Therefore it is for the People to decide whether or not they wish to be saved
from the world to the otherworldly context which has been identified with 'Kingdom
Come', the project, in large conceptual part, of a 'philosopher-king', nay of the
'Philosopher King', who is about as close, in his celibacy-inspired capacity
for truth of a fully universal order, to a Messianic father-figure
corresponding, in Christian eschatology, to the Second Coming ... as it is
logically possible to be, even though he is fully aware of the drawbacks of
using conventional or traditional terminology in what will effectively
correspond to a revolutionary context, a context where the term 'King' in
'Philosopher King' is to be taken as provisionally or metaphorically as the
term 'Kingdom' in 'Kingdom Come', which, as noted, would rather be a radical
mode of republicanism in which a religiously sovereign People were served by an
executive president who was responsible, from the administrative aside that had
been democratically charged by the electorate with political responsibilities,
for the development and protection of a triadic Beyond, or three-tier system,
which would be the framework of religious praxis in what should be called the
Social Transcendentalist Centre, to differentiate it from the Social Theocratic
Centre of the administrative aside, no less beyond the State of conventional
worldly society than the triadic Beyond itself would be beyond the Church, and
therefore each of them pertaining to the relativistic absolutism of a synthetic
otherworldly society capable of global universality, in which the emphasis
would always be on the religious aspect of the Centre as being germane to the
focus of ultimate republicanism in the religiously sovereign People or, in due
course, Cyborgs, the moral principle of church-hegemonic and state-subordinate
criteria persisting, in duly transmuted guise, into the Centrist age of Eternal
Frankly, I have no reasonable grounds for believing that, given half a
chance, the politically sovereign People, whether meek or factious, would not
wish to be delivered from the world, as from a situation which not only leaves
something to be desired from its own ignorant and weak standpoints in
antiphysics and chemistry but, for want of adequate salvation in relation to
the traditional modes - where still applicable - of metaphysics and
antimetachemistry, is constantly set upon by the more contemporary modes of
metachemical and antimetaphysical vanity in such fashion that the relationship
of bound psyche to free soma is undermined from a standpoint rooted,
diabolically, in somatic freedom, the freedom par
excellence of the New World, which, with the help of its principal ally
Great Britain, has cast its death-obsessed shadow over the contemporary world
and brought it to the sorry pass of worshipping the false gods of evil and
pseudo-folly, of Devil the Mother and the Antison of Antigod, in what transpires
to be the synthetically-artificial materialistic and anti-idealistic modes of
state-hegemonic idolatry, coupled to the relevant fundamentalist and
antitranscendentalist modes of church-subordinate idolatry in which, through
bound psyche of a correlative noumenally sensual disposition, the false gods of
crime and pseudo-sin, of the Daughter of the Devil and Antigod the Antifather,
have their respective subordinate parts in the drama which constantly unfolds
in superficially cyborg, or sensually synthetic, terms.
For America is the land of metachemical drama par
excellence, of the so-called 'American Dream' which is not just about
freedom - for freedom unqualified by reference to either soma or psyche is
always too vague a word - but, in the American partisanship towards noumenal
sensuality, freedom of soma from binding of soma, from the sorts of
parliamentary/puritan constraints which inspired a Civil War in England and
gave to the descendants of the Pilgrim Fathers and original founders of the American
Republic a determination to become or remain somatically free at any cost from
the sorts of somatic constraints which a free anglican monarchy was still
striving to impose upon its colonial offshoots.
It was not a Catholic will that inspired America, a determination to protect
and advance psychic freedom from a bound-psychic base, but, on the contrary, a
determination on the part of puritan settlers to escape somatic repression and
become somatically free, to become the 'land of the free' in which one could do
what one wanted and realize the dream of freedom in relation to free
enterprise, a dream that never issued from a Catholic base, no matter how many
peoples of Catholic descent may since have complicated the overall picture, but
in relation to a Protestant tradition that sought what the majority of
Protestants have always wanted, which is to say, freedom from if not Roman
Catholic then Anglo-Catholic repression, and not simply in order to become
psychically free, which after all is the Catholic ideal par
excellence but, more significantly from an American standpoint, to become
somatically free, to become akin to those whose somatic freedom depended on
their own somatic binding, and thus not only free from enslavement to bound
soma but free, if necessary, to enslave others in such fashion in due course.
This, as we all know, they did, but they had to pay a heavy price, and today
they are still paying that price as they fly the flag of somatic freedom in
celluloid free enterprise from every cinema screen in the land and boast the
most prosperous and prolific film industry in the world, an industry of
synthetically artificial drama which rules over the synthetically artificial
poetry which is called modern jazz, and which is to noumenal sensuality what
the subversion, where applicable, of television drama by rock music is to its
phenomenal counterpart, except that down below, in the antiphysical/chemical
depths of phenomenal sensuality, the terms of reference are reversed, and it is
the synthetically artificial poet who is generally more representative of the
context in question.
For if the dramatist is in 'his' element metachemically, in fiery action, then
the poet can only be in his element antiphysically, in vegetative diction, the
antimetaphysical poet being no less 'pseudo' in relation to dramatic action
than the chemical dramatist in relation to poetic diction, dramatic fact being
primarily the preserve of metachemical freedom and poetic illusion the
preserve, by contrast, of antiphysical freedom or, rather, binding, insofar as
psychic binding still takes precedence over somatic freedom as a phenomenally
sensual norm in relation to a metaphysically-conditioned church-hegemonic
82. But
if the antimetaphysical poet is no less dramatically 'pseudo' than the chemical
dramatist poetically 'pseudo', we must nonetheless avoid the tendency to
oversimplification with these two elemental positions, corresponding to upper-
and lower-class sensual alternatives; for in reality there is a type of drama
in antimetaphysics no less than a type of poetry in metachemistry, thereby
corresponding to the distinctions between state-hegemonic and
church-subordinate criteria, with drama being state hegemonic in the freely
somatic aspects of metachemistry and antimetaphysics, where we may distinguish
between drama per se and the 'bovaryization' of poetry that is poetic drama,
as between materialism and anti-idealism, and poetry being church subordinate
in the bound psychic aspects of metachemistry and antimetaphysics, where we may
distinguish between dramatic poetry as the 'bovaryization' of drama and
pseudo-poetry, as between fundamentalism and antitranscendentalism.
Conversely there is a type of poetry in chemistry no less than a type of drama
in antiphysics, thereby corresponding to the distinctions between
church-hegemonic and state-subordinate criteria, with poetry being church
hegemonic in the bound psychic aspects of antiphysics and chemistry, where we
may distinguish between poetry per se and the 'bovaryization'
of drama that is dramatic poetry, as between antihumanism and nonconformism,
and drama being state subordinate in the free somatic aspects of antiphysics
and chemistry, where we may distinguish between poetic drama as the
'bovaryization' of poetry and pseudo-drama, as between antinaturalism and
Therefore we may conclude that whereas drama has to do with free soma, whether
primary or secondary, in genuinely dramatic or in 'pseudo' modes, poetry,
by contrast, has closer associations with bound psyche, whether primary or
secondary, in genuinely poetic or in 'pseudo' modes, and that although drama
can be male no less than poetry female, strictly speaking the per se
modes of drama and poetry will only be female and male respectively, the former
in metachemical action, the latter in antiphysical diction, both of which have
their respective secondary forms of drama and poetry in poetic drama and
dramatic poetry, antimetaphysical pseudo-action and chemical pseudo-diction,
together with their respective subordinate modes of poetry and drama which, as
dramatic poetry and poetic drama, contribute towards the existence of poetic
drama and dramatic poetry in what could, with sensuality in mind, be described
as 'vicious circles' of drama and poetry.
However that may be, drama and poetry, principally in the synthetically
artificial terms of film and jazz, television and rock, are much more
representative of our time, from a proletarian standpoint, than are the still
largely bourgeois - but capable, I believe, of being developed to a sensibly
proletarian, or synthetically artificial, level - art forms of prose and
philosophy, which have less to do with fact and illusion, in typically objective
and antisubjective sensual fashion, than with fiction and truth, their
anti-objective and subjective sensible counterparts, insofar as prose fiction
is a sort of sensible, or interiorized, drama, and philosophy, when truthful, a
kind of sensible, or interiorized, poetry which however, unlike poetry, is
strictly regulated by rules owing more to intellectual logic than to speech
patterns, and differs as much, when genuine, from prose ... as poetry from
That said, we may contend that if the philosopher is in his element
metaphysically, in airy contemplation, then the prose writer, or story teller,
can only be in 'his' element antichemically, in watery description, the
antimetachemical prose writer being no less 'pseudo' in relation to philosophic
contemplation than the physical philosopher in relation to prosaic description,
truth being primarily the preserve of metaphysical freedom and fiction
the preserve, by contrast, of antichemical binding, insofar as somatic binding
still takes precedence over psychic freedom as a phenomenally sensible norm in
relation to a metachemically-conditioned state-hegemonic situation.
But if the antimetachemical prose writer is no less philosophically 'pseudo'
than the physical philosopher prosaically 'pseudo', we must nonetheless avoid
the tendency to oversimplification with these two elemental positions,
corresponding to upper- and lower-class sensible alternatives; for in reality
there is a type of philosophy in antimetachemistry no less than a type of prose
in metaphysics, thereby corresponding to the distinctions between
church-hegemonic and state-subordinate criteria, with philosophy being church
hegemonic in the freely psychic aspects of metaphysics and antimetachemistry,
where we may distinguish between philosophy per se and the
'bovaryization' of prose that is prosaic philosophy, as between
transcendentalism and antifundamentalism, and prose being state subordinate in
the bound somatic aspects of metaphysics and antimetachemistry, where we may
distinguish between philosophic prose as the 'bovaryization' of philosophy and
pseudo-prose, as between idealism and antimaterialism.
Conversely there is a type of prose in physics no less than a type of
philosophy in antichemistry, thereby corresponding to the distinctions between
state-hegemonic and church-subordinate criteria, with prose being state
hegemonic in the bound-somatic aspects of antichemistry and physics, where we
may distinguish between prose per se and the 'bovaryization'
of philosophy that is philosophic prose, as between antirealism and naturalism,
and philosophy being church subordinate in the free-psychic aspects of
antichemistry and physics, where we may distinguish between prosaic philosophy
as the 'bovaryization' of prose and pseudo-philosophy, as between
antinonconformism and humanism.
Therefore we may conclude that whereas philosophy has relevance to free
psyche, whether primary or secondary, in genuinely philosophic or in 'pseudo'
modes, prose, by contrast, has closer associations with bound soma, whether
primary or secondary, in genuinely prosaic or in 'pseudo' modes, and that
although philosophy can be female no less than prose male, strictly speaking
the per se modes of philosophy and prose will only be male and
female respectively, the former in metaphysical contemplation, the latter in
antichemical description, both of which have their respective secondary forms
of philosophy and prose in prosaic philosophy and philosophic prose,
antimetachemical pseudo-contemplation and physical pseudo-description, together
with their respective subordinate modes of prose and philosophy which, as
philosophic prose and prosaic philosophy, contribute towards the existence of
prosaic philosophy and philosophic prose in what could, with sensibility in
mind, be described as 'virtuous circles' of philosophy and prose.
In relation to the 'vicious circle' of noumenal sensuality, by contrast, it can
be maintained that genuine drama conditions dramatic poetry in metachemistry as
pseudo-poetry conditions poetic drama in antimetaphysics, and pretty much as
the ugliness and hatred of materialism conditioning the ugly approach to
illusion and hateful approach to woe of fundamentalism, prior to the illusion
and woe of antitranscendentalism conditioning the illusory approach to ugliness
and woeful approach to hatred of anti-idealism, with consequences for evil and
crime in the case of what should be called drama proper and dramatic poetry,
but pseudo-sin and pseudo-folly in the case of what could be called poetry
improper and poetic drama.
Similarly, in relation to the 'vicious circle' of phenomenal sensuality, it can
be maintained that pseudo-drama conditions dramatic poetry in chemistry as
genuine poetry conditions poetic drama in antiphysics, and pretty much as the
weakness and humility of realism conditioning the weak approach to ignorance
and humble approach to pain of antinonconformism, prior to the ignorance and
pain of antihumanism conditioning the ignorant approach to weakness and painful
approach to humility of antinaturalism, with consequences for pseudo-evil and
pseudo-crime in the case of what could be called drama improper and dramatic
poetry, but sin and folly in the case of what should be called poetry proper
and poetic drama.
Conversely, in relation to the 'virtuous circle' of phenomenal sensibility, it
can be maintained that pseudo-philosophy conditions philosophic prose in
physics as genuine prose conditions prosaic philosophy in antichemistry, and
pretty much as the knowledge and pleasure of humanism conditioning the
knowledgeable approach to strength and pleasurable approach to pride of
naturalism, prior to the strength and pride of antirealism conditioning the
strong approach to knowledge and proud approach to pleasure of antinonconformism,
with consequences for pseudo-grace and pseudo-wisdom in the case of what could
be called philosophy improper and philosophic prose, but goodness and
punishment in the case of what should be called prose proper and prosaic
93. Finally
in relation to the 'virtuous circle' of noumenal sensibility, it can me
maintained that genuine philosophy conditions philosophic prose in metaphysics
as pseudo-prose conditions prosaic philosophy in antimetachemistry, and pretty
much as the truth and joy of transcendentalism conditioning the truthful
approach to beauty and joyful approach to love of idealism, prior to the
beauty and love of antimaterialism conditioning the beautiful approach to truth
and loving approach to joy of antifundamentalism, with consequences for grace
and wisdom in the case of what should be called philosophy proper and
philosophic prose, but pseudo-goodness and pseudo-punishment in the case of
what could be called prose improper and prosaic philosophy.
Provided one realizes that the terms 'proper' and 'improper' are being used as
synonymous with genuine and 'pseudo', then it will not seem unduly odd that we
can distinguish, in such fashion, between drama proper in noumenal sensuality,
whether per se or 'bovaryized', and drama improper in phenomenal
sensuality, whether 'pseudo' or pseudo-'bovaryized'; poetry improper in
noumenal sensuality, whether 'pseudo' or pseudo-'bovaryized', and poetry proper
in phenomenal sensuality, whether per se or 'bovaryized'; prose proper in
phenomenal sensibility, whether per se or 'bovaryized', and prose
improper in noumenal sensibility, whether 'pseudo' or pseudo-'bovaryized';
philosophy improper in phenomenal sensibility, whether 'pseudo' or
pseudo-'bovaryized', and philosophy proper in noumenal sensibility, whether per
se or 'bovaryized'.
Thus if drama and poetry stand sensually apart from prose and philosophy in
this fourfold elemental way, there can be no question that, in overall axial
terms, the diagonally ascending axis of church-hegemonic and state-subordinate
criteria will be characterized by an ascent, on a par with salvation and
counter-damnation, from genuine poetry and dramatic poetry to genuine
philosophy and prosaic philosophy, as from sin and pseudo-crime to grace and
pseudo-punishment in church-hegemonic terms, and from poetic drama and
pseudo-drama to philosophic prose and pseudo-prose, as from folly and
pseudo-evil to wisdom and pseudo-goodness in state-subordinate terms, whereas
the diagonally descending axis of state-hegemonic and church-subordinate
criteria will be characterized by a descent, on a par with damnation and
counter-salvation, from genuine drama and poetic drama to prose and philosophic
prose, as from evil and pseudo-folly to goodness and pseudo-wisdom in
state-hegemonic terms, and from dramatic poetry and pseudo-poetry to prosaic
philosophy and pseudo-philosophy, as from crime and pseudo-sin to punishment
and pseudo-grace in church-subordinate terms.
Therefore just as in the primary church-hegemonic axial ascent from the
phenomenal antisubjectivity of antiphysics to the noumenal subjectivity of
metaphysics one would, as a male, be saved from the antihumanism of genuine
poetry to the transcendentalism of genuine philosophy, as from literary sin to literary
grace, so in the primary state-subordinate axial ascent ... one would be
counter-damned, as a male, from the antinaturalism of poetic drama to the
idealism of philosophic prose, as from literary folly to literary wisdom.
Likewise, just as in the secondary church-hegemonic axial ascent from the
phenomenal objectivity of chemistry to the noumenal anti-objectivity of
antimetachemistry one would, as a female, be saved from the nonconformism of
dramatic poetry to the antifundamentalism of prosaic philosophy, as from
literary pseudo-crime to literary pseudo-punishment, so in the secondary
state-subordinate axial ascent ... one would be counter-damned, as a female,
from the realism of pseudo-drama to the antimaterialism of pseudo-prose, as
from literary pseudo-evil to literary pseudo-goodness.
Contrariwise, just as in the primary state-hegemonic axial descent from the
noumenal objectivity of metachemistry to the phenomenal anti-objectivity of
antichemistry one would, as a female, be damned from the materialism of genuine
drama to the antirealism of genuine prose, as from literary evil to literary
good, so in the primary church-subordinate axial descent ... one would be
counter-saved, as a female, from the fundamentalism of dramatic poetry to the antinonconformism
of prosaic philosophy, as from literary crime to literary punishment.
Similarly, just as in the secondary state-hegemonic axial descent from the
noumenal antisubjectivity of antimetaphysics to the phenomenal subjectivity of
physics one would, as a male, be damned from the anti-idealism of poetic drama
to the naturalism of philosophic prose, as from literary pseudo-folly to
literary pseudo-wisdom, so in the secondary church-subordinate axial
descent ... one would be counter-saved, as a male, from the
antitranscendentalism of pseudo-poetry to the humanism of pseudo-philosophy, as
from literary pseudo-sin to literary pseudo-grace.
Whatever one's axial or ethnic fate, there can be no question that just as the
genuine modes of poetry and philosophy appertain to the diagonally ascending
axis of church-hegemonic criteria, so, by contrast, the genuine modes of drama
and prose appertain to the diagonally descending axis of state-hegemonic
criteria, so that there is a noumenal distinction between drama proper and
philosophy proper, as between metachemistry and metaphysics, and a phenomenal
distinction between poetry proper and prose proper, as between antiphysics and