It is well-known that smoking

Isn't good for the health,

But it may not be generally appreciated

That smoking, no less than politics, is divisible

Into left- and right-wing manifestations,

With the corollary of subnatural, natural,

Antinatural, and supernatural distinctions,

A corollary presupposing

Roll-ups and cigarettes on the one hand,

But cigars and pipes on the other,

The former left wing, the latter right.

Yes, there is a communist equivalent

To the smoking of a roll-up,

And if this is subnaturalistic,

Then the smoking of a cigarette is naturalistic,

And thus rather more liberal.

By contrast to cigarettes, cigars suggest

A conservative equivalent,

A moderate antinaturalism which is transcended

In the supernaturalism of a pipe,

That fascist equivalent.