1.   Although we speak rather glibly of human beings, the extent to which most people in the late-twentieth century were in fact human beings was, and continues to be, arguably less than would justify the use of such a term in regard to them.  The greater number of people are now, as then, primarily and predominantly not human beings at all but either human doings (people closer to the heart than to the lungs in their attitude towards and conduct of life), human takings (people for whom the brain is paramount), or human givings (people for whom the body, and hence the sexual organs and/or womb is the predominating influence).  Thus one is obliged to confess that human beings (people for whom the lungs are of paramount importance in their attitude towards and conduct of life) are somewhat in the minority in a world where human doings, human takings, and human givings tend to preponderate ... to the detriment of Being.  In fact, the spiritual nature of human beings is such ... that they can only be true outsiders in an age and society dominated by human doings and thus, effectively, by the Devil.


2.   To contrast, noumenally, the extreme right-wing and classless nature of human beings with the extreme left-wing and upper-class nature of human doings on the one hand, that of the lungs and the heart, but to contrast, phenomenally, the right-wing and middle-class nature of human takings with the left-wing and working-class nature of human givings on the other hand, that of the brain and the body (sex organs).  A human being is effectively a heavenly person, a human doing, by contrast, a hellish one.  A human taking is effectively a purgatorial person, a human giving, by contrast, a mundane one.


3.   The Solar System contains its own Hell and Heaven in the form of the Sun on the one hand and the planet Saturn on the other hand, the Sun being a raging inferno and Saturn a gaseous globe surrounded by halo-like rings.  Hence from the Hell of the Sun to the Heaven of Saturn via the purgatorial and mundane realms of the moon and the earth.


4.   Whereas the moon is effectively right wing in its correlation, on Earth, with capitalism, liberalism, parliamentarianism, nonconformism, etc., the earth is effectively left wing in its correlation, in the World, with socialism, humanism, republicanism, Catholicism, etc.  By comparison to the earth, the Sun is effectively extreme left wing in its correlation, on Earth, with communism, Bolshevism, authoritarianism, fundamentalism, etc., while, in comparison  to the moon, Saturn is effectively extreme right wing in its correlation, in the World, with corporatism, fascism, totalitarianism, transcendentalism, etc.


5.   It is questionable whether we would be composites of heart, lungs, brain, and body if the Solar System had been arranged differently; for it seems to me that whereas the heart derives, in its essentials, from the Sun, the lungs derive from a quite contrary source, probably Saturn, and that while these exist in a state of absolute tension on one level, namely noumenal, the brain and the sexual body exist in a state of relative tension on another level, namely phenomenal, with the former deriving, in all probability, from the moon and the latter from the earth itself.  Doubtless other sources of derivation also exist in regard, for example, to blood and bones (Venus and Mars?), since mankind is a composite of many different tensions which jostle for supremacy in an uneasy symbiosis based on cosmic precedent.


6.   If, traditionally, the heart has maintained an ascendancy over the lungs and continued to dominate life on Earth, it should not be forgotten that the Sun is a more influential and powerful body than Saturn, which remains unseen.  Yet, that said, Saturn is structurally closer to us than the Sun, and we achieve our true centre not in the heart but in the lungs, which bring us to God.  The heart, by contrast, drives us towards the Devil, wherein we are consumed alive by emotional fire (passion).


7.   The esteem in which the heart was held in the twentieth century is proof of the extent to which modern man is a slave of the Devil and a victim of Hell.  A more enlightened age would ensure, having minimized the sun's influence, that the heart was relegated to a position of negligible importance ... as the evaluation of life proceeded according to divine principles.  The heart would neither be seen nor heard in an age and society when the majority of people, properly become human beings, were more interested in listening to the counsel of their lungs.


8.   With time on the 'rubbish heap of history', the beat would fade away, together with the State and all that was contrary to the Centre, wherein God has His throne.  Only the divine pitch of a Saturn-oriented (super)humanity adrift on the peace of space would prevail ... for all Eternity.