1.   The relative salvation (Purgatory) of Christ contrasts, phenomenally, with the relative damnation (the World) of the Mother, while the absolute salvation (Heaven) of the Holy Ghost contrasts, noumenally, with the absolute damnation (Hell) of the Father.  Likewise, the relative antisalvation (lunar materialism) of the Antichrist contrasts, phenomenally, with the relative antidamnation (mundane realism) of the Antimother, while the absolute antisalvation (cosmic idealism) of the Antispirit contrasts, noumenally, with the absolute antidamnation (solar naturalism) of the Antifather.


2.   The relative salvation of the mind (intellect) as opposed to the relative damnation of the flesh (pregnancy) on the one hand, but the absolute salvation of the spirit (air) as opposed to the absolute damnation of the soul (blood) on the other hand.  Likewise, the relative antisalvation of the antimind (brain) as opposed to the relative antidamnation of the antiflesh (sex) on the one hand, but the absolute antisalvation of the antispirit (light) as opposed to the absolute antidamnation of the antisoul (fire) on the other hand.


3.   'Anti' equals negative, and negative contrasts with positive as particles with wavicles, alpha with omega, science with religion, objective with subjective, outer with inner, and centrifugal with centripetal.


4.   Now that the heart-devil is so paramount, the lung-god is effectively 'beyond the pale', neither seen nor heard, but effectively despised and rejected as a transcendental aberration.  The day of deliverance, whereby the lung-god will be freed from the tyranny of the heart-devil, has yet to come, but when it does the lung-god will be paramount and the heart-devil subordinated to its divine will.


5.   One cannot ever entirely wrench God from the Devil (or vice versa), but one can transmute them forwards in terms of evolutionary progress and ... alter the ratio of the one to the other.


6.   It is debatable whether one can ever entirely wrench omega (diabolic or divine) from alpha; for even the most advanced space centre of the future would probably - indeed almost certainly - have artificial heating and lighting facilities on board which would reflect the most artificial transmutation of the alpha in line with, and effective service of, the ultimate manifestations of the omega, viz. heart- and/or lung-like devices for the sustenance of Eternal Life.


7.   Ideological absolutes should more be thought of in terms of greater or lesser ratios of plus to minus, or omega to alpha, than of literally absolute existences.  Too literal an absolutism is simply chimerical, and hence both unrealistic and naive.


8.   Rock 'n' Roll is, as suggested by the title, the 'sinful' music of those for whom the fall of man-become-Devil to woman-in-nature is of especial practical significance.  Such 'sinfulness' is of the relative antidamnation of the antiflesh, viz. sex, whereby the hardness of diabolic 'Rock' enters the softness of natural 'Roll', to enact the Rock 'n' Roll-like rhythms of coitus.


9.   Yoga is the 'spirituality' of the World - a sort of feminine subjectivity whose focus is necessarily physical.  Women do not, as I have already argued, transcend the World.  But neither are they fully and properly feminine until they achieve the World through pregnancy and, ultimately, motherhood.  Thus it could be argued that woman per se is of the World and not nature, bearing in mind the superficially objective but profoundly subjective phenomenal distinctions which exist between the two contexts, or poles, of mundane life.