The Extreme Right have no more in common

With the Conservatives than

The Extreme Left ... with the Liberals.

Both fascism and communism are outside the pale

Of a church/state compromise,

The one tending to signify a church absolutism,

The other ... a state absolutism,

Albeit, in both cases, very different churches

And states from those pertaining to liberal civilization.

If fascism falls short of conceiving

The religious successor to the Church ... in the Centre,

It at least undermines the State

And intimates, in its paradoxical way, of

A higher possibility.

Hitler's Reich wasn't so much a state (which

in any case is implicated in republicanism) as a

Crude and bogus Centre,

One opposed to all republicanism

And, by implication, democratic sovereignty.

A 'Centre' without the truth, fascism

An extreme right-wing antithesis to communism

Which, in its Marxist purism, is without

The Leninist 'State' or, more correctly,

Pseudo-Kingdom of Bolshevism,

As formerly applying to Soviet Communism.

No less than Bolshevism was beyond Marxism ...

Social Transcendentalism is beyond fascism,

Being the ideology of the Second Coming,

The logical successor to Christianity.

And no less than Soviet Communism weakened

The totalitarian State, or Bolshevik pseudo-Kingdom,

Through the infusion of pseudo-democracy,

So Social Transcendentalism would

Strengthen the Centre, until, ultimately,

Nothing but the Centre remained,

Transcendentalism having eclipsed

Even the 'social' side, or transmuted state-aspect,

Of Social Transcendentalism.