1.   If Woman is less emotional and spiritual than man, it is not simply because she has a smaller heart and smaller lungs (although this fact is certainly of some relevance here).  More significant in this respect is the prominence of her breasts, which tend to 'screen off' both heart and lungs to an extent which ensures that they will always be subordinate to her body.  In fact, the relatively close proximity of these milk-producing and milk-bearing organs to both the heart and the lungs guarantees that the latter remain in the shadow, so to speak, of her bodily essence, since the bloody hotness of the heart is no less incapable of rising above the milky coldness of the breasts ... than the airy lightness of the lungs can rise above their fleshy heaviness, with due regard to their milky contents.  Hence the breasts act as a sort of barrier to both the soul and the spirit, smothering them beneath the weight of their fluidal contents.  For this reason, woman is generally incapable of becoming either genuinely diabolic or divine, but remains rooted to the mundane on account of the preponderating physicality, or fleshiness, of her body.  Even in intellectual terms she is generally at a disadvantage to man, given the smaller size of her brain and the considerable demands made upon it by her body.  The Trinity is effectively above her, whether in terms of Hell, Purgatory, or Heaven, viz. the Father, the Son, or the Holy Ghost.  For not only are Hell and Heaven effectively 'screened off' by her breasts, but Purgatory-as-an-intellectual-means-to-spiritual-Heaven is also largely irrelevant, in view of her physical incapacity to achieve Heaven.  She can only really relate to the Mother, and hence the World, of which she is the human microcosm.  Christ's message is largely wasted on her!


2.   The CND symbol, with its two oblique bands stemming from one vertical band or, equivalently, three bands at the bottom and one elongated band at the top, is rather like an inverted Trinity which, because of its lowly position in the overall design, is subordinate to the Mother, or woman, or feminism, as symbolized by the vertical band at the top.  In fact, it was a perfect symbol of the twentieth century, which turned traditional values on their head and brought Hell-Purgatory-Heaven low in order to raise the World up, so that it was woman, paradoxically, who effectively ruled the roost and continued - and continues even now - to dominate the age.  But such an inverted situation invariably means that secular values take precedence over religious ones, since there can be no religion, of whatever persuasion, when the Trinity is at the bottom and the Mother at the top.  Only heathenism and its mundane corollary - scarcely recognizable in the circumstances as 'sin' - of fleshy self-indulgence.


3.   Such, then, is the reality of the Modern Age, with its feminine disregard for masculine or male values, a reality in which naturalism, materialism, and idealism are trodden underfoot by triumphal realism which necessarily subordinates, and subverts, other values in accordance with its mundane will.  Certainly it will not help to turn the age, and thus by implication the Trinity, the other way up in order to restore religion to its former prominence.  For that would simply be to resurrect the Middle Ages and the Christian civilization in general.  Time cannot be reversed, nor would it serve any useful moral purposes for us to attempt reversing it.  What we must do is progress to an age in which the highest religious values, viz. those of the Holy Spirit of Heaven, will prevail, with no place, in consequence, for the Holy Soul of Hell, viz. the Father, or the Holy Mind of Purgatory, viz. the Son.  Thus if we are to turn the CND symbol up the other way, it must be on a basis that acknowledges the supremacy of the Holy Spirit and indicates an idealistic resolve to go beyond Christ, and thus the central band of our Trinity, through the Second Coming.  We must add the arrow of the 'masculine sign' to the third band of the Trinity or, more correctly, align the masculine symbol with the third band of the supercross ... in order that there can be no doubt as to the way ahead, the way of the Holy Spirit of Heaven, and hence the transcendental Beyond, in what would effectively be a Saturn-oriented transvaluation.