601. Likewise the evolution of mundane subjectivity from the massed mass of vocal Rock to the massive mass of instrumental Pop via the massive mass of vocal Pop and the massed mass of instrumental Rock.


602. But the devolution of hellish objectivity from the sequential time of vocal Jazz to the repetitive time of instrumental Soul via the repetitive time of vocal Soul and the sequential time of instrumental Jazz.


603. And the devolution of purgatorial objectivity from the volumetric volume of vocal Classical to the voluminous volume of instrumental Romantic via the voluminous volume of vocal Romantic and the volumetric volume of instrumental Classical.


604. From the molecular photon particles of alpha spatial space to the elemental photon wavicles of omega spaced space via the elemental photon particles of omega-in-the-alpha spaced space and the molecular photon wavicles of alpha-in-the-omega spatial space.


605. From the Clear Light of the (vocal Blues) Void to the Holy Spirit of (instrumental Folk) Heaven via the Unholy Spirit of the (vocal Folk) Void and the Unclear Light of (instrumental Blues) Heaven.


606. Likewise from the molecular electron particles of alpha massed mass to the elemental electron wavicles of omega massive mass via the elemental electron particles of omega-in-the-alpha massive mass and the molecular electron wavicles of alpha-in-the-omega massed mass.


607. From the Clear Darkness of (vocal Rock) Mass to the Holy Will of the (instrumental Pop) World via the Unholy Will of (vocal Pop) Mass and the Unclear Darkness of the (instrumental Rock) World.


608. But from the elemental proton particles of alpha sequential time to the molecular proton wavicles of omega repetitive time via the elemental proton wavicles of omega-in-the-alpha repetitive time and the molecular proton particles of alpha-in-the-omega sequential time.


609. As from the Clear Heat of (vocal Jazz) Time to the Holy Soul of (instrumental Soul) Hell via the Unholy Soul of (vocal Soul) Time and the Unclear Heat of (instrumental Jazz) Hell.


610. And from the elemental neutron particles of alpha volumetric volume to the molecular neutron wavicles of omega voluminous volume via the elemental neutron wavicles of omega-in-the-alpha voluminous volume and the molecular neutron particles of alpha-in-the-omega volumetric volume.


611. From the Clear Coldness of (vocal Classical) Volume to the Holy Intellect of (instrumental Romantic) Purgatory via the Unholy Intellect of (vocal Romantic) Volume and the Unclear Coldness of (instrumental Classical) Purgatory.


612. A heavenly evolution from molecular photon particles to elemental photon wavicles, as from the forebrain to the superconscious.


613. Likewise a mundane evolution from molecular electron particles to elemental electron wavicles, as from the left midbrain to the unconscious.


614. But a hellish devolution from elemental proton particles to molecular proton wavicles, as from the subconscious to the backbrain.


615. And a purgatorial devolution from elemental neutron particles to molecular neutron wavicles, as from the conscious to the right midbrain.


616. The devolutionary objectivity of protons/neutrons vis-à-vis the evolutionary subjectivity of electrons/photons.


617. The diabolic/masculine contracts and diverges, while the feminine/divine expands and converges.


618. The devolutionary objectivity of time/volume vis-à-vis the evolutionary subjectivity of mass/space.


619. Volume contracts into time, whereas mass expands into space.


620. Volume diverges from mass into the damnation of time, whereas mass, freed from volume, converges towards space, wherein it is saved.


621. Saved from massive mass for spaced space, wherein Heaven has its airy throne.


622. The strength of time diverges from the truth of space.


623. The goodness of volume diverges from the beauty of mass.


624. The beauty of mass converges towards the truth of space.


625. The truth of space is the Holy Spirit of Heaven, which transcends the Holy Will of the World, as air transcends art.


626. The beauty of art is the salvation of the World, viz. denial of the will.


627. But the truth of air is the salvation of Heaven, viz. denial of the spirit.


628. It is in the truth of air that Heaven is revealed to the spirit that is consciously at one with it and accordingly holy - the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


629. The man of the Holy Spirit of Heaven will loathe the upper class, dislike the middle class, like the working class, and love the classless, who are the 'children of Heaven'.


630. Art begins where affirmation of the will leaves off, and ends with the 'Kingdom of Heaven'.


631. There can be no art in the 'Kingdom of Heaven', which is beyond denial of the will.


632. There can be no true and final peace which is not that of 'Kingdom Come'.


633. He who uses the Devil to further peace is deceiving himself and paving the way for war, i.e. Hell on Earth.


634. Peace that is true and lasting is not created by armies or weapons, but by the Holy Spirit of Heaven, which transcends the World.


635. The peace which is not of God the Holy Spirit of Heaven is false and transient.


636. The Devil may give the appearance of maintaining the peace, but only God can deliver the essential peace of eternity.


637. Peace through strength is a doctrine of fools and evil people, whose pact with the Devil is the surest guarantee of war.


638. It is not the Holy Spirit, nor even the Son, whose name is evoked by the false pacifists of strength, but Almighty God the Father, in whose powerful name they amass arms.


639. If the Father may be identified with peace through strength (arms), then the Son can be identified with peace through goodness (diplomacy).


640. Whereas peace through strength is absolutely false, peace through goodness is relatively false, the falsity of politics as opposed to science.


641. If the Mother may be identified with peace through beauty, then the Holy Spirit can be identified with peace through truth.


642. Whereas peace through beauty is relatively genuine, peace through truth is absolutely genuine, the genuineness of religion as opposed to art.


643. The objective man may proclaim his desire for peace, but only the subjective man will truly uphold it.


644. Ultimately, peace can only be advanced and secured on the basis of subjective pacifism.


645. Peace is not advanced through war; only war advances.


646. Like the State, war can only wither in and through the people, whose struggles against oppression are the final form of war.


647. When the People are free from tyrannous or governmental oppression, then and only then will war wither to a point where universal peace can reign on the basis of truth.


648. The People cannot cease to struggle while they are yet enslaved by tyrannous and/or governmental oppressors whose martial essence prevents the peace which springs from truth.



649. Even the peace which springs from beauty can be thwarted by strength- and/or goodness-affirming 'pacifists'.


650. While superficially appearing peaceful, the essence of all strength- and goodness-affirming 'pacifists' is, in reality, martial - whether absolutely or, as in the latter case, relatively.


651. Whereas the ancient Greeks had gods, who dwelt on Olympus, the modern Americans have 'stars', who dwell in Hollywood.


652. Whereas the ancient Romans had gladiators, who fought in arenas, the modern Britons have sportsmen, who compete in stadia.


653. No less than America is in many respects the modern equivalent of ancient Greece, so Britain is likewise the modern equivalent of ancient Rome.


654. That society which is most democratic will be least bureaucratic, while, conversely, the more bureaucratic the society the less democratic will it be.


655. Similarly, that society which is most autocratic will be least theocratic, while, conversely, the more theocratic the society the less autocratic will it be.


656. Just as autocracy is the damnation of democratic societies, so theocracy is the salvation of bureaucratic ones.


657. Autocracy is the Mr Hyde that lies in wait for Dr Jekyll's democracy, a 'Steppenwolfian' transformation from man to beast (devil).


658. The palace is the focus of autocracy, no less than the Church the focus of theocracy.


659. Parliament is the focus of democracy, no less than the town hall the focus of bureaucracy.


660. The monarch is the symbol of autocracy, no less than the pope the symbol of theocracy.


661. The prime minister/president is the symbol of democracy, no less than the mayor the symbol of bureaucracy.


662. From the 'outer darkness' of the hardback comes the 'outer light' of film.


663. From the 'inner darkness' of the softback comes the 'inner light' of literature on compact disc.


664. Whereas the hardback corresponds to the 'outer darkness' of bad barbarism, the softback, by comparison, corresponds to the 'inner darkness' of good barbarism.


665. Whereas bad barbarism is republican and anti-Christian, good barbarism is socialist and anti-heathen.


666. The hardback is effectively anterior to film, while the softback is effectively posterior to it.


667. That which is effectively anterior to film can be (and often is) damned to it.


668. That which is effectively posterior to film can be saved to compact disc.


669. The damnation of the bad barbarism of hardback literature to the bad civilization of film is a sort of insurrection.


670. The salvation of the good barbarism of softback literature to the good civilization of CD-Rom literature is a sort of resurrection.


671. When softbacks become 'packaged' with CD-Rom options, the resurrection of literature from the death of 'inner-darkness' barbarism to the eternal life of 'inner-light' civilization will be manifest.


672. Eventually the compact disc will completely supersede the softback, as literary Heaven 'eclipses' the World.


673. The unconscious stands to the conscious as the core of the earth to the moon, or as the (Western) Devil to the (Western) God.


674. We speak of the subconscious, the conscious, and the superconscious as though they were entirely different minds, but, in reality, they are three degrees of consciousness.


675. The only 'mind' that stands against consciousness, whether in its subconscious, conscious, or superconscious manifestations, is the unconscious.


676. It is the unconscious that dreams and consciousness which apperceives the dream.


677. Sleep puts the conscious mind to sleep and awakens the unconscious, which is akin to the core of the earth.


678. Consciousness becomes subconscious through sleep, and thus the passive witness of dream activity by the unconscious.


679. Consciousness, which is the self, is disposed, as subconscious, to witness the dreaming not-self of the unconscious.


680. There is a spectrum of self which stretches from the subconscious to the superconscious via the conscious.


681. There is also, it could be said, a spectrum of not-self, which stretches from the unconscious in the backbrain to the unconscious in the forebrain via the unconscious in both the left and right midbrains.


682. As consciousness ascends from the subconscious to the superconscious it becomes stronger.


683. As the unconscious descends from the backbrain to the forebrain via the left and right midbrains it becomes weaker.


684. The fulcrum of consciousness is the conscious mind, situated in the right midbrain.


685. The fulcrum of unconsciousness is the collective unconscious, situated in the left midbrain.


686. The conscious mind and the collective unconscious constitute a polarity analogous to that between the moon and the core of the earth.


687. Television is a realistic mode of artificial unconsciousness which parallels the rather more naturalistic unconscious of dreams.


688. As a material entity, television corresponds, in its screen and casing, to the core and crust of the earth.


689. Similarly, computers correspond, in their screen and casing, to the core and crust of the moon.


690. For computers are materialistic modes of unconsciousness which parallel the rather more idealistic unconscious of, for example, LSD trips.


691. If the naturalistic unconscious of dreams exists in the backbrain, then the realistic unconscious of television corresponds to the left midbrain.


692. If the materialistic unconscious of computers corresponds to the right midbrain, then the idealistic unconscious of LSD trips exists in the forebrain.


693. Both dreams and LSD trips, corresponding to naturalistic and idealistic modes of unconscious behaviour, are noumenal.


694. Both televisions and computers, corresponding to realistic and materialistic modes of unconscious behaviour, are phenomenal.


695. Our relationship to television is analogous to that of our relationship to dreams.


696. Our relationship to computers is analogous to that of our relationship to LSD trips.


697. If consciousness is only subconscious in its relation to dreams, then we may contend that only in its relation to LSD trips does it become superconscious.


698. One should distinguish, therefore, between the genuine superconsciousness of consciousness vis-à-vis LSD trips and the quasi-superconsciousness of consciousness which has simply suspended thought in the interests of a quasi-meditative purism.


699. Furthermore, one could distinguish this quasi-superconscious consciousness from what may be called pseudo-superconsciousness, as when one contemplates holograms in a sort of 'external trip'.


700. If consciousness is most itself when aware of external phenomena and given to thought, then it could be argued that consciousness which is absorbed in fantasies, day-dreams, and the like is quasi-subconscious.