Returning to our axial distinctions more openly, males ascend, it was found, in
church-hegemonic criteria of salvation from sin to grace in terms of bound
psyche to free psyche, antihumanism to transcendentalism, and in
state-subordinate criteria of counter-damnation from folly to wisdom in
terms of free soma to bound soma, antinaturalism to idealism, and thus, in
slang parlance, from the bound-psychic antiphysical context of 'antifuck***
antipricks' to the free-psychic metaphysical context of 'snogg*** bums', as
indeed from antimeritocracy to theocracy, while simultaneously ascending from
the free-somatic antiphysical context of 'suck*** antipricks' to the
bound-somatic metaphysical context of 'antifrigging bums', as indeed from
antidemocracy to technocracy.
Likewise females ascend, in secondary saved/counter-damned complementariness to
their male counterparts, from pseudo-crime to pseudo-punishment in terms of the
church-hegemonic criteria of bound psyche to free psyche, nonconformism to
antifundamentalism, and from pseudo-evil to pseudo-good in terms of the
state-subordinate criteria of free soma to bound soma, realism to
antimaterialism, and thus, in slang parlance, from the bound-psychic chemical
context of 'antifuck*** cunts' to the free-psychic antimetachemical context of
'snogg*** antijerks', as indeed from plutocracy to anti-aristocracy, while
simultaneously ascending from the free-somatic chemical context of 'suck***
cunts' to the bound-somatic antimetachemical context of 'antifrigg***
antijerks', as indeed from bureaucracy to anti-autocracy.
Conversely, in relation to the diagonally descending axis of state-hegemonic
and church-subordinate criteria, females descend, it was found, in
state-hegemonic criteria of damnation from evil to good in terms of free soma
to bound soma, materialism to antirealism, and in church-subordinate criteria
of counter-salvation from crime to punishment in terms of bound psyche to free
psyche, fundamentalism to antinonconformism, and thus, in slang parlance, from
the free-somatic metachemical context of 'frigg*** jerks' to the bound-somatic
antichemical context of 'antisuck*** anticunts, as indeed from autocracy to
antibureaucracy, while simultaneously descending from the bound-psychic
metachemical context of 'antisnogg*** jerks' to the free-psychic antichemical
context of 'fuck*** anticunts', as indeed from aristocracy to antiplutocracy.
Likewise males descend, in secondary damned/counter-saved complementariness to
their female counterparts, from pseudo-folly to pseudo-wisdom in terms of the
state-hegemonic criteria of free soma to bound soma, anti-idealism to
naturalism, and from pseudo-sin to pseudo-grace in terms of the
church-subordinate criteria of bound psyche to free psyche,
antitranscendentalism to humanism, and thus, in slang parlance, from the
free-somatic antimetaphysical context of 'frigg*** antibums' to the
bound-somatic physical context of 'antisuck*** pricks', as indeed from
antitechnocracy to democracy, while simultaneously descending from the
bound-psychic antimetaphysical context of 'antisnogg*** antibums' to the
free-psychic physical context of 'fuck*** pricks', as indeed from antitheocracy
to meritocracy.
So much for a more comprehensively exacting perspective in relation to
verb-noun expletives! That which is antiphysical, far from being
dominated by a chemical hegemony in which free soma would be as characteristic
of the antiphysical as it is, on pseudo-foolish terms, of the antimetaphysical,
is able, at the behest of an overall metaphysical control of society in respect
of free psyche, to subversively invert the terms of gender reference in such
fashion that the emphasis falls, for both antiphysical males and chemical
females alike, on bound psyche, which is the antihumanist and, for females,
nonconformist axial precondition, in salvation, of transcendentalism and
antifundamentalism, to the extent that they embrace such metaphysical and
antimetachemical modes of free psyche through the acquirement of grace and
pseudo-punishment, however temporarily or intermittently.
Therefore there is about the antiphysical subversion of chemistry a paradoxical
inversion of worldly criteria such that results not in free chemical soma as
primary and an antiphysical form of free soma as secondary, but, on the
contrary, in bound antiphysical psyche as primary and bound chemical psyche as
secondary, together with subordinate orders of free soma in both antiphysical
and chemical contexts which, far from being germane to antihumanism and
nonconformism in church-hegemonic vein, are reflective of state-subordinate
criteria in respect of antinaturalism and realism.
Contrariwise that which is antichemical, far from being dominated by a physical
hegemony in which free psyche would be as characteristic of the antichemical as
it is, on pseudo-graceful terms, of the physical, is able, at the behest of an
overall metachemical control of society in respect of free soma, to
subversively invert the terms of gender reference in such fashion that the
emphasis falls, for both antichemical females and physical males alike, on
bound soma, which is the antirealist and, for males, naturalist axial
post-condition, in damnation, of materialism and anti-idealism, to the extent
that they reject such metachemical and antimetaphysical modes of free soma
through the acquirement of goodness and pseudo-wisdom, however temporarily or
Therefore there is about the antichemical subversion of physics a paradoxical
inversion of worldly criteria such that results not in free physical psyche as
primary and an antichemical form of free psyche as secondary, but, on the
contrary, in bound antichemical soma as primary and bound physical soma as
secondary, together with subordinate orders of free psyche in both antichemical
and physical contexts which, far from being germane to antirealism and
naturalism in state-hegemonic vein, are reflective of church-subordinate
criteria in respect of antinonconformism and humanism.
Note the connection between antihumanism and antinaturalism on the one hand,
the hand of the antiphysical, whom we have found logical grounds to
characterize as 'antifuck*** antipricks' in respect of church-hegemonic
criteria and 'suck*** antipricks' in respect of state-subordinate criteria,
and, antithetical to this, the connection between naturalism and humanism on
the other hand, the hand of the physical, whom we have found logical grounds to
characterize as 'antisuck*** pricks' in respect of state-hegemonic criteria and
'fuck*** pricks' in respect of church-subordinate criteria.
In other words, that which in antiphysics is able, with the assistance of
metaphysics, to turn the gender tables on the nominal chemical hegemony in
which volumetric volume stands a plane above massive mass in phenomenal
sensuality, becomes, in bound-psychic emphasis, contrary to nature, or to
somatic freedom as a principal characteristic, and consequently the philistine
pre-condition of culture, which, by contrast, has free psyche as its principal
But that which in antichemistry is able, with the assistance of metachemistry,
to turn the gender tables on the nominal physical hegemony in which voluminous
volume stands a plane above massed mass in phenomenal sensibility, becomes, in
bound-somatic emphasis, contrary to culture, or to psychic freedom as a
principal characteristic, and consequently the civilized post-condition of
barbarism, which, by contrast, has free soma as its principal
Be that as it may, we can no more limit the world to a simple dichotomy between
'pricks' and 'cunts' than to one between, say, 'fucking' and 'sucking'.
Certainly 'pricks' and 'cunts' are the antithetical hegemonic manifestations of
the world, but each is subverted at the behest of contrary orders of
'overworldly' control, and the co-existence of 'pricks' and 'anticunts' in the
context of phenomenal sensibility, where a distinction between the 'fucking' of
psychic freedom and the 'antisucking' of somatic binding cuts both ways, if
with an 'antisucking' emphasis on both primary and secondary, antichemical and
physical or, more specific to a somatic bias, antirealist and naturalist, terms
... is no less inescapable, if worldly stability is to be assured, than the
co-existence of 'cunts' and 'antipricks' in the context of phenomenal
sensuality, where, as we have seen, a distinction between the 'sucking' of
somatic freedom and the 'antifucking' of psychic binding cuts both ways, if
with an 'antifucking' emphasis on both primary and secondary, antiphysical and
chemical or, more specific to a psychic bias, antihumanist and nonconformist,
And what applies to the phenomenal contexts of the world, whether sensual or
sensible, also applies to the noumenal contexts of the overworld, where the
co-existence of 'jerks' and 'antibums' in the context of noumenal sensuality
logically provides us with a distinction which cuts both ways between the
'frigging' of somatic freedom and the 'antisnogging' of psychic binding, if
with a 'frigging' emphasis on both primary and secondary, metachemical and
antimetaphysical or, more specific to a somatic bias, materialist and
anti-idealist, terms ... as does the co-existence of 'bums' and 'antijerks' in
the context of noumenal sensibility, where, as we have seen, a distinction
between the 'snogging' of psychic freedom and the 'antifrigging' of somatic
binding also cuts both ways, if with a 'snogging' emphasis on both primary and
secondary, metaphysical and antimetachemical or, more specific to a psychic
bias, transcendentalist and antifundamentalist, terms.
There are other slang terms or expletives which, no matter how vulgar, could
and I suppose should be considered both more comprehensively and logically than
is usually the case, not least in respect of the largely element-derived
distinctions between 'pus', 'piss', 'shit', and 'gas', or fire, water,
vegetation (earth), and air, which we are now in a position to regard as being
further divisible between 'pro' and 'anti' manifestations, as in the relevance
of 'pus' and 'antigas' to the metachemical/antimetaphysical context of noumenal
sensuality; of 'piss' and 'antishit' to the chemical/antiphysical context of
phenomenal sensuality; of 'shit' and 'antipiss' to the physical/antichemical
context of phenomenal sensibility; and of 'gas' and 'antipus' to the
metaphysical/antimetachemical context of noumenal sensibility.
Likewise the well-known slang terms 'snob', 'slob', 'yob', and 'nob', permit of
similar eight-fold distinctions, insofar as we allow for 'pro' and 'anti'
manifestations of each. Granted that, in general terms, a distinction
between nobles and plebeians would correspond to our noumenal/phenomenal
dichotomy between upper class and lower class, the overworldly and the worldly,
it nevertheless can be maintained that when we consider each elemental context
separately, the upper-class context is no less susceptible to being slangfully
divided between 'snobs' and 'nobs' than its lower-class counterpart between 'slobs'
and 'yobs'.
Clearly fire, water, vegetation, and air provide us, in simple elemental terms,
with the basis for a distinction between 'snobs' as fiery, 'slobs' as watery,
'yobs' as vegetative, or earthy, and 'nobs' as airy, so that a parallel could
indubitably be inferred to exist between 'snobs' and metachemistry, 'slobs' and
chemistry, 'yobs' and physics, and 'nobs' and metaphysics, as reinforced by the
sense of 'snobbery' attaching to the vain, of 'slobbery' attaching to the meek,
of 'yobbery' attaching to the just, and of what could be called 'nobbery', or
genuine nobility, attaching to the truly righteous, or elect of God.
Yet we must allow, on this more comprehensive basis, for 'antisnobs' in
antimetachemistry, for 'antinobs' in antimetaphysics, for 'antiyobs' in
antiphysics, and for 'antislobs' in antichemistry, so that, overall, we could
distinguish the 'snobs' of metachemistry, who have been characterized as
'frigg*** and/or antisnogg*** jerks', from the 'antinobs' of antimetaphysics,
whom we have characterized as 'frigg*** and/or antisnogg*** antibums' - the
former elementally synonymous with 'puss', the latter with 'antigas'; or the
'slobs' of chemistry, who have been characterized as 'antifuck*** and/or
suck*** cunts', from the 'antiyobs' of antiphysics, whom we have characterized
as 'antifuck*** and/or suck*** antipricks' - the former elementally synonymous
with 'piss', the latter with 'antishit'; or the 'yobs' of physics, who have
been characterized as 'antisuck*** and/or fuck*** pricks', from the 'antislobs'
of antichemistry, whom we have characterized as 'antisuck*** and/or fuck***
anticunts' - the former elementally synonymous with 'shit', the latter with
'antipiss'; or the 'nobs' of metaphysics, who have been characterized as
'snogg*** and/or antifrigg*** bums', from the 'antisnobs' of antimetachemistry,
whom we have characterized as 'snogg*** and/or antifrigg*** antijerks' - the
former elementally synonymous with 'gas', the latter with 'antipus'.
43. I
would be lying if I said that one didn't often hear the denigratory epithet
'fuck*** shit', but, evidently, 'shit' can be 'fucking' or 'antisucking' and is
more likely, under antichemical subversion towards bound soma, to be
'antisucking' than 'fucking', and therefore secondary in this regard to the
'antisuck*** antipiss' that takes somatic precedence over 'fuck*** antipiss'
for those who have been characterized as 'anticunts' and would correspond,
whether somatically or psychically, to 'antislobs', the phenomenally sensible complement
to 'yobs' in what becomes an antichemical/physical partnership of the just, of
the good and the pseudo-wise.
Conversely I would be lying if I said that one often hears the denigratory
epithet 'suck*** piss', for, ethnic partialities aside, 'piss' can be
'sucking' or 'antifucking' and is more likely, under antiphysical
subversion towards bound psyche, to be 'antifucking' than 'sucking', and
therefore secondary in this regard to the 'antifuck*** antishit' that takes
psychic precedence over 'suck*** antishit' for those who have been
characterized as 'antipricks' and would correspond, whether psychically or
somatically, to 'antiyobs', the phenomenally sensual complement to 'slobs' in
what becomes an antiphysical/chemical partnership of the meek, of the sinful
and the pseudo-criminal.
Likewise I would be lying if I said that one often hears the denigratory
epithet 'frigg*** pus', even in respect of Americans, but, frankly, 'pus', or
for that matter 'scum' (which I guess to be approximately equivalent), can be
'frigging' or 'antisnogging', though is less likely, in the metachemical
predilection towards free soma, to be 'antisnogging' than 'frigging', and
therefore primary in this regard to the 'frigg*** antigas' that takes somatic
precedence over 'antisnogg*** antigas' for those who have been characterized as
'antibums' and would correspond, whether somatically or psychically, to
'antinobs', the noumenally sensual complement to 'snobs' in what becomes a
metachemical/antimetaphysical partnership of the vain, of the evil and the
Similarly I would be lying if I said that one often hears the denigratory
epithet 'snogg*** gas', but, evidently, 'gas', can be 'snogging' or
'antifrigging', though is more likely, in the metaphysical predilection towards
free psyche, to be 'snogging' than 'antifrigging', and therefore primary in
this regard to the 'snogg*** antipus' that takes psychic precedence over
'antifrigg*** antipus' for those who have been characterized as 'antijerks' and
would correspond, whether psychically or somatically, to 'antisnobs', the
noumenally sensible complement to 'nobs' in what becomes a
metaphysical/antimetachemical partnership of the righteous, of the graceful and
the pseudo-punishing.
We are, at this point, a long way from all-too-prevalent denigratory expletives
like 'fuck*** cunt', which are all too overworked by certain people, mostly
males, and the more usual female retort 'fuck*** shit', both of which owe a
lot, it seems to me, to the sort of societal conditioning which obtains in
England, where the generality of physical males, avowedly masculine, are
subverted by antichemical females, no less avowedly antifeminine, at the behest
of an overall metachemical hegemony favouring soma, and become over a period of
time and even several generations resentfully inclined towards females in
general, so that they hold their conditioning towards bound soma against them,
as also the correlative fact that they are less psychically free than might at
first seem to be the case but more usually co-opted to criteria having their
origin in an overall female control of society which, whether hegemonically in
metachemistry or subversively in antichemistry, inverts male criteria and
renders males perpetually discontented.
Such is how things pan-out on the descending axis of noumenal sensuality to
phenomenal sensibility, the state-hegemonic and church-subordinate axis
typifying countries which, like Britain (and England in particular), are
overwhelmingly somatic, whether on the free terms of the controlling evil, the
metachemical, or on the bound terms of the subversive good, the former the
principal manifestation of the vain, the latter the principal manifestation of
the just, neither the antimetaphysical pseudo-foolish nor the physical
pseudo-wise anything more than secondary manifestations of state-hegemonic
criteria, while their pseudo-sinful and pseudo-graceful counterparts, ever
subordinate to themselves, are no more than secondary manifestations, likewise,
of church-subordinate criteria compared with those for whom criminal and
punishing orders of bound and free psyche are more typical, not least in
relation to the Christian fundamentalism and antinonconformism which, following
a state-hegemonic lead, cannot help but put anything antitranscendentalist and
humanist in its diabolic-ruled antidivine and antifeminine-subverted
masculine place.
That said, there is no such thing, strictly speaking, as a 'fuck*** cunt' -
though heathenistic coital contexts in which the female is on top of the male
and apparently riding him may give such a paradoxical impression - but only, as
we have logically discovered, either 'antisuck*** anticunts' or 'fuck***
anticunts', primarily bound somatic or subordinately free psychic in respect of
antichemistry, with its 'antisucking' in antirealism and its 'fucking' in
antinonconformism, the former state hegemonic and the latter church subordinate
on primary terms, and they exist in subversive complementariness to both
'antisuck*** pricks' and 'fuck*** pricks', secondarily bound somatic and
subordinately free psychic in respect of physics, with its 'antisucking' in
naturalism and its 'fucking' in humanism, the former state hegemonic and the
latter church subordinate on secondary terms.
Across the other side of the worldly divide, however, it would indeed be an
irrationally impulsive person who believed that the chemical were 'fuck***
cunts' and the antiphysical full of 'fuck*** shit', though one cannot rule out
the likelihood that they might appear as such to their ethnic or worldly
detractors and opponents, only too ready to brand certain categories of
persons, whether Catholic or Irish, as 'cunts' or 'shit'. The logical
facts of the context would not confirm them in their bigotry, however, and we
shall now turn away from the just in order to turn towards the meek, who are
the categories of persons divisible between what has been called 'cunts' and
'antipricks', the former chemical and the latter their antiphysical subverters
at the behest, traditionally, of an overall metaphysical hegemony enabling
males of whatever class to 'turn the tables' on females and live from a
standpoint centred in psyche rather than rooted in soma, a standpoint in which
bound psyche becomes, according to gender, the sinful and/or pseudo-criminal
precondition of salvation to grace and the pseudo-punishing mode of grace
which, being secondary, would, in the fullness of that context, have more to do
with a beautiful approach to truth and a loving approach to joy than with truth
or joy itself for a gender which, in antimetachemistry, would only be
emphasizing psyche under male hegemonic metaphysical pressures, and then
contrary to its gender norm of soma preceding and predominating over psyche.