If the State 'withers away',

In Engels' oft-quoted phrase,

It is because religion flourishes.

The State cannot 'wither away' by itself,

But only in relation to the flourishing of religion.

If religion doesn't flourish,

The State has no business 'withering away'.

It cannot abandon the world to chaos,

But must protect religious progress.

The Christian religion, being dualistic,

Caused the State to 'wither away' partially.

The transcendental religion of the future,

Being post-dualistic, will cause it

To 'wither away' completely.  And after

The State has disappeared

There will only be religion, the religion

Of the supermen-superbeing phases

Of the post-Human Millennium, tending ever nearer

To the culmination of spiritual evolution

In the post-Millennial Beyond.  Eventually

There will be no religion at all, but only God.

For God is the outcome of all striving

Towards divine transcendence.