It is tempting to see a parallel,

In the Irish and Spanish Civil Wars,

Between Nationalism and Republicanism,

But such a parallel would be, at best,

Superficial, at worst downright misleading!

Whereas the Irish Nationalists

Were also republicans

And the Republicans also nationalists,

The Spanish Republicans weren't nationalists

Nor the Nationalists republicans.

Unlike the Spanish Civil War,

The Irish Civil War didn't signify

A fascist/communist dichotomy but, rather,

Two shades of republican Nationalism -

Soft and hard, gradual and immediate,

Evolutionary and revolutionary.

The split in Sinn Fein over the Treaty

Led to fratricidal strife between

Pro-Treaty Free Staters

And Anti-Treaty Irregulars,

And although the former eventually triumphed,

Leaving Ireland with Dominion Status

Within the British Empire,

The proclamation of a republic

Was later engineered by descendants

Of the Free Staters who,

Unlike hard-line republicans,

Were resigned, under Costello, to

A twenty-six county republic.

Imagine, if you can, Franco proclaiming a republic,

And one sees how far apart

The antagonists of the Spanish Civil War

Were from those of the Irish one!