1.   There are two main sexual modes of kissing, viz. the protracted 'romantic' kiss, in which one or both (though usually the male) partners are engaged in seemingly sucking the air out of the other's lungs, and, contrary to this, the so-called 'French kiss', in which the male partner inserts his tongue into the female's mouth and effectively proceeds to 'deep throat' her.  Both modes of kissing, I shall show, are equally diabolical, though in opposite ways.  That is to say, in terms of an alpha/omega dichotomy between the negative diabolism, as it were, of the Antifather, viz. Satan, and the positive diabolism of the Father - the former relative to the so-called 'French kiss' and the latter to its more 'romantic' antithesis.


2.   Thus the significance of kissing lies in the affirmation of the diabolic and, by implication, negation of the divine, since it is an activity which, at the sexual level we are discussing, stems from the diabolical imposition of man-become-Devil, whether negatively or positively, upon woman, who may or may not respond in kind.  In the case of negative kissing, i.e. the 'Satanic' kissing of an overly intrusive tongue, we have the analogy with fire, or 'tongues of fire', as man-become-Satan inserts his tongue into the mouth of woman-as-nature and thereby affirms a free-loving diabolism of a centrifugal weakness, fire effectively eclipsing the light (of her eyes) as his tongue probes deeper into his partner's mouth.  In the case of positive kissing, i.e. the 'romantic' kissing of protracted sucking, we have a vampire-like analogy, necessarily partial to the blood, in which man-become-Father applies his lips to woman-as-World and thereby affirms the bound-loving diabolism of a centripetal strength, heart effectively eclipsing lungs as his lips suck out the air from his partner's mouth in the interests of a passionate declaration.  Thus where negative kissing is of the Devil per se, and hence fiery, positive kissing is of the Father, whose throne is the heart and medium the blood.  In neither of these cases does God, whether negative or positive, alpha or omega, receive the slightest respect.  For kissing is an affirmation of fundamentalism and effective refutation, in consequence, of transcendentalism.  One kisses when one is not of God but of the Devil in one or both of his diabolical manifestations.  A man of God is beyond kissing.


3.   If women do not kiss as passionately or lustily as men, or as man-become-Devil, it is because they are less diabolical than natural and/or worldly, and hence creatures who react to the kissing imposition from above in the diabolic Behind.  By a like-token, they do not love or lust as vehemently as men, given their mundane status as creatures of nature and/or the World who are the object rather than subject of love or lust, viz. romantic bound love or Satanic free love, according to the mode of descent from above.