1101. There is a sense in which Dracula corresponds to the Father, inasmuch as he is a blood-sucking diabolic omega rather than a fire-belching diabolic alpha, like Satan.


1102. In fact, the strength which Dracula acquires through sucking blood is logically vitiated by sunlight, as the weakness of flame detracts from his soulful essence, hogging the diabolic 'limelight' at his expense.


1103. When the diabolic alpha is to the fore, then the diabolic omega must withdraw, else risk being undermined and even destroyed by that which, as flame, is contrary to the blood.


1104. It could therefore be said that, in the mythology of twentieth-century paganism, the Father walked abroad in the person of Count Dracula, personification of emotional strength.


1105. With its Orthodox traditions, Eastern Europe is better qualified to do justice to the Father than the more Mother-oriented (Catholic) and Son-oriented (Protestant) West, which is why, I suppose, Count Dracula is a creature of the East, viz. Transylvania.


1106. As, from a more hard-line standpoint, is Allah, who is no more consanguineous with Jehovah than (is) the Father, since relative to a diabolic omega (in strength) rather than to a divine alpha (in illusion) - all the difference between the Holy Soul of Hell and the Clear Light of the Void.


1107. Woman is essentially a critic by nature, whereas Man is an agent of civilization.


1108. God, in his cultural richness, is essentially an artist, while the Devil is fundamentally a publisher of barbarism.


1109. The being of God can be either positive or negative, depending whether we are concerned with God the Holy Spirit of Heaven (the true spirit of the omega) or God the Clear Light of the Void (the illusory, or false, spirit [antispirit] of alpha, viz. Jehovah).


1110. The doing of the Devil can be either positive or negative, depending whether we are dealing with Devil the Holy Soul of Hell (the Father) or Devil the Clear Heat of Time (the antisoul of Satan).


1111. The taking of Man can be either positive or negative, depending whether we are considering Man the Holy Mind of Purgatory (Christ) or Man the Clear Coldness of Volume (Antichrist).


1112. The giving of Woman can be either positive or negative, depending whether we are concerned with Woman the Holy Will of the World (the Blessed Virgin) or Woman the Clear Darkness of Mass (the Cursed Whore).


1113. What applies to the above-listed alpha/omega extremes also applies to the intermediate positions of omega-in-the-alpha and alpha-in-the-omega.


1114. Hence a distinction between the outer negative being of the Clear Light of the Void and the inner negative being of the Unclear Light of Heaven.


1115. Likewise a distinction between the outer positive being of the Unholy Spirit of the Void and the inner positive being of the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


1116. Whereas outer negative being is an elemental photon particle, inner negative being is its molecular counterpart.


1117. Whereas outer positive being is a molecular photon wavicle, inner positive being is its elemental counterpart.


1118. To distinguish, similarly, between the outer negative doing of the Clear Heat of Time and the inner negative doing of the Unclear Heat of Hell.


1119. Likewise a distinction between the outer positive doing of the Unholy Soul of Time and the inner positive doing of the Holy Soul of Hell.


1120. Whereas outer negative doing is an elemental proton particle, inner negative doing is its molecular counterpart.


1121. Whereas outer positive doing is a molecular proton wavicle, inner positive doing is its elemental counterpart.


1122. Similarly, to distinguish between the outer negative taking of the Clear Coldness of Volume and the inner negative taking of the Unclear Coldness of Purgatory.


1123. Likewise, a distinction between the outer positive taking of the Unholy Mind of Volume and the inner positive taking of the Holy Mind of Purgatory.


1124. Whereas outer negative taking is an elemental neutron particle, inner negative taking is its molecular counterpart.


1125. Whereas outer positive taking is a molecular neutron wavicle, inner positive taking is its elemental counterpart.


1126. To distinguish, finally, between the outer negative giving of the Clear Darkness of Mass and the inner negative giving of the Unclear Darkness of the World.


1127. Likewise a distinction between the outer positive giving of the Unholy Will of Mass and the inner positive giving of the Holy Will of the World.


1128. Whereas outer negative giving is an elemental electron particle, inner negative giving is its molecular counterpart.


1129. Whereas outer positive giving is a molecular electron wavicle, inner positive giving is its elemental counterpart.


1130. When both doing and taking are effectively on the rubbish heap of history, then and only then will giving be ripe for beingful salvation.


1131. The salvation of giving by being is the end of the World and the true beginning of the 'Kingdom of Heaven', which is its joyful reward.


1132. The being of the Holy Spirit of Heaven, which is joy, will last for ever in ever-more refined contexts, becoming progressively purer the further Eternal Life evolves.


1133. Such an evolution, from the inceptive level of Supermen to the final level of Ultra-beings, will pass through six stages before it culminates, like this aphoristic project, in the ultimate purity of the most beingful essence - the pure essence of ultra-beingful forebrain collectivizations in the definitive salvation of the omega Beyond.



LONDON 1993 (Revised 2008)


Maximum Informality PREVIEW 


Informal Maxims & Maximum Informality PREVIEW