
Salvation for the pseudo-physical to metaphysics is not just from the sin of pseudo-ego to the grace of soul; that is only the pseudo-bound psyche to free psyche polarity on the male side of the gender fence on the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis stretching from the southwest to the northeast points (or poles) of what I call the intercardinal axial compass, so to speak. More significantly, it is deliverance from what rules over and conditions pseudo-physics, as of the pseudo-physical, from a chemical vantage-point on the opposite side of the gender fence; namely, the pseudo-evil of spirit, which, in the event of the salvation of pseudo-males from pseudo-physics to metaphysics, would be destined for counter-damnation to the pseudo-goodness of pseudo-will, as from the free soma of chemistry to the pseudo-bound soma of pseudo-metachemistry in what would then be an unequivocal subordination to metaphysics.

Thus the chemical 'first', equivocally hegemonic over pseudo-physics, would become the pseudo-metachemical 'last' in their counter-damnation from free spirit to pseudo-bound will, whilst, in axial contrast, the pseudo-physical 'last', equivocally subordinate to chemistry, would become the metaphysical 'first', unequivocally hegemonic over the pseudo-metachemical, whose fate would be equivalent to that of the proverbial 'lion' and/or 'wolf' that 'lies down' (through neutralization) with the 'lamb' (of godly grace in Heaven), to take but one metaphorical parallel.

As for the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis, its fate will be dependent on the degree to which (if at all) salvation and counter-damnation are achieved on the stepped-up ('resurrected') church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis. For, in the event of being denied its customary chemical/pseudo-physical 'prey' the probable fate of the state hegemonic would have less to do with salvation and counter-damnation than with damnation and counter-salvation – namely, in terms of the damnation of the metachemical to pseudo-chemistry and, on the male side of the gender fence, the counter-salvation of the pseudo-metaphysical to physics, though only as a temporary situation pending an order of judgement intended to render the masses of what had been a metachemical/pseudo-metaphysical and physical/pseudo-chemical axial polarity eligible for lower-tier incorporation with their metaphysical/pseudo-metachemical counterparts on what, in other books by me, has been described as the 'triadic Beyond' … of what would, in effect, be a pluralistic approach to revolutionary church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial criteria. As the initial phase, at any rate, of a process destined to culminate, many decades or centuries later, in a metaphysical/pseudo-metachemical totalitarianism commensurate with the apotheosis, as it were, of the 'Kingdom Come' process or, rather, of a process which I, as a self-taught philosopher and self-proclaimed messiah tend to identify with 'Kingdom Come', not least in relation to the democratic triumph – and, in a sense, triumph over democracy – of Social Theocracy, the politico-religious 'face' of Social Transcendentalism, and therefore the godly concomitant of Heaven.

Flicking out of curiosity through the Daily Mirror at my local library, I couldn't help but see in this tabloid newspaper a reflection of the ugliness, brutality, rapaciousness, and carnality of the masses, so that one can surmise the regular reader or, rather, browser of this paper would see himself reflected, as in a cracked mirror, on a daily basis.

Library computers are okay (if usually frightfully slow) until some person, more often female, with a noisy and smelly cold elects to sit right next to one, threatening one with a flight of germs. Then, by contrast, they become something to escape from as quickly as possible!

Rubbing shoulders with the masses always makes one dirty. I was intended for cleanliness which, as the saying goes, is closer to godliness than to … outright manliness.

There is more than the abstraction that negatively applies (in psyche) to somatic concretion; there is also, on the male side of life, the abstraction that negatively applies (in soma) to psychic concretion. For whereas on the female side of life soma precedes and predominates (in somatic concretion) over psyche, whether to an absolute (3:1) or a relative (2½:1½) extent, on the male side of life, by contrast, psyche precedes and preponderates (in psychic concretion) over soma, whether to a relative (2½:1½) or an absolute (3:1) extent. Therefore whereas psyche is abstracted from soma in the one gender case (female), in the other gender case (male) soma tends to be abstracted from psyche which, paradoxically, would seem to be a concretion of wavicles as opposed, with free soma, to particles.

But just as there is a wavicle aspect (bound psyche) to free somatic particles, so there would have to be a particle aspect (bound soma) to free psychic wavicles, whether the ratio of the one to the other happens to be absolute or relative; that is, germane to the noumenal or to the phenomenal, to the ethereal or to the corporeal.

In general terms, it may be that the male side of life is an abstraction from the female side, with secondary rather than primary gender implications. But, in the particular instance of males, I have always maintained that psyche precedes and preponderates over soma, so that the latter is in effect an abstraction from the former which, as free psyche, is its concrete, that is to say, fundamental precondition.

To transcend the body (bound soma) is, in the male case, to return to the fundamentals of male life in free psyche, which has less to do with God the Father, or godfatherliness, than with Heaven the Holy Soul, the actual foundation of metaphysics, or ground of joyful being, whose extrapolation is divine taking (truth, or godliness).

To transcend the mind (bound psyche) is, in the female case, to return to the fundamentals of female life in free soma, which has less to do with Hell the Clear Spirit than with Devil the Mother (free will), the actual foundation of metachemistry, or ground of beautiful doing, whose extrapolation is diabolic giving (love).

Whereas the male can lose his ego and/or soul to a female, becoming her pseudo-male subordinate, the female, not having ego or soul in relation to free psyche, can only lose her will and/or spirit to a male, becoming his pseudo-female subordinate.

So whereas the fate of the 'lost male', or pseudo-male, is to mirror, through pseudo-free soma, the free will and/or spirit of the dominating female, and to do so on inferior ratio terms, the fate of the 'lost female', or pseudo-female, is to mirror, through pseudo-free psyche, the free ego and/or soul of the dominating male, but to likewise do so on inferior ratio terms. Moreover, this 'mirroring' of the hegemonic gender's dominance from a subordinate position will not be couched in the same terms as the dominating gender, but in terms applicable to or characteristic of the subordinate gender, be it pseudo-male or pseudo-female.

Hence under female domination, the metachemical free soma of beauty and love will be paralleled, in pseudo-metaphysical free soma, by pseudo-truth and pseudo-joy; the chemical free soma of pride and strength will be paralleled, in pseudo-physical free soma, by pseudo-pleasure and pseudo-knowledge (carnal knowledge).

Contrariwise, with male domination, the physical free psyche of knowledge and pleasure will be paralleled, in pseudo-chemical free psyche, by pseudo-strength and pseudo-pride; the metaphysical free psyche of joy and truth will be paralleled, in pseudo-metachemical free psyche, by pseudo-love and pseudo-beauty.

Therefore neither beauty nor pride, to take the female elemental fulcra, will be paralleled, or 'mirrored', by the subordinate pseudo-male, whose respective pseudo-elemental fulcra will be pseudo-truth and pseudo-pleasure.

Likewise, neither knowledge nor joy, to take the male elemental fulcra, will be paralleled, or 'mirrored', by the subordinate pseudo-female, whose respective pseudo-elemental fulcra will be pseudo-strength and pseudo-love.

The concrete basis of the psyche, if I may be so bold as to put it that way, is of course the brain stem and spinal cord of the central nervous system; for it is that system which is akin to the candle in which the flame of soul burns to shed superconscious (godly) light upon the darkness of the world. As for the ego, its concrete basis has to do with the brain and, in particular, the so-called 'new brain', or cerebrum, and is therefore a mode of psyche more corporeal than ethereal and correspondingly less absolute (noumenal) than relative (phenomenal), with a personal rather than superpersonal (universal) connotation.

Some are fated to tell tall tales, others to write short stories. Neither, however, would have a clue about what it means to think.

Metaphysical heat in the soul, which is the supersensible functioning of the spinal cord of the central nervous system, engenders metaphysical light in the superconscious mind, which is one with the soul as God is One with Heaven and truth is one with joy. But such metaphysical heat, which is soul, joy, heaven, etc., is psychic through and through, and the concrete basis, in the spinal cord, of metaphysical light in the superconscious, truth, godliness, etc. Therefore without metaphysical heat there would be no metaphysical light, without the supersensibility of soul, no superconsciousness of mind. God, in short, would not exist without Heaven, could never be independent of Heaven, any more than truth could be independent of joy, since they are essentially one and the same, the inner and outer manifestations of metaphysical psyche.

Antithetical to this is metachemistry, like absolute alpha to absolute omega, absolute female (superfeminine) to absolute male (supermasculine), and whereas metaphysical freedom, which is psychic, or of the psyche, has to do with Heaven and God, joy and truth, metachemical freedom, which is somatic, or of soma, has to do, by contrast, with the Devil and Hell, beauty and love, in that order. For the fulcrum, or representative aspect, of metachemistry is will, free will, and just as free soul in metaphysics engenders a corresponding free order of mind (superconsciousness), so free will in metachemistry engenders a corresponding free order of spirit (supersensuousness), which is the love that is correlative with beauty.

One might say that metachemical heat in the will or, more specifically, in the will to life, which is the supersensual functioning of the sexual organs and, more specifically in this elemental case, of the womb, engenders metachemical light in the supersensuous spirit, which is one with the will as Hell is One with the Devil (Devil the Mother) and love one with beauty. But such metachemical heat, which is will, beauty, the devil, etc., is somatic through and through, and the concrete basis, in the womb, of metachemical light in the supersensuous, love, hell, etc. Therefore without metachemical heat there would be no metachemical light, without the supersensuality of will, no supersensuousness of spirit. Hell, in short, would not exist without the Devil, could never be independent of the Devil, any more than love could be independent of beauty, since they are fundamentally one and the same, the outer and inner manifestations of metachemical soma.

Consequently the antithesis between metachemistry and metaphysics, absolute alpha and absolute omega, is complete in every sense, from the somatic fact of Devil the Mother preceding Hell the Clear Spirit to the psychic fact of Heaven the Holy Soul preceding God the Father – the absolute alpha starting from without (will) and working inwards (spirit), the absolute omega starting from within (soul) and working outwards (mind), so that they are not only opposites in every respect but completely incompatible. That is why the metaphysical position (in both free psyche and bound soma) cannot properly exist except through complete independence of the metachemical position, whose free soma will otherwise preclude all but a truncated metaphysics comprised, as with the Christian and in particular Roman Catholic tradition, of the bound soma (illusion and woe, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit of Heaven) of the crucifixional paradigm.

In order for God the Father (godfatherliness) to properly exist as the psychic corollary of Heaven the Holy Soul (the actual fulcrum of metaphysics), not only would Heaven the Holy Soul have to be acknowledged, but the subterfuge, stemming from the Judaic roots of the Christian tradition, of hyping Devil the Mother (beautiful free will) as God the Father … would have to be categorically abandoned, so that instead of a metaphysics (necessarily bogus) accountable to metachemistry, as Christ to the Creator, or the Son to the so-called Father, we had a more genuine order of metaphysics comprised of the free psyche as well as the bound soma which was completely independent of metachemistry, and thus of all Creator-ism and allegiance, via the Bible (and the Old Testament in particular) to the materialistic roots of the Christian, or Western, tradition.

Such a metaphysical independence could only be global or universal in character, beyond Roman Catholic Christianity and antithetical to Judaism. For it would not be about the 'One God' or, for that matter, about any 'Three in One' extrapolation thereof which could be identified with both Catholic and Protestant traditions. On the contrary, it would be about the 'One Heaven', the only heaven of Heaven the Holy Soul, whose 'Kingdom' lies within.

Amen – that wonderful English-language German film about the exploitation of Zyklon B in the liquidation of Jews which somehow remains praiseworthy even though it tends to combine the worst aspects of Night of the Generals with the worst aspects of Massacre in Rome, if you get my drift. Not that one could accuse Ulrich Mόhe's character in the film of being implicated in any such reactionary or sanctimonious tendencies!

What has been logically established in the foregoing pages is that the psychic concretion of soul in the spinal cord has to be contrasted with the somatic concretion of will in the womb, as one would contrast the fulcrum of metaphysics with the fulcrum of metachemistry, noting that whereas truth is the 'psychic light' of the soul's 'joyful heat', love is the 'somatic light' of the will's 'beautiful heat', the former being superconscious and the latter supersensuous.

Thus the absolute, or noumenal/ethereal, alpha and omega is a contrast not only between beauty and joy, with truth and love their respective corollaries, but equally or equivalently between Devil the Mother and Heaven the Holy Soul, which has to be distinguished from any fanciful or simplistic antithesis between, say, the Devil and God or, alternatively, Hell and Heaven – the stuff, it must be said, of populist delusion and mystical claptrap.

As in the somatic Beginning, so not somatically in the End but, on the contrary, psychically – an entirely different order of concretion that is supermasculine as opposed to superfeminine.

Although the kinds of heat that characterize alpha and omega could not be more dissimilar, I have tended in the past (I think correctly) to identify metachemical heat with heat per se and metaphysical heat, by contrast, with light, as though to distinguish more sharply – if on the basis of a generalization – alpha from omega and each of these from their relative counterparts 'down below' in the phenomenal/corporeal realms of motion and force, reserving for the noumenal antithesis an equation with space and time, and for the phenomenal antithesis an equation with volume and mass, so that heat = space, light = time, motion = volume, and force = mass, as in a distinction between will and soul with the former antithesis, but spirit and ego with the latter, an antithesis more elementally in accordance with water and vegetation (earth) than with fire and air. Or, in religious terms, with Purgatory and the Earth as opposed, 'up above', with Hell and Heaven, or something to that general effect.

But these quadruplicities appertain to a more simplistic logical structure than that to which I have more recently committed my pen (I confess to scribbling into a notebook as a writer rather than using a keyboard to begin with, in the manner of what I would call a pseudo-writer who not only does not write but prints artificially via his so-called typewriter and/or computer). Nonetheless, the ascription of a quadruplicity of options to each element (and even pseudo-element) provides interesting food for thought. Namely, that if the fulcrum of metachemistry is somatic heat, or wilful beauty, then its somatic concomitant, love, must be a 'once-bovaryized' (compared to chemical spirit) order of spirit appertaining not to volume, like spirit per se, but to space. And that if the fulcrum of metaphysics is psychic light, or soulful joy, then its psychic concomitant, truth, must be a 'once-bovaryized' (compared to physical ego) order of ego appertaining not to mass, like ego per se, but to time.

Likewise, to extend the argument down into the phenomenal/corporeal realms of motion and force, volume and mass, if the fulcrum of chemistry is volumetric motion, or spiritual pride, then its somatic concomitant, namely strength, must be a 'once-bovaryized' (compared to metachemical will) order of will appertaining not to heat but to volume.

And, finally, that if the fulcrum of physics is massive force, or intellectual knowledge, then its psychic concomitant, pleasure, must be a 'once-bovaryized' (compared to metaphysical soul) order of soul appertaining not to light but to mass.

Now what applies to the free aspects of each gender element, whether with regard to soma (female) or to psyche (male), would also be applicable to their respective bound aspects, whether psychic (female) or somatic (male), where there would be bovaryized orders of negative ego and soul in the female case and bovaryized orders of negative will and spirit in the male case, neither of which require further exegesis here, since it is a subject which has been dealt with in previous texts by me and which, if added to the above, would only further complicate – and possibly confuse or obfuscate – matters were I to attempt a definition of the respective bound aspects not only of each element as described above, but also, and subordinately, of the pseudo-elements which accompany them on both pseudo-free and pseudo-bound terms, compliments of the pressure being brought to bear from the hegemonic element, be it female (and freely somatic) or male (and freely psychic).

It is with the utmost reluctance that I commit my thoughts to paper in the form of writing; though I have to confess to subsequently taking a certain pleasure in reading them!

It may well be that, just as in the noumenal alpha and omega, free speech is the enemy of free thought, so, in the phenomenal alpha and omega, free verse is the enemy of a free press.

I only value writing to the extent that it reflects free thought. Any other kind of writing normally either bores or disgusts me.

I have planted the emblem or, if you like, flag of Social Theocracy on the peak of philosophic thought. For Social Theocracy is itself the peak of philosophic thought, which stems from a bovaryized ego – call it 'superego' – that is pro-superconscious in its advocacy of the supersensibility of Heaven the Holy Soul. Such a bovaryized ego differs from conscious ego by being less a product or attribute of the brain (with particular reference to the so-called 'new brain', or cerebrum) than of the brain stem (the so-called 'old brain', or cerebellum) which is closer to the spinal cord and therefore to the core of the self, the concrete basis of the soul in the central nervous system. Consequently it has a tendency, being deeper than ego, to be metaphysical, whereas the ego, when not selfishly egocentric or egotistical, is more likely to be co-opted, in the axial equivalent of a Faustian Pact, indirectly to the service of the will and directly, in male gender polarity, to the service of pseudo-soul, whose pseudo-essence is pseudo-woeful and therefore at an antithetical remove from the joyfulness of soul proper, as pseudo-metaphysics from metaphysics, the pseudo-bound psyche of the one contrasting, under metachemical pressure, with the free psyche of the other, unequivocally hegemonic over a prostrate pseudo-metachemistry, the proverbial 'lion' and/or 'wolf' that 'lies down', compliments of neutralization, with the 'lamb' of godliness and, more accurately in respect of the metaphysical fulcrum being in soul (joy) rather than ego (truth), of heavenliness.

As an Irish-born Irish citizen long resident in England, I have to say that the Irish writers who have had most influence upon me and whom I have most admired were in all cases but one – namely James Joyce – Protestant, starting with Oscar Wilde and continuing via W.B. Yeats to Samuel Beckett.

The absence of George Bernard Shaw from the above-mentioned influential Irish writers has less to do with the fact that I haven't read all that much of his work than with his commitment to theatre and reputation as a leading playwright. Wilde, Joyce, Yeats, and Beckett may have written plays, but they were also, amongst other things, poets and novelists, and therefore more deserving, in my estimation, of respect as writers.

Of contemporary Irish writers, I would say that John Banville is the one whom I most admire, having read at least two of his novels, namely Dr Copernicus and The Book of EVIDENCE, both of which were of a class I would consider to be European rather than simply parochial or Irish.

I feel I should have some kind of reputation as a literary transcriber as well as a philosopher and writer, having transcribed some forty or so books, including James Joyce's Ulysses and Aldous Huxley's Point Counter Point, but, of course, the literary establishment in England prefers to believe that I don't exist – rather like the absence of the Republic of Ireland from the weather map of the British Isles on the BBC, which pedantically sticks to a United Kingdom format. I am just as much of a nonentity in Britain as is the Republic, as far as mainstream recognition is concerned.

Because they suffer from an ethnic blind spot with regards to church-hegemonic axial criteria … as traditionally applicable to Roman Catholicism and, in particular, to Irish Catholics, the British intelligentsia, who are almost invariably Protestant, have little or no capacity for metaphysics and, hence, for a comprehensive approach to philosophy that, in setting everything out in its proper place, could do justice to truth, which is to say, to metaphysics. The want of this dimension in their metachemically-orientated Weltanchauung renders their philosophy incapable of metaphysical verisimilitude and nothing more than a reflection of their ethnic limitations as Protestants, whose philosophy, being scientifically based in empiricism, is fundamentally false, that is to say, false to truth, since overly factual.

Yet they can never admit this, and therefore they have no choice but to ignore or trash anyone who, coming from a Roman Catholic background, is capable of doing justice to metaphysics – if, in this day and age, on more than Catholic terms. As, for instance, in relation to Social Theocracy and/or Social Transcendentalism which, unlike Roman Catholicism, would be determined to do complete justice to metaphysics and thereby, in the event of attaining power, consign to the rubbish heap of history those metachemical constraints which always preclude metaphysics from being true to itself in terms of free psyche as well as the all-too-prevalent bound soma (of the crucifixional paradigm). For when you only have the latter, the truncated metaphysics that follows from a deference to metachemistry, as to Creator-ism in the Old Testament, is effectively bogus and only too susceptible, for want of a soulful fulcrum, to being subsumed, down a 'Sacred Heart' plane from its entitlement to 'Sacred Lungs', into a pseudo-metachemistry which is itself doubly bogus for want of due deference, through subordination, to metaphysics proper, that is, to a full complement of metaphysics (free psyche as well as bound soma, not just the latter) which, did it but exist, would preclude, through some transcendental meditation-like aloofness, pseudo-metachemistry from being subsumed into a triangle dominated, in perpendicular vein, by metachemistry, and by a type of metachemistry, moreover, unequivocally hegemonic over a prostrate pseudo-metaphysics, the preordained 'fall guy' for slag or denigration or devaluation or religious persecution from both metachemical and pseudo-metachemical standpoints, both of which are, by contrast, on the female side of the gender divide and therefore all too partial to an anti-male perspective from a sanctimonious standpoint designed to camouflage their basically anti-religious natures.

The extraordinary sensitivity and brutal opposition of average people, including immediate neighbours, to thought, as to thinking by a solitary man, has to be experienced to be believed! Clearly, most people are not designed to think but, rather, to oppose thinking in those who can, as though it were an affront to sanity (as conceived, in superficial terms, by the majority).

Philosophy is not a profession (as with university academics); it is a vocation, demanding the utmost perseverance, asceticism, and aloofness from worldly entanglements. The philosopher is a kind of secular monk, who lives, as far as possible, in his private cell, shut off from everyday life as from a threat to being.

After over twenty-one years of Bangladeshi rule at Hermiston Avenue, London N8, I feel like someone who has 'done time' in a concentration camp or harsh prison from which, at length, he is now free, albeit not, as yet, from the psychological scars and painful, humiliating memories he carries within!

For me, life at Hermiston Avenue was a living hell. But it motivated me, not least through Centretruths Digital Media (which I founded in 2007), to aspire towards Heaven.

It could now be that, with my attic flat overlooking Alexandra Palace from its rear room, I have attained to a kind of domestic heaven. For up here one can certainly speak, echoing Jim Morrison, of 'cool air heights', in welcome contrast to the overheated atmosphere that enervatingly prevailed at Hermiston Avenue under Bangladeshi auspices.

Up here, on my Zarathustrian heights, where I look down upon Alexandra Palace from a room around which the wind howls like a deranged Banshee, I rejoice in my release from the Bangladeshi hothouse in whose suffocating atmosphere – suffocating to literature and music as well as to the spirit – I languished for many a long year without promise of reprieve or hope of liberation. At night, when the January wind assaults the rafters and rattles the windowpanes whilst the ventilator sighs mournfully and seems to funnel breaths of cold air across my bed, things couldn't be more different from how it was in the airless prison whose central heating seemed especially merciless at night as I lay in bed, too close to the radiator for comfort, with pyjamas and sheets and duvet alike drenched in torrents of sweat from which, under the weight of my listlessness, there was no escape, since no way of turning the radiator off or of having the thermostat settings, which were at the landlord's discretion, changed for the better.

If that implacable heating system was hell, or an aspect of the greater hell in which I suffocatingly languished, breathing with considerable difficulty, and then in a laboured fashion that always threatened to choke me, then the cold draughts of air from the ventilator next to my bed up here, in the bedroom of this attic flat, is more akin to heaven, and I welcome them with outstretched arms as one who has emerged from some kind of fiery fundamentalism dominated by heat to an airy transcendentalism whose chill winds, transmuted into cold draughts, is the release of my spirit and salvation of my soul.

Whereas the primary sex (female) devaluates and evaluates in typically objective vein, the secondary sex (male) revaluates (re-evaluates) and transvaluates in typically subjective vein, since the secondary sex is, in general terms, an abstraction from the more concrete, or somatic, nature of the primary sex, whose lives typically revolve around reproduction.

Just as Progressive Rock is the zenith of rock, so Heavy Metal is rock music's nadir, a branch of rock that digs itself into a deep and – one might say – 'black' hole from which, like extreme republican socialism and/or socialist republicanism, there is no escape and certainly no possibility of divine redemption. Rather does Heavy Metal worship death, whose personification is Satan.

Reluctantly I got out of bed before eight o'clock this morning in order to go up to Wood Green and tend to some pressing business. I really hate getting up early, especially when it's freezing. Actually, I don't think I've recovered from the ordeal yet, several hours later, since my nerves have been on-edge all day and I haven't had so much as one single interesting thought. Worry and strain, of which there is only too much in life, can really destroy a man, even if a woman doesn't.