
Andrι Gide, Hermann Hesse, Henry Miller – with my closely-cropped and/or shaven head I would resemble any or all of these great authors, in more than looks, to boot.

Surfing the Internet – dare I say 'internet surfing'? - is the only kind of surfing I do or have ever done. Certainly no wind or wave surfing!

This life is dominated by the 'gold standard' of Satan, who offers you 'the world', that is, all the economic success and material riches you could possibly desire. But there is a catch. You have to pay. And not just with money, but with your soul (like the Mephistophelian Faust). In other words, the loss of your personal freedom as an individual.

Today (this morning, to be more precise) the sun shines down with a post-wintry vengeance, and I feel like one besieged by … Satanic forces!

In the Christian West, traditionally, a lower starting-point than that obtaining with the Jews, deriving largely from the Graeco-Roman world, would have pushed Satan underground, down to the bowels of the earth, so to speak, by dint of the solar realm being perceived as closer to 'the Father', as to God.

Therefore the Judaic Devil would have been the Christian 'Father' (not strictly God, though Christ as 'Son of God' might suggest that 'the Father' still counted, in quasi-Judaic vein, as God, even if not as the focus of Christian worship), and the Judaic God, Jehovah, my Devil the Mother (hyped as God) by dint of its association with an origin anterior to and, in relation to the stellar realm, on a higher plane than the solar, which, by contrast, directly rules over the earth. Nevertheless the stellar plane rules over the solar one, as Jehovah over Satan or, in my terms, Devil the Mother over pseudo-God the pseudo-Father.

Thus the Western tradition was closer, ironically, to God in its solar roots, even if such a pseudo-God ('the Father') remains at a pseudo-metaphysical remove (under metachemistry) from metaphysics and thus from the possibility of Heaven the Holy Soul forever hegemonic, a plane up at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass, from what I have called pseudo-Devil the pseudo-Mother, the pseudo-metachemical 'lion' that (through neutralization) perforce 'lies down' with the 'lamb' of godliness, that is, of the godfatherliness which is the outer aspect, as it were, of Heaven the Holy Soul, the fulcrum of metaphysics and absolute antithesis to Devil the Mother, as to anything, not excepting polytheistic adherence to stellar criteria in general, based on cosmic free will.

Why and how does anti-Semitism arise? Principally, I believe, because the Judaic tradition is rooted in the stellar alpha (not the solar pseudo-omega) and therefore lacks a capacity, given its metachemical fulcrum, for metaphysics, which, by contrast, Christianity does have, if only to a limited (bound somatic) extent, and then within a Roman Catholic as opposed to a Protestant axial framework.

Hence the radical Catholic, the man who adheres to metaphysics but is still obliged to officially acknowledge, if reluctantly and even resentfully, metachemistry through the Old Testament (whether or not Jehovah is identified with 'the Father', or, rather, 'the Creator' is conveniently switched from Jehovah to 'the Father' … in relation to both 'the Mother' and 'the Son' of New Testament reference), will most likely be inclined to a degree (varying with the individual) of anti-Semitism, since, for him, 'the Creator', duly attenuated and modified down from its Judaic position in the Old Testament, is not the fulcrum of his religious orientation but, on the contrary, merely the basis, through 'the Father', for subsequent extrapolations of a Marian and Christian order which, depending on one's gender, are more conducive to serving as a fulcrum of worship and/or emulation, whether through acts (Mary) or knowledge (Christ) or as a kind of androgynous (liberal worldly) combination of both.

But this degree of anti-Semitism, always characteristic of, if not endemic to, the Catholic world view, with its metaphysical aspirations and pretensions, will only turn nasty or virulent if and when the individual breaks with metachemistry altogether, in the interests of a more complete or comprehensive approach to metaphysics, commensurate with free psyche in addition to just bound soma (the crucifixional paradigm), and thus, in turning against 'Creator-ism', turns, correlatively, against Judaism and, by implication, the Jews, as, of course, did Adolf Hitler, who was of Austrian Catholic descent.

This, it seems to me, is the ultimate cause of anti-Semitism, and it can only be neutralized or avoided by the Jews themselves acquiescing, as Israelis, in the metaphysical revolution, so to speak, and opting, democratically, to break with metachemistry in the interests of metaphysical universality, the goal, in Heaven the Holy Soul, of all religious evolution and antithesis to religions rooted, like Judaism, in God as Creator, which, barring the substitution of monotheism for polytheism (a kind of devolutionary approach to God as Creator), effectively defy the concept of religious evolution from an unequivocally fundamentalist and, most especially, materialist standpoint – something that even as sophisticated a writer as Arthur Koestler was not immune to in his 'scientific' fixation upon cosmic criteria.

Like Judaism, Islam is another of those religions rooted in some form of 'Creator-ism', albeit more, I believe, in relation to pseudo-metachemistry than to metachemistry, and thus from a contrary standpoint within the perpendicular triangularity of what could broadly be described as Middle Eastern/North African culture in general.

Both Judaism and Islam, however, for all their axial differences, are alike hostile to pseudo-metaphysics, the Satanic or, depending on your point of view, pseudo-godly 'fall guy' for some degree of female denigration, as though paralleling a stellar/Venusian opposition, down the 'Cupidian axis', to the solar plane which, in its overall triangularity, necessarily excludes all but a peripheral and, as it were, unofficial Saturnian orientation appropriate to cosmic metaphysics. For this triangle is dominated, at its apex, by metachemistry, which directly rules over pseudo-metaphysics, as space over pseudo-time (sequential) and indirectly over the pseudo-space (spaced) of pseudo-metachemistry.

Christianity in the West, thank goodness, is unlike either Judaism or Islam, and for that reason the West, when true to itself, has shown itself to be instrumental, not least at its global 'cutting-edge', in undermining and even opposing the reactionary mindsets that derive from an inveterate form of fundamentalism and would seem to be symptomatic of a certain climate- or environment-conditioned backwardness which has tended, traditionally, to fight shy of democracy from autocratic if not tyrannically authoritarian standpoints conducive to the acceptance, through fundamentalism, of the 'One God', as of 'Creator-ism' in general.

Without Western intervention, whether directly or indirectly, the situation in the Middle East and much if not all of the so-called Third World would now be a lot worse, that is, less democratic and correspondingly more autocratic than it currently is.

Where Western imperialism led the way, interventionism has followed, and the results can only be preferable to what would otherwise have been the case, had backward countries been left to their own poverty-stricken devices in consequence of environmental, topographical, or climatic conditioning factors which tended to hamper, if not preclude, civilized progress, leaving the peoples of those lands at the mercy of Nature and of what rules over it – often more fiercely or implacably than in temperate zones – from a stellar/solar basis in the Cosmos.

Global civilization, the fruits of evolutionary progress, would not have transpired without Western imperialism coupled, subsequently, to interventionism, and although it still has a lot of evolving to do, we can at least look towards a future in which the greater proportion of mankind benefits from technology and its rapid progress, much of which would have initially derived, in any case, from the West.