Informal Maxims & Maximum Informality PREVIEW 



INFORMAL MAXIMS & MAXIMUM INFORMALITY: This substantial reverse-titled twin-book volume of maxims, dating from 1993, continues from where 'Maximum Truth & Truthful Maxims' left off, and does so in a similar, albeit less stylistically intensive vein, achieving what we hold to be the elaboration and exploration of a conceptual comprehensiveness quite unique to philosophy. Comprised of nearly 600 maxims, some of which are slightly longer than those in the earlier compilation, 'Informal Maxims' duly paves the way for 'Maximum Informality', the text of which is not only stylistically less formal but also thematically more complex, as we proceed through over 1000 maxims of disparate length in what is, by any standards, a demandingly mind-expanding philosophical adventure destined to culminate in a lengthy appendix-cum-coda! ? A Centretruths editorial.



Copyright © 2009 John O’Loughlin