1.   In the absence of a womb, men do not have a worldly subjectivity in the mundane omega.  But, unlike women, their lungs are not 'screened off' by protruding breasts to an extent which, in their fluidal heaviness, precludes the possibility of divine subjectivity in the heavenly omega.   For this reason they are capable of God.


2.   The more one is into the omega, on whichever spectrum, the less one will have to do with the alpha, and vice versa.  The truly religious man, who is into his lungs, will not be overly observant or disposed to using his eyes in an aggressively optical manner.  In fact, he will probably suffer from poor sight anyway, assuming he is not blind, and therefore be dependent on spectacles or other corrective lenses.  Conversely, the man disposed to aggressive optical curiosity will not be given, as a rule, to meditation.  On the contrary, his is a scientific disposition, the radical objectivity of which contrasts absolutely with the radical subjectivity of the religious man.  Such mutually exclusive tendencies, having special applicability here to idealism/transcendentalism, are also of course to be found in the contexts of naturalism/fundamentalism, materialism/nonconformism, and realism/humanism.


3.   Because the alpha is scientific and the omega religious, God per se appertains to the latter context.  Hence God per se has nothing whatsoever to do with the cosmic idealism of the (Jehovahesque) Clear Light of the Void, but solely appertains to the divine transcendentalism of the Holy Spirit of Heaven.  Likewise, similar criteria applying, the Devil per se has nothing whatsoever to do with the solar naturalism of the Clear Heat of Time (Satan), but solely appertains to the diabolic fundamentalism of the Holy Soul of Hell, viz. the Father.  Light is less divine, in truth, than spirit.  Similarly, fire is less diabolic than soul. (In fact, neither light nor fire are strictly divine or diabolic anyway).  The transcendentalism of air stands apart from the idealism of light, no less than the fundamentalism of blood from the naturalism of fire.  Hence whereas the alpha is beneath religion, since anterior to it, the omega is above science, being posterior.  God and the Devil are not, as was formerly believed, the Jehovahesque Creator and the Satanic Fallen Creation, viz. central star of galaxy and sun (or anthropomorphic extrapolations thereof), or, alternatively, stellar idealism and solar naturalism, corresponding to light and fire respectively.  On the contrary, they are the Holy Ghost and the Father, viz. consciousness, both spiritual and emotional, of air and blood through the respective divine and diabolic agencies of the lungs and the heart - the former corresponding to heavenly transcendentalism and the latter to hellish fundamentalism.  This transvaluation of values is at the core of my teachings!


4.   Strictly speaking, idealism precedes transcendentalism as light precedes spirit, or eyes the lungs, or the Cosmos ... Heaven.  For idealism is scientific and transcendentalism religious - all the difference, in short, between the alpha and omega of photon particles and wavicles.  Likewise, naturalism precedes fundamentalism as fire precedes the soul, or ears the heart, or the Sun ... Hell.  For naturalism is scientific and fundamentalism religious - all the difference, in short, between the alpha and omega of proton particles and wavicles.


5.   Dropping from the noumenal spectra to their phenomenal counterparts, we find that materialism precedes nonconformism as water precedes the mind, or taste the brain, or the moon ... purgatory.  For materialism is 'scientific' and nonconformism 'religious' - all the difference, in short, between the alpha and omega of neutron particles and wavicles.  Similarly, realism precedes humanism as earth precedes the will, or flesh the womb, or nature ... the world.  For realism is 'scientific' and humanism 'religious' - all the difference, in short, between the alpha and omega of electron particles and wavicles.


6.   We devolve from elemental to molecular particles, and evolve from molecular to elemental wavicles.  We do not and cannot evolve from particles to wavicles, for particles and wavicles are antithetical extremes which require a phenomenal relativity in the molecular before the noumenal absolutism of the elemental can emerge ... into the realms of religion, depending on the spectrum and type of civilization in question.  The ultimate evolutionary goal is of course the true, and therefore divine, religion of the Holy Spirit of Heaven, which is beyond the Father, the Mother, and the Son in the elemental photon wavicles of a Being supreme.  Such a religion can be achieved, and that is why I am writing this text in the hope that, one day, the 'Kingdom of Heaven' will actually come to pass, and the Truth reign eternally triumphant.


7.   The idealism of the light (both outer and inner) vis-à-vis the transcendentalism of the spirit (both outer and inner); the naturalism of the fire vis-à-vis the fundamentalism of the soul; the materialism of the ice vis-à-vis the nonconformism of the mind; the realism of the earth vis-à-vis the humanism of the will.


8.   The will of the womb to procreate (the child); the mind of the brain to think (the word); the soul of the heart to feel (the blood); the spirit of the lungs to breathe (the air).


9.   Scientific idealism, naturalism, materialism, and realism vis-à-vis religious transcendentalism, fundamentalism, nonconformism, and humanism.


10.  The scientific idealism of physics vis-à-vis the religious transcendentalism of Taoism; the scientific naturalism of chemistry vis-à-vis the religious fundamentalism of Mohammedanism; the scientific materialism of technology vis-à-vis the religious nonconformism of Protestantism; the scientific realism of biology vis-à-vis the religious humanism of Catholicism.