The genuinely transcendental society of

A radical theocracy will be partial

Neither to novels nor to antinovels

And/or philosophical novels, but only to poems.

Since I equate this radically theocratic society

With Social Transcendentalism, it is logical

For me to equate such literary poems

As I now write with the 'social' aspect

Of this relativistic absolutism,

While reserving purely abstract poems

For equation with its 'transcendental' aspect,

Which would be meritocratic

Rather than bureaucratic, and which

Would eventually become the sole aspect of

A super-transcendental absolutism.

Yet, in the short term, literary poems

Will still be justified, since serving

To mould and clarify ideological allegiance

Along the most appropriate theocratic lines.

And I call 'literary' whatever is written in

A meaningful, non-abstract,

And expressive kind of way, thereby maintaining

A sort of bureaucratic, and hence 'social', atomicity

Between grammar and words

For the sake of metaphysical intelligibility.

By contrast, pure poetry will be

Above the intellect, a kind of theocratic

And hence 'transcendental' equivalent ...

Of non-expressive word groupings.

I would be less than

A true Social Transcendentalist

If, at other times, I didn't also write like that!