
The sheer brutality of the building/renovating work taking place in the house next-door beggars belief. This has been going on for several weeks and shows no signs of abating. Rather, it has intensified to a point where I feel like going out just to get away from it, and probably would do if the weather were not so bad, so cold and miserable, with lowering grey skies for days on-end. Yet how typical of London and this part of it not least! My short-lived 'heaven' has been assaulted by 'hell', the 'hell' of constant hammering and drilling, which has rudely returned me to 'the world', as to a context I detest, like a cesspool in which one festers.

The story of my life – a writer/thinker (not recognized or regarded as such in this female-dominated country) beset by hammering, drilling, banging, shouting fools and/or 'sons-of-bitches'. Not a particularly pleasant story, by any means. But, then, life in this world is always fundamentally hellish. One isn't grateful for it; one simply endures it because, short of committing suicide (which is cowardly, selfish, and an arch-sin, to boot), there isn't much else one can do. Yet in thinking and writing, one kind of avenges oneself upon life or, more specifically, the life one knows and continues to suffer from, both personally and in relation to others, as well as to things and what the inclemencies of Nature – which some are stupid enough to identify with God – inflict upon one. Life is not something one can – or indeed should – be grateful for. It is the sick joke of the gods (stars), whereas wisdom, that product of experience and sensibility, always counsels one to turn away from life, plain bitch-ridden life, in pursuit of a dream, a vision, a destiny, a goal, an ambition, a cadent resolution to the inevitability of somatic (bodily) degeneration.

Such a resolution I identify with 'Kingdom Come', and thus with otherworldly criteria presided over by Heaven. If, as a metaphysical thinker, I am reluctant to write, I find that I'm even more reluctant to live, because living is the opposite of dying to the world, as to worldly life, in order to be reborn into the beingful supremacy of Heaven. Living is really about doing, which, as noted above, is fundamentally hellish, since emanating from the exercise of will(power), and in all doing there is a denial of being, in all willpower a denial of soulful contentment, in the Devil, as in Hell, a denial of God and Heaven or, more specifically, of God in Heaven. For truth is in joy, but in a world dominated, through females, by beauty and love or, more correctly, by love in beauty, Hell in the Devil, there can be little room for truth in joy, God in Heaven.

Therefore I reject this world, as of whatever most characterises and represents it, and have always been – and hopefully always will be – reluctant to engage with it, to the detriment of my freedom, the freedom to pursue philosophical truth to its logical end in what lies beyond understanding, or ego, in the joyful contentment of soul. I may be reluctant to write the truth, but I have never been reluctant to think it and, when possible, to experience that condition of soul which is commensurate with supreme being and which manifests as truth. This is the wisdom of Eternity.

Do the religiously sacred make any sense to the profanely secular; in other words, to the generality of persons, both female and male? Nope!

Which is precisely why meaningful change, in terms not of the exchange of one type of worldliness for another – socialist for capitalist or vice versa - but in relation to the triumph of otherworldly criteria, can only be effected messianically, through a religious elite capable of mastering and then overcoming 'the world'.