1.   Christ saves from the Mother through the Blessed Virgin.  Likewise, the Holy Spirit saves from the Father through the Second Coming.


2.   Given that woman is a creature of nature/the world, one has to ask, after Baudelaire, what business can she have in Church, the 'House of Christ', as of the 'Christian Lord', when she is fundamentally incapable of, and therefore indisposed to, taking the Trinity seriously, the Second Part of it no less than the more extreme First and Third parts, which correspond, so I contend, to Hell and Heaven?  Doubtless there has to be an accommodation of woman to religion, and the Blessed Virgin is the exemplar of female virtue.  Yet woman is fundamentally irreligious, if not anti-religious, and therefore she can never be more than an interested spectator in the 'House of Christ', which is a sort of purgatorial precondition of Heaven and the spiritual peace that surpasses all (intellectual) understanding.  She cannot be a religious leader, and no Church worthy of religious leadership would ever encourage her to take central stage, as it were, and represent Christ to the faithful.  Rather, such a representation would amount to a subversion of Christ and hence Purgatory.  It would be a reflection of the Mother riding high at the Trinity's expense, with consequences which, though arguably beneficial to the World, could only be detrimental to otherworldly aspirations.  For a creature who, for physical reasons, ultimately cannot take Heaven seriously ... will be indisposed to using the intellect as a stepping-stone to the spirit.  On the contrary, its use will be in the service of the World and thus the body.  For such is the way of things with woman, and a worldly Church is no church at all but a refutation of Christ and formula for heathen darkness.


3.   Now is the time of the heathen darkness whose voice is feminism, naturism, worldism, socialism, motherism, healthism, athleticism, equalism, bodyism, animalism, etc.  God is indeed 'dead', as far as the Trinity is concerned.  But the Dead can be resurrected by the Second Coming, and civilization once more blossom at nature's expense.  Only this time civilization will be absolutist and thus orientated, through spiritual culture, towards the transcendental Beyond.  The resurrection of God from the dead will apply to the Holy Spirit alone; for that is the only part of the Trinity which is potentially commensurate with God, and thus salvation.  Its resurrection, through the Second Coming, will free it from the Trinity and enable it to achieve wholeness as the Holy Spirit of Heaven.  This God is alone true.  Only this God has a right to Eternal Life.  For the Holy Spirit of Heaven is the Resurrection!