1.   Civilization is the cradle in which culture is nurtured.  Barbarism, by contrast, is the flame which ignites nature.


2.   Christ stands between the Father and the Holy Ghost as man between subman and superman.  Man can thus go either backwards, within masculinity, to the subman or forwards to the superman; backwards, within Purgatory, to Hell or forwards to Heaven; backwards, within the ego, to the subconscious or forwards to the superconscious; backwards, within Christ, to the Devil or forwards to God; backwards, within sanity, to subsanity or forwards to supersanity; backwards, within the intellect, to the soul or forwards to the spirit; backwards, within nonconformism, to fundamentalism or forwards to transcendentalism; backwards, within materialism, to naturalism or forwards to idealism; backwards, within volume, to time or forwards to space.  Man has this choice; woman doesn't.  Woman receives what goes backwards, whereas that which goes forwards transcends her.


3.   One could paradoxically describe barbarism as noumenal nature and nature as phenomenal barbarism.  Or, similarly, culture as noumenal civilization and civilization as phenomenal culture.  But the important thing to realize is that nature stems from barbarism, no less than civilization leads to culture.  For nature is a phenomenal fall from barbarism, whereas culture is a noumenal rise from civilization.


4.   Civilization thrives at nature's expense, like Purgatory, and hence Christ, at the expense of the World, but only culture can lead beyond civilization to a degree which puts barbarism beneath the heavenly pale.  This is the true culture of the 'Kingdom of Heaven'.


5.   To contrast the 'civilized barbarism' of a constitutional monarchy with the 'barbarous civilization' of a parliamentary democracy - the former relatively noumenal and the latter relatively phenomenal.


6.   Likewise to contrast the 'pure barbarism' of an authoritarian monarchy with the 'pure civilization' of a republican democracy - the former absolutely noumenal and the latter absolutely phenomenal.


7.   Were there fewer Irish comedians, it is probable that there would be fewer 'Irish jokes'.


8.   'Irish jokes' are rooted in the inability of the British to come to terms with an omega-oriented 'thickness', or centripetal subjectivity.


9.   Part of the reason why the British reject too centripetal and subjective a lifestyle is that Britain is, by and large, exposed to more sunshine than Ireland, and accordingly its citizens are generally more pragmatic in regard to 'pagan' values.


10.  Were moral values entirely conditioned by climate, however, one could change one's morality from climate to climate or country to country, like a chameleon its colours.  There are, fortunately, profounder reasons for adherence to a given pattern of morality than the weather!


11.  Were Ireland less exposed to frequent rain, it is likely that the Irish would drink less than is generally the case.


12.  Yet, here, too, weather is only a superficial and apparent reason for Ireland's reputation for drinking.  A deeper reason must lie with the moral correlation which exists between Christ and water, or Purgatory and fluids, which adds a certain cultural resonance to the alleged Irish predilection for drink.  Such a predilection, however, would cease to have anything like the same cultural resonance within a heavenly context, the context, we may suppose, of the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


13.  At the back of, and anterior to, the subnaturalism of solar fundamentalism lies the supernaturalism of cosmic transcendentalism, the negative supernaturalism of the (Jehovahesque) Clear Light of the Void, which stands in an antithetical context to the positive supernaturalism of the Holy Spirit of Heaven.  Both modes of supernaturalism are, however, relative to the Beyond, which is a divine definition.  In this regard, they contrast with the subnaturalism not only of solar fundamentalism, which is necessarily negative, but also with the positive subnaturalism of bloody fundamentalism, both of which appertain, in antithetical ways, to the diabolic Behind.  Hence the Behind, like the Beyond, can be either alpha or omega, negative or positive, objective or subjective, centrifugal or centripetal, particles or wavicles.  Adherence to the one necessarily excludes the other, as does adherence to either of their respective poles.  The 'God-person' who is for the Holy Spirit of Heaven (Omega Point) cannot also be for the Clear Light of the Void (Jehovah), and vice versa.  Neither can the 'Devil-person' who is for the Holy Soul of Hell (the Father) possibly be for the Clear Heat of Time (Satan), or vice versa.


14.  The 'subnaturalism' of fire/soul contrasts, absolutely, with the 'supernaturalism' of light/spirit.  Devil and God are as noumenally antithetical as it is possible to be.


15.  Every alpha phenomenon acquires an omega alternative and antithesis in the course of time: television acquires a video-tape alternative, radio an audio-tape alternative, record players a compact-disc alternative, computers a CD-ROM alternative.  And these omega alternatives grow and prosper at the alpha's expense.


16.  Television and radio, together with their tape alternatives, stand to record players and computers, not to mention their compact-disc alternatives, as barbarism and nature to civilization and culture respectively, which is to say, as fundamentalist and humanist phenomena to nonconformist and transcendentalist phenomena.  Although, strictly speaking, only radio/audio tapes and record players/compact discs are properly phenomenal, given their planar/lunar standing in between the solar/stellar extremes of television/video tapes and computers/CD-ROMs, which more correspond, on account of their light-emitting properties, to the noumenal.


17.  Thus from the particle alpha of television to the wavicle omega of video tapes on the hellish spectrum of solar fundamentalism; from the particle alpha of computers to the wavicle omega of CD-ROMs on the heavenly spectrum of stellar transcendentalism; from the particle alpha of record players to the wavicle omega of compact discs on the purgatorial spectrum of lunar nonconformism; and from the particle alpha of radios to the wavicle omega of audio tapes on the mundane spectrum of planar humanism.


18. Watching television is a little like sucking-up, in heliotropic fashion, to the sun.  In fact, it is fundamentally a feminine, and hence heathen, tendency which reflects a mass appeal.