There are two ways of looking at

The origins of the Universe according to

The Big Bang theory: either as

An extrapolation from Judaic monotheism or as

An extrapolation from the superconscious in deference

To contemporary transcendental requirement,

So that its origins are conceived

As being of nobler provenance

Than perhaps they actually were.

In the first instance, we have

A Judaic abstraction; in the second ...

An example of pseudo-scientific subjectivity.

A Big Bang, just imagine it!

A divine oneness to begin with!

But we ought to know by now

That evil is never solitary,

Always acts in competition with others,

Against others, whether on the stellar level

Of absolute evil, or on the organic level

Of relative evil - an evil, in other words,

Between disparate life forms,

Or between two or more racial variations on

The same life form, as in the case of man.

Absolute evil reacts in the guise of stars,

Which diverge from one another.

Why should they have begun in unity

And duly become many?

If the emergence in the void

Of inflammable gases was possible,

Why should it only have been so

In one part of the void?

What was there to prevent simultaneous or successive

Emergences of star embryos?

And if they subsequently grew into flaming stars,

What was there to prevent the birth of smaller stars

From the reactive frictions and clashes of

The larger primal ones - some of which

Would eventually cool and harden into planets,

To bring about the rudiments of

A galactic order, and so halt

The everywhichway divergence of anarchic stars?

We know that polytheism preceded monotheism,

Since the Jews were once pagan.

They thought-up the idea of

A monotheistic Creator, from which

All the other stars 'fell',

In a 'fallen-angel' revolt against

The 'heavenly unity' of the primary star.

No doubt, most small stars

Did emerge from a larger source,

But not necessarily from only one larger source!

And today, when the Big Bang theory

Is so fashionable, we are induced to believe,

Compliments of pseudo-scientific subjectivity,

That the galactic universe is expanding (!)

Away from a central void

Which is assumed to be its place of origin,

Much as though an explosion

Once took place there

And the consequence, many millennia later,

Is an expanding universe of fully-formed galaxies,

Replete, we may suppose, with

Advanced life on certain planets!

Ah, how very neat from a mystical viewpoint,

But (quite apart from the fact that galaxies

Are never born fully-formed), somewhat baffling

From a rational or factual one!

For what is there about a central void

That should induce galaxies to tend away from it?

And why should such a divergence

Be regarded as an expansion?

And how do millions of galaxies

All diverge in the same way from a central source?

Ah, we should not be so churlish!

They no longer react against one another,

As stars used to do in the bad old days

Of Newtonian objectivity; on the contrary,

They expand mystically outward

Towards some as-yet-unglimpsed horizon

Which - though space is supposed to be curved -

They will never reach,

Since that would halt their expansion,

And an expanding universe

Cannot suddenly cease to expand.

Our sun, too, is apparently expanding outwards,

And must continue to expand until ... bah!

You know my views by now, and I won't conceive of

The diabolic universe in divine terms,

Lest I end-up regarding

The divine one diabolically,

Or altogether overlook

The existence and possibility of a divine universe!

Regarding the diabolic as though it were divine

Is a poor substitute for a truly divine orientation,

And indicates an inability or unwillingness

To abandon evil for the realm of grace.

Those of us capable of a higher allegiance

Should never confound

That which contracts and diverges

With that which expands and converges.

We shall reserve the former tendencies

For the flaming stars

And the latter ones for pure spirit.

And we shall know that it is the destiny of

The expanding/converging universe to tend towards

The divine unity of Point Omega.