
It is one of the great paradoxes of life in the so-called British Isles that, whilst the Catholic Irish are politically free (in the Republic of Ireland) but religiously bound (to Vatican papacy), the Protestant British are religiously free (of Vatican papacy) but politically bound (to a constitutional monarchy), so that neither people, whether Irish or British, is totally free of either religious or political enslavement. But, to my mind, the British are more bound, as subjects of the reigning monarch, than their Irish counterparts, and this despite the fact that, for them, freedom is primarily from the papacy, as from the moral stranglehold of the Catholic Church.

Yet the British – and the English in particular - became free of Roman Catholicism not through any virtue or especially progressive disposition on their part, but in consequence of the excommunication of Henry VIII back in the sixteenth century for refusing to abide by the strictures of the Roman Catholic Church in regard to marriage or, more specifically, with regard to divorce and remarriage, and thus, in contravening the strictures of the Church by going ahead with his divorce from Catherine of Aragon, he took England off the 'gold standard', so to speak, of Western religion and was obliged to found a church independent of Rome, a church which, to this day, attests to an heretical departure from the 'one true church' of the Western tradition.

Henceforward the English – and eventually the British in general – would pay for the apostasy (and tendency towards serial monogamy) of Henry VIII through the binding of the Anglican Church, the Church of England (not to mention those of Scotland, Wales, and Ireland) to the ruling monarch, a procedure intended to preclude a return to Catholicism and tending to ensure that Britain, in particular, though relatively free of Catholicism,would remain characterized by the subjection of the populace – as subjects – to political authoritarianism in the person of the ruling monarch, and this despite constitutional modifications of the basic structure.

Even now, Britain is the land par excellence of the politically bound, the parliamentary representatives of the subject populace who had elected them having to swear an oath of allegiance to the throne (which I have always tended to regard as being the political equivalent of a Faustian pact), and one wonders, with its largely Protestant bias, both Anglican and non-Anglican (puritan), whether Scotland will opt for independence from the United Kingdom in the autumn of 2014, and hence from the status of being British subjects, democratically choosing, instead, the road to political freedom and the concomitant privilege of Scots being, thereafter, free-born men (and women), like, it must be said, their Irish counterparts in the Republic of Ireland who, by contrast, had to fight the British for the right to be free.

The Pope, being a learned man, may well be 'infallible' in relation to the teachings of the Church, but he is in no way independent, despite being 'Christ's vicar on earth', of the Creator-ism associated with the Old Testament, and thus of the fundamental lie of Devil the Mother hyped as God (the Father) and, correlatively, of what I call Hell the Clear Spirit being hyped as Heaven (the Holy Soul), as though beauty in the one case and love in the other had any function other than to secure, for the female, the means whereby she might conceive offspring and thereby acquire the surrogate plenum of maternity to release her, if only temporarily and, as it were, intermittently, from the root cause of her need in the vacuousness of a metachemical disposition, a disposition at variance, if not loggerheads, with anything godly and, more specifically, heavenly … in what I have described as metaphysical free psyche. On the contrary, beauty and love are attributes of metachemical free soma, and therefore stand at an antithetical remove, alpha to omega, from metaphysics and the prospect of Heaven (the Holy Soul).

It is not God that joins man and woman together, in the phrase adopted by priests at official marriage ceremonies, but Devil the Mother coupled to Hell the Clear Spirit, and this lie is fundamental to the Church, as to Christianity in general, whereby beauty and love continue to exclude, from state religion, the possibility of joy and truth, the possibility, in short, of metaphysical free psyche and thus of a full complement, as it were, of metaphysics over a genuinely deferential – because neutralized – pseudo-metachemistry, the corollary of such a full-blown metaphysics.

For me, it has always been less important to question the philosophy of religion than to answer with the religion of philosophy – namely, Social Theocracy and/or Social Transcendentalism, which I, as a thinker, have developed over the course of several decades.

Psychological metamorphosis is the concomitant of biological or physiological metamorphosis. For the child can only act as a child, the youth as a youth, the adult as an adult, and the geriatric as a geriatric. But physiological metamorphosis can be, in certain instances, the concomitant of psychological metamorphosis, as when the heathen become Christian and, in accordance with the reality of rebirth, often symbolized by baptism, change both their appearance and their lifestyle, or attitude to life, becoming virtually unrecognisable to those who knew them before their conversion (rebirth).

Logically, I would incline to the argument that females appear more prone to psychological metamorphosis in consequence of biological or physiological metamorphosis, whereas my feeling about males is that they would seem more prone to physiological metamorphosis in consequence of psychological metamorphosis. But I would be reluctant, all the same, to categorically contend that such gender-based distinctions were invariably clear-cut.

The concept of Christian rebirth has a lot in common with metamorphosis and even, in a special sense, with reincarnation. For the Christian is, in some degree, akin to the butterfly that emerges, via the chrysalis, from the caterpillar, his chrysalis being the religious indoctrination which allowed him to slough off his heathen past and be reborn, through conversion, as a Christian, or a believer in the teachings and example of Christ and, through him, in the possibility of salvation, or deliverance from temporal life to Eternal Life, from the sins of the world to the grace of otherworldly blessedness.

But the Christian, for all his belief in a better life, remains man, even human-all-too-human, to use that Nietzschean turn-of-phrase again. The realization of Eternal Life, on the other hand, will require the metamorphosis that leads from man to Superman, as from physics, or any 'pseudo' approximation thereof, to metaphysics. Now the Superman, when he eventually transpired, would not be Christian, still less heathen, but effectively Superchristian, the fulfilment, in 'Kingdom Come', of Christian faith, or belief in that 'better world', presided over by Christ or in this instance of a Christ-like figure, to come.

A new day in life's sinister adventure, punctuated, as usual, by periods of quiet hysteria and seething anger.

A dreadful film, whose title I can't recall, full of fag-smoking degenerate lefties who, even if they weren't exactly fags, were certainly arseholes! Guess, if you can.