The atomic dichotomy between work and play

Is gradually being superseded

By a bias for play ... that may yet turn into

An exclusive concern with play, or recreation,

At the expense of work.

If the pagan age was partial to work,

And the Christian age to a compromise

Between work and play, then we needn't doubt

That the coming transcendental age

Will be partial to play, as was already the case

In the late-twentieth century where

Large numbers of people were concerned,

Not least among those who had no work

Because they were unemployed, and consequently

Read books and/or magazines,

Listened to music and/or voice recordings,

Watched television and/or video,

Played slot machines and/or computer games.

Play is no bad thing if it brings one closer to being,

Takes one further away from

The historical curse of work.

The work/play dichotomy is, after all, equivalent

To an atomic/neutron distinction,

And whilst a compromise between the two

Will be relevant to an atomic age,

It can only become increasingly irrelevant

As time advances towards a free-electron age

In which not worldly compromise

But heavenly absolutism is the social norm,

In deference to theocratic criteria.

Beingful play, then, will be the future norm -

At least as far as the masses are concerned.

For not all men are the same,

And while the majority may prefer to play,

A minority will favour work, if of a beingful nature.

These are, of course, the leaders,

The shepherds to the flock,

And while they are largely responsible

For the creation of new 'promised lands'

Of the spirit, they don't care or dare

To enter them personally, leaving

Their enjoyment to the people.