1.   The philosopher-genius is a sort of alchemist of the mind who refines upon his thought through successive spirallings of its unfolding, until such time as, attaining to a maximum peak of refinement, he can distil from it the elixir of pure essence, and so become one with the spirit.


2.   For man-become-Devil, woman is simply a goal; for God, on the other hand, she is a moral problem.


3.   No man can serve both woman and God.  A man blows his cover with God as soon as he enters into carnal relations with woman.  He ceases to be capable of Heaven and becomes, instead, a plaything of nature and/or the World.


4.   It is the grossest form of hypocrisy to treat woman as though she were a passport to Heaven, and thus intimate relations with God!  He who settles for woman debars himself from the possibility of divine redemption.


5.   Catholicism has this advantage over Protestantism: it remains rooted in the World and thus in the phenomenal subjectivity of woman per se.  Thus it has a sense of and affinity with the subjective which is lacking in Protestantism, a mode of Christianity which, in abandoning the World for the lunar Purgatory of Christ (doubtless with honourable intentions initially) is exposed to the objectivity which is fundamentally at the basis of both the lunar and solar spectra.  Hence the fatality of parliamentarianism and monarchism to which Protestants, in particular, are exposed at the expense of the (in relation to alpha) weaker subjectivity of purgatorial and hellish omegas.  One might say that Nonconformists are fated to a parliamentary domination and Freemasons to a monarchic one, given the nature of the spectra in question.  If the former have 'water on the brain', then the latter have 'fire in the blood', and in neither case does the Church (whether biased towards the Son or the Father) come out on top.  On the contrary, religion is subverted by political considerations, and the only consequence is one of either Antichristic or Antifatheristic (Satanic) hegemony.


6.   If Catholics are not exposed, like their Protestant counterparts, to parliamentary or monarchic domination, they are nonetheless vulnerable to making a religion out of the World, and hence of elevating the Virgin Mary to the status of God, quite as though the Blessed Virgin was the principal distinguishing factor between Catholicism and Protestantism!  The regrettable consequence of this moral shortcoming is the identification of woman with moral excellence, and a tendency to be over-conservative in regard to such worldly issues as abortion, divorce, contraception, marriage, family, sex, pornography, etc., to the detriment of genuinely religious, and hence spiritual, issues ... such that appertain to the Holy Spirit (of Heaven) and which, were one to pursue them to any appreciable extent, would call into question not only the worldly criteria surrounding the Mother of Christ but, no less significantly, the fundamentalist criteria underlining the status of God the Father as the principal deity of the Trinity.  For if the Blessed Virgin is an obstacle to the 'Kingdom of Heaven' by reducing subjectivity to the phenomenal plane of the World, then the Father is an even greater obstacle to it by dint of his dominant position in the Trinity and effective subversion of Heaven from the standpoint of the blood and its, in relation to fiery objectivity, weak subjectivity such that properly connotes with Hell.  It is precisely because the Father 'hogs Heaven' and is incorrectly identified with it ... that the true nature of Heaven as an airy realm of spiritual transcendence is not understood, and the Holy Spirit is accordingly held back from identification with the one factor that would make it fully intelligible as a divine entity - namely the airy Heaven which is its medium and within which it achieves that completeness which would otherwise be sadly lacking, to the detriment of truth.


7.   Only as the Holy Spirit of Heaven ... does God come fully and ultimately to pass, and such a coming to pass must necessarily be at the Father's expense and the consequent subversion of Heaven of which this fundamentally diabolical entity, rooted in the heart, has long been guilty.  Only then will the 'Kingdom of Heaven' get the better not only of the World but of that Hell which has traditionally been taken for Heaven and thereby prevented a genuine Heaven from arising.  Only when the Father's stranglehold on Heaven is democratically broken ... will the Resurrection be a fact, the resurrection of Heaven to its true place in relation to the Holy Spirit.