1.   Like woman, God per se is also omega and not alpha, which is to say, of Heaven (the Holy Spirit) rather than the Cosmos (the Clear Light), given the superficially objective but profoundly subjective noumenal distinctions which exist between the two poles of divine life.  The crucial difference between the subjectivity of woman per se and the subjectivity of God per se, however, is that whereas the former's is phenomenal, the latter's is noumenal - all the difference, in short, between the World and Heaven.


2.   In complete contrast to God and woman, both the Devil and man are rooted in the alpha, since their spectra, so to speak, are profoundly objective but superficially subjective, as befitting the objective basis of both the sun and the moon.  Hence whereas the Devil per se is of the sun (Satan) rather than of Hell (the Father), man per se is of the moon (Antichrist) rather than of Purgatory (Christ).  This explains, in large measure, why man per se is always vulnerable to and likely to become the Devil, given his objective basis.  To have any chance of avoiding the Devil and drawing nearer to God, man must be 'born again' and thus go against his natural grain, as it were, in the name of Christ, thereby achieving a degree of purgatorial subjectivity, necessarily superficial, which should nevertheless stand him in good stead for the possibility of divine redemption in the profound subjectivity of the heavenly Beyond.


3.   Yet even 'Christic' man is still vulnerable to the possibility of diabolic subversion in the superficial subjectivity of the hellish Behind, becoming One with the Father in a loving relationship to woman.  Purgatory is no guarantee of salvation.  It can just as easily lead to Hell, and thus to love of a particular woman as a precondition of a fall into sexual sin.  The only difference between this and the Satanic Fall is that whereas this one follows from love, the Satanic Fall of the Devil per se follows from hate, from a profoundly objective attitude to women which smacks, in its centrifugal weakness, of so-called Free Love.  Such a fall does, however, stem from being man per se, and thus one who is given, in Antichristic materialism, to the profound objectivity of a lunar bias, phenomenal duly eclipsed by noumenal as one slides towards the negative emotions of a solar damnation.  If one thing is worse than bound love, it is this free love, which tends to lead not to the World but to nature, wherein it bogs down in the sinful embrace of the Cursed Whore, promiscuity following promiscuity in a vicious circle of sex-for-sex's sake.  What 'the Father has joined together' may not be truly of God (the Holy Spirit of Heaven), but it is at least at a subjective remove from the Devil per se, and is thus 'the best of a bad job', so to speak.  Better, of course, if, in being 'born again', one avoids succumbing to love and duly concentrates on attaining to the heavenly Beyond of the 'peace that surpasses all understanding', so that, instead of being eclipsed by soul, one's intellect paves the way for the spirit's triumph, and Christic man comes, at last, into the divine presence of God per se.