1.   If God per se is the Holy Spirit of Heaven and the Devil per se the Clear Heat of Time, then man per se is the Unclear Coldness of Purgatory and woman per se the Unholy Will of Mass.  In the cases of God and the Devil, we have chosen the most extreme noumenal standings, viz. those of the omega divine and the alpha diabolic respectively, whereas in the cases of man and woman we have chosen the moderate phenomenal standings of the alpha-in-the-omega purgatorial and the omega-in-the-alpha mundane.


2.   Woman does not usually go beyond the World but finds her 'salvation' in the Holy Will of the World, which is maternal devotion to the Unclear Darkness of the World, viz. her offspring.  To achieve such a mundane salvation, however, she must seduce a man-become-Devil to the World or, rather, her flesh, so that he ceases to feel the Clear Heat of Time (love) and achieves release as the Clear Darkness of Mass, which is Devil-become-sin, and thereby enters into carnal relations with the Unholy Will of Mass.  Only thus can a woman fulfil herself, achieving through pregnancy the Unclear Darkness of the World and through motherhood her release from this burden in the Holy Will of the World.  First weakness is tempted by pleasure; for man-become-Devil is emotionally weak and woman-as-temptress sensuously strong.  Then weakness succumbs to ugliness and enters into sin.  Assuming pregnancy is the ensuing result of this dual between ugliness and pleasure, pain becomes the woman's fate, and only after she has been delivered from this worldly hell with childbirth ... does she enter into that beauty immortalized by thousands of artists in the form of the Blessed Virgin's maternal devotion to her Child.  It is this beauty of the Holy Will of the World which is the salvation of woman, and that is as far as she goes.  Truth and Heaven are, for the most part, beyond her powers and desires; for she is fundamentally a creature of the Unholy Will of Mass, which is the flesh and its craving for pleasure, and thus one who sucks-up to the Devil, to man-become-Devil, in order to have her way and thereby capitalize on his emotional fire.


3.   Were man-become-Devil to remain merely consumed in his emotional fire instead of succumbing to the pleasure of fleshy temptation, he would be a jerk and a victim, in all probability, of unrequited love.  In fact, man-become-Devil is a jerk until he succumbs to the flesh and thereupon enacts the ugliness of copulation, abandoning the solar region for the more earthly one of Devil-become-sin.  For a pleasurable relationship with the flesh, with feminine nature, is precisely what is sinful, since it constitutes a fall from love to lust, and usually has the effect of perpetuating the World, which, in pregnancy, is the feminine hell of a pain so intense ... that it puts paid to all pleasure for its duration, as nature is eclipsed by the World, or flesh by the womb, preparatory to the volcano-like deliverance which precipitates pain into the arms of beauty and the relative salvation which this generally entails.  Yet if woman transcends the pain of the World, she does not transcend its beauty, and often enough the whole process of seduction and suffering is repeated, as woman slides back from beauty towards pleasure and seduces man-become-Devil afresh, leading him into mortal sin.