1.   Truth is not only 'beyond the pale' of strength, its diabolic adversary, but also 'beyond the pale' of goodness and beauty, which are more usually apperceived, by their practitioners, as ends-in-themselves rather than as means to a new end - the end, namely of truth.  Hence those who struggle for truth have to be aware that not only strength, as symbolized by the Father, but goodness and beauty, as symbolized by the Son and the Mother respectively, are ranged against it from their various standpoints.  For truth, which is symbolized by the Holy Spirit, is a pariah wherever class-bound individuals are the order of the day, as they will be in any open society.


2.   When nature apes culture, as it often does in women, e.g. elaborate make-up, ponytailed long hair, conspicuous ornaments, seductive clothing, etc., then culture is in trouble.  For nature-as-culture suffices for most men, just as beauty-as-truth suffices for most artists.  True culture, which is independent of nature, languishes on the periphery of a society which is dominated by nature posing as culture.  For such a situation ensures that the World remains an end-in-itself rather than the sinful precondition of a divine Beyond.  It is as though the World was playing at being God, with no place, in consequence, for culture or truth, which, sadly, stay very much 'beyond the pale'.


3.   A society which shuts out the possibility of divine intervention and deliverance by making a virtue of class-bound contexts in open-society fashion ... is doomed to perpetuate the World and its oppressions/oppressors.  By making the Father synonymous with God, Who is in Heaven, such a society precludes God from literally coming to pass, since the only God Who is or ever could be in Heaven is the Holy Spirit (of Heaven), and such a God is the One True God in consequence of 'His' position in Heaven as consciousness of (the interior lightness of) air.  Yet such a God, denied Heaven, is necessarily marginalized in societies which make the Father synonymous with God.  For the Father is not even what could be called the One False God, the Jehovahesque Clear Light of the Void, but no God at all, since He is neither illusion nor truth but strength, and thus an Omega Devil whose position, as the positive counterpart of the weak or negative Devil (Satan), is not in Heaven (the air) but in Hell (the blood), and who is accordingly a Devil in Hell, not a God in Heaven!  Only when this fraudulent God, this positive Devil, is exposed for what He really signifies, to be democratically consigned to the 'rubbish heap of (religious) history', will it be possible for the term 'God' to break free of falsity and embrace the Holy Spirit of Heaven, as it so very desperately needs to, if truth is finally to prevail and religion be saved from the clutches of the great lie, viz. the Almighty.  A positive Devil may be preferable to a negative one, just as Count Dracula is preferable to the Sun, his great enemy, but such a Devil is still a far cry from God, and God will continue to languish in the classless wilderness of the so-called lunatic fringe so long as His place is taken by the Father, and people continue to believe, falsely, that He reigns in Heaven and that, ipso facto, the 'Kingdom of Heaven' depends upon His will.  In reality, it depends upon the will of the Second Coming, who is One with the Holy Spirit, and his will is to see that not only is Heaven understood in relation to focused air, but that it becomes inseparable from the Holy Spirit ... as the Holy Spirit of Heaven, which leaves neither room nor place for any other deity's claim upon it, and no room or place, in consequence, for the Father.  Nor, needless to say, for the 'Gods' of man and woman, whose claim on Heaven is even weaker, or more spurious, than the Father's, given their more phenomenal standings, and whose familial titles ... as Son and Mother ... would be no less irrelevant to a post-familial 'Kingdom of Heaven' than the Father.  Verily, when the 'Kingdom of Heaven' literally comes to pass, there will be no Gods but the One True God, the Holy Spirit of Heaven, whose 'Kingdom' will last for ever!  Thus speaks the prophet of the One True God!