
How much truth is there in Thoth, the Egyptian deity who was the scribe of the gods and accordingly made their rulings known to man? For some have thought Thoth and Truth to be one and the same, as though he were akin to Christ.

Those who come down from the mountain may embrace the world, but they will never climb the hill (of Calvary) that leads to the (Golgotha-like) other-world … of Heaven, with which God is One, since, to speak metaphorically, the candlelight and the candle-flame are essentially one and the same, the light (of God/Truth) simply being the flame (of Heaven/Joy) perceived from the outside by those who would rather worship the light than experience the flame, since otherwise engaged.

One does not become a leading philosopher overnight but rather over, if not after, several decades. Philosophers are made, not born; for the philosopher, when true, is the most reborn, or transvaluated (to use a Nietzschean term), of individuals and therefore the least 'once-born', for whom a certain reluctance towards writing, or recording his thoughts, would not be uncharacteristic.

Indeed, it may well be that the Philosopher is the most reluctant of writers, the one who views writing as a 'necessary evil' in order that thought of the highest calibre may be recorded and, hopefully or theoretically, made available if not to all, then at least to some others of a like high-minded disposition who may be able to profit from it and even introduce aspects of it into the world generally, thereby contributing to progress towards otherworldly transcendence.

There are no limits to the scope of my philosophical genius. Philosophically speaking, I have left nothing, absolutely nothing, to be desired. And still they know little or nothing about me. Nor, in a sense, do they know very much about themselves, either.

So long as Beauty, or the Beautiful, continues to dominate the world, there can be no place for Truth. For Truth, conceived metaphysically, is a pariah from the standpoint of Beauty and its wish to arrogate Truth, or what passes for truth in its estimation, to itself.

If Truth is to triumph, Beauty must be dethroned. But Beauty can only be dethroned by Truth coming into its otherworldly own – assuming, for the sake of argument, that were possible. For it is indeed a 'tall order' in a world dominated by the Beautiful, as by beautiful women and the more picturesque aspects of Nature, quite apart from the extent to which civilization chooses to identify with the Beautiful and to emulate, on comparatively artificial terms, whatever is naturally beautiful.