woman vis-à-vis the graciousness of God -   humanism and transcendentalism.


5.   Crime and punishment hang together like the sun and the moon, whereas sin and grace go together like the earth and the Beyond.


6.   By the grace of God ... the Second Coming ... will the World be saved from its sins for the joy of the (Social Transcendentalist) Beyond.


7.   The brain of Europe vis-à-vis the womb of Africa in a vertical axis that is flanked, so to speak, by the (horizontal axis of the) heart of America and the lungs of Asia.  Or, in metaphysical parlance, the intellectuality of Europe vis-à-vis the sexuality of Africa on the one hand, but the emotionality of America vis-à-vis the spirituality of Asia on the other hand.


8.   Photography is the modern form of art no less than films the modern form of drama.  For photography, like art, is spatial, whereas film, like drama, is massed.  Negative Being and negative Giving.


9.   Being transcendentalist (of space), art is centred in Alpha God (Jehovah), and music in Omega God (the Holy Spirit).


10.  Being fundamentalist (of time), dance is rooted in Alpha Devil (Satan), and poetry in Omega Devil (the Father).


11.  Being nonconformist (of volume), pottery is centred in alpha man (the Antichrist), and literature in omega man (Christ).


12.  Being humanist (of mass), drama is rooted in alpha woman (the Antimother), and sculpture in omega woman (the Mother).


13.  Art is most pure in drawing, the mode of art closest, when linear, to the Clear Light of Space, whereas in painting it is effectively in a fallen state which brings it closer to the Clear Heat of Time.  For there is something fiery and solar-like about paint, especially when in bright colours.


14.  However that may be, art is essentially no good at intimating of the Holy Spirit of Heaven, for the dimension of spatial space is down and up or backwards and forwards, whereas the dimension of spaced space is in and out, as in the breath, for which only the best music will suffice.  For, in the final analysis, art is of the light and music, by contrast, of the spirit, which is all the difference of alpha and omega.