
One of the biggest lies of conventional religion maintains that we are all equal before God. Nonsense! When, with godliness, you get closer to Heaven, you realize that gender discrimination is crucial to maintaining male peace-of-mind in metaphysics over, a plane apart, pseudo-metachemistry (out of anti-metachemistry), corresponding to the (neutralized) 'dragon' under the 'saintly' heel, as it were.

Concepts of God or godliness which are not centred in metaphysics, on the other hand, are simply bogus and allow, in consequence, for equalitarian error of the type alluded to above, at least when you get to a kind of democratic 'bovaryization' of the concept 'God'.

Twelve years of the Third Reich, six of which were spent in peacetime (preparing for war), six actually at war. Six of one, half-a-dozen of the other. Some kind of weird balance and even logistical if not exactly logical symmetry, wouldn't you say? Twelve years, it seems to me, also has religious connotations, like some vast experiment in terms of a crude approximation to 'Kingdom Come', with all the eschatological implications one cares – or dares – to imagine.

They have rejected soul, and therefore accountability to self, in order to give the will free rein in relation to some autocratic diktat (covert or overt), and the result is only too predictable and, in a sense, inevitable. The 'creatures', as an old Irish lady of my acquaintance used to call them, have little or no conscience in consequence of – and even in proportion to – the degree to which they have 'sold out' to some alien will which holds them subject to its ungodly rule, precluding the possibility of self-respect. No wonder they espouse secular values within a so-called 'open society' context!

Alcohol sends you not to Heaven but back to Hell.

Beer is undoubtedly (if we except cider) the lowest form of alcohol, beneath wines and spirits.

One of the worst deceptions played upon people by the producers of alcohol is to give it some kind of religious gloss, as though the fact that monks or others of an ostensibly religious disposition had been instrumental in its manufacture somehow rendered it morally acceptable. But it still leads, even in the guise of beer, on a downhill path towards Hell. So much for the sanctity of alcohol whose origins derive from some Christian association, whether Catholic (more usually) or Protestant, which often tends to be a distinction between wine and beer, southern and northern European climes.

People become weaker, not stronger, from the consumption of alcohol. It is as if they were imbibing a devil or demon in liquid form. Sooner or later their minds will be 'taken over' and as though possessed by this liquid fire, with predictably diabolic consequences. Don't believe me?

Alcohol certainly provides an escape route from self, from mind, into body and behind the body … sheer hell! It is as though the male, in particular, were engaged upon a process of changing gender … from mind over body to body over mind, regressing from self to not-self, whilst the female simply becomes, with drunkenness, progressively more body over mind, the former freer and the latter correspondingly more bound (to the body) proportionate to the amount or type of alcohol imbibed. The end result, either way, is an intensification of female criteria to the detriment of anything male, including, not least, self-respect.

No wonder religion has usually been against the consumption of alcohol – at least when to any degree genuine and committed to the possibility of male liberation from female dominion. Taking a 'dim view of it' would not really be enough (you could expect as much from the state under certain circumstances), especially in circumstances where alcohol consumption by the religious themselves is somehow condoned and regarded, within prescribed limits determined by ritual, as morally acceptable. Which, in truth, it can never be, though with traditions predisposed, through scripture, to hyping Devil the Virgin and/or Mother as God … the Father, you can see how they might want you to believe otherwise.

The Irish, not least of all peoples, would probably be less disposed to drink, not excepting the probable influence of persistent rain, were there no recourse to alcohol by the clergy during the celebration of the so-called Christian Mass, when the officiating priest honours the 'body and blood' of Christ with the wafer and wine (for himself) of Eucharistic convention. Even Christ, who supposedly requested he be remembered at the Last Supper by the partaking of bread and wine, cannot be exonerated from the encouragement of alcohol consumption, since he himself apparently identified the bread with his body and the wine with his blood, thereby encouraging his followers, including though not limited to the 'inner circle' of his immediate disciples, to follow suit.

When the consumption of alcohol is legitimized not only by the Church but by Christ himself, then you can quite understand the reluctance people feel to remain entirely sober, since sobriety or abstinence could be construed as being contrary to Christ's injunction to honour and remember him in the manner described, a situation applying more to Catholics than to Protestants, whose general preference for beer over wine would, in all probability, have little ecclesiastical support. But neither, for that matter, would the drinking of white wine, spirits, or any other form of alcohol not associated with Christ's blood. And as for total abstinence, even that would appear too puritan for Catholic taste, since contrary to Christ's injunction at the Last Supper that he be remembered through the partaking of bread and wine, which for the believer is akin to the body and blood through substantiation.

So you see, one way or another, religion in the West, whether Catholic or Anglican, is at the roots of the consumption of alcohol which, by extrapolation, plays such a large role in Western society, both traditionally and, even in our ostensibly secular age, contemporaneously, and I fear that there will not be an end to this unfortunate predicament while religion in its traditional guise continues to exist. You cannot just stop or ban the consumption of alcohol when the main Churches are perforce obliged, through the celebration of the Mass, to condone it, whether through the priests themselves (Roman Catholic) or through dispersal to the participating congregation (Anglican). If you want to transcend alcohol consumption in the West, and thus a tendency, contrary to appearances, for people to be dragged back and down to some kind of living hell, then the Churches will also have to be transcended, which is to say, democratically consigned to the rubbish bin of history by responsibly radical authorities at some propitious time in a more enlightened future, in order that a better and more religiously-efficacious, gender-sensitive pattern of substance consumption may be officially instituted in its stead, a pattern compatible with the 'saint' and (neutralized) 'dragon' structural requirements of 'Kingdom Come'. I believe a majority mandate for religious sovereignty would pave the way for this very process, and thus the liberation from alcohol in all its various permutations.

They kneel there like so many flesh-eating cannibals and blood-sucking vampires, celebrating the Eucharist with the 'body and blood' of Christ which they believe, through faith in a miraculous process, will make them more akin to Jesus Christ and therefore more inherently Christian. They believe, implicitly and as though by ethnic compulsion, in the transubstantiation of wafer and wine into the body and blood of Christ, for otherwise there would be little or no point in their partaking of it in the first place. How credulous!

But they are still akin, in the Mass, to flesh-eaters and blood-suckers – at least when offered, in addition to the consecrated wafer, a sip of wine from the chalice held out to them by the officiating priest. When it is the priest who alone drinks or quaffs back the (red) wine from the chalice, then it is he who qualifies for the role described and not the participating members of the congregation, who are at least spared the Christ-mandated consumption of alcohol in the form to which he himself would have been accustomed, under Roman rule, to drinking it, since the Romans were climatically-disposed to the cultivation of wine.

On gender polar state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial terms, man (physics) is anti-Devil (metachemistry), whereas pseudo-woman (pseudo-chemistry) is anti-pseudo-God (pseudo-metaphysics), axial stability being achieved through the fact of same gender polarity on the female side of the sexual divide (primary state-hegemonic/church-subordinate) between pseudo-woman and the Devil (pseudo-chemistry and metachemistry) coupled with same gender polarity on the male side of the sexual divide (secondary state-hegemonic/church-subordinate) between man and pseudo-God (physics and pseudo-metaphysics), so that man is not able to directly threaten the Devil, who is in any case noumenally sovereign over the axis in question.

On gender polar church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms, by contrast, God (metaphysics) is anti-woman (chemistry), whereas the pseudo-Devil (pseudo-metachemistry) is anti-pseudo-man (pseudo-physics), axial stability being achieved through the same gender polarity on the male side of the sexual divide (primary church-hegemonic/state-subordinate) between God and pseudo-man (metaphysics and pseudo-physics) coupled with same gender polarity on the female side of the sexual divide (secondary church-hegemonic/state-subordinate) between the pseudo-Devil and woman (pseudo-metachemistry and chemistry), so that God, despite being noumenally sovereign over the axis in question, is not able to directly threaten woman.

Therefore, in general terms, man is no more than anti-Devil and God no less than anti-woman. Man alone is incapable, in his physical disposition, of advancing or championing God. God alone advances and champions what is godly (in relation to Heaven), though not without being anti-woman. Yet if he is to defeat woman, it can only be indirectly, through the medium of pseudo-man, whom he would save from his subordinate gender position under woman (pseudo-physics under chemistry), whose destiny, by contrast, would then be the pseudo-Devil of counter-damnation (in pseudo-metachemistry under metaphysics), the hegemonically 'first' thereby becoming subordinately 'last', and so on.

'All the old gods are dead,' claimed Nietzsche. 'We want the Superman to live.' Wrong! For most of the world, not excepting what used to be Christian Europe, all the old gods are very much still alive. So much so, that their worshippers don't want the Superman to live; they want man to die. For man is the enemy, after all, of all the old devils hyped as gods.

JB (of Spiritual Beggars) was born to die … as a man. After all, life's a bitch, as Lemmy Kilmister (of Motφrhead) reminds us. Amen to that!

Without a woman, the embodiment of life, you pine for death or … Eternity, which is pretty much the same.

In peacetime women come to the fore and life thrives. In wartime, by contrast, men come to the fore and life dies.

Men make history, not women. Women, as is well known, make babies.

Bourgeois civilization is built on the basis of the most barbarous destruction and/or construction techniques, as even this relatively outer-city environment (Harringay) proves in no uncertain terms, the workmen constructing ever-more intensely built-up piles of urban crap and destroying one's peace-of-mind in the process. Not that they 'give a shit', as the saying goes, since working at the behest of the developers and landlords and other exploiters of the common weal.

One can only be extremely reluctant to live in such worker-infested environments, where the slaves of capitalist overlords do their masters' bidding or, more correctly, dirty work. Both, however, are if not equally then most certainly unequally guilty of disturbing the general peace, and should be judged accordingly.

Christ is reputed to have said: “Judge not that ye be not judged.” or words to that effect. And yet, this is the same Christ who, within the Catholic-inspired context of eschatology, 'sits in judgement' over the world on Judgement Day, separating the 'wheat from the chaff', the 'goats from the sheep', until, as I would add, a structure equivalent to metaphysics over pseudo-metachemistry, time over pseudo-space, is established (constructed), to the Eternal advantage of the Saved and to the pseudo-Infinite disadvantage of the counter-Damned, who would, after all, correspond to the 'chaff' and/or 'sheep' or, in my preferred eschatological terminology, to the (neutralized) 'dragon' under the 'saintly' heel, a plane apart (at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass), as described above.

The molecular bases or preconditions of life descended to earth, it would appear, from outer space, as from exploding stars, for what eventually became Nature to make what use of them, these molecules, she could, from the development of plants and insects to animals and men (not forgetting the dinosaurs and related primeval creatures of land, sea, and air that would not have figured in the Garden of Eden myth). Devolution from stellar bodies 'on high', evolution from 'down below' on the earth, pretty much akin to 'six of the one and half-a-dozen of the other'.

But that is the world as against the netherworldly alpha and the coming otherworldly omega, the latter of which would be beyond devolution, and thus all forms or interpretations of 'Creator-ism', in its extreme evolutionary integrity, since committed to what I have in the past called an 'Ultimate Creation' within the eternal messianically-sanctioned remit of 'Kingdom Come'.

In the end the centripetal defeats the centrifugal, the anvil defeats (or outlasts) the hammer, gravity defeating nuclear fission, the Omega Point indirectly defeating, via the world, the Alpha Point(s), Truth indirectly defeating Beauty via the salvation of pseudo-knowledge or, more correctly in relation to pseudo-bound psyche, pseudo-ignorance.

In the end, God/Heaven (God in Heaven) is victorious over Hell/the Devil (Hell in the Devil). The laughing clown will be consigned to the rubbish bin of history as a sick joke.

'The worst', if we are to believe the poet Yeats, 'are full of passionate intensity' … for a while. Eventually, the 'best' acquire the 'conviction' to defeat them and either put them in their place or consign them to oblivion.

Anyone who reads this text and fails to recognize the significance of my contribution to free philosophical thought would have to be either a fool or a scoundrel, if not both at once!

And with that, penned on 13/06/13, I shall reluctantly leave off the writing of this literary-cum-philosophical journal to concentrate, circumstances permitting, on something else, though what, as yet, I haven't a clue … other than that it will have to have the necessary gravitas to overcome my reluctance to write.


London 2013



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