
I can think of few worse compositions than Stravinsky's Rite of Spring, which is probably the most barbarous piece of music to come out of the early twentieth century, like a grotesque parallel to World War One. Ugh! How I loathe it!

People have no idea of how much work goes into serious literary composition, not least when of an avant-garde or otherwise radical order that defies the formal conventions of bourgeois literature. It is easy devaluate or denigrate something you have absolutely no idea about and, unfortunately, most people – especially females – do, more or less as a matter of metachemical course.

I am more than reluctant to return to my old address in order to see if there is any post for me and, if so, to collect and bring it back here, to my new address. I have no intention of ever setting foot in that accursed house again! Going back there, for any reason, would be the last thing I would wish to do!

I am confident, from experience, that women of different countries have more in common with one another than they do with the men of their own country.

London is so cosmopolitan that it hardly seems to be part of a country, much less of a nation. It seems, rather, to be a microcosm of the world, in which virtually every race and nation on earth is represented, and in which city one lives with a strong sense of isolation … from one's own kind or race or nation, as the case may be.

Living alone in such a city is like being cut-off from contact with people you can relate to or even have any real prospect of conversation with. I have lived alone here since 1974, when I was obliged, by circumstances beyond my control, to leave Surrey, more precisely Merstham in Surrey, and move up to north London (where I briefly stayed at my mother's flat in Finsbury Park before finding a bedsitter in nearby Crouch End), which I did with the utmost reluctance and sense of foreboding. I was already, in a sense, dιclassι at age twenty-two, though not, as yet, classless and a kind of literary philosopher whose work, for the most part, goes unnoticed and unremarked upon. But then, I suppose, it would in a city like London.

London, for me, is fairly synonymous with hell on earth, and not only in respect of the underground rail system stretching in every direction for miles under the city or, above ground, the red, mostly double-decker buses that ply their routes with remorseless regularity. It is hellish in so many respects that one wonders how one can continue to live in it on one's own and without the slightest prospect of congenial company.

When I think of my old landlord, a moustachioed Bangladeshi who, with his broad face, bore an uncanny resemblance to Stalin, I see a devil or, rather, demon ruling over a segment of hell, but a demon with a devil on his back – namely, his wife, who used her remarkably large powerful hands to slam doors like you've never heard, especially the front one, which was hell for anyone living over it.

Success breeds its own failure. People jump on the bandwagon, as the saying goes, and before long the wagon breaks down under the weight of too many band members, most of whom are only interested in blowing their own proverbial trumpets.

All tyrants are enemies of free thought and the freedom, through writing, to leave a record of one's thinking, such that will document one's experiences and whatever conclusions one has drawn from them. Tyrants are not interested in freedom of expression but only in political control, whether from economic or scientific (military) motives or, indeed, from a paradoxical combination of both.

There can be no true philosophy which is not independent of science, nor, for that matter, any true religion established on the basis of philosophical truth, that is, metaphysics. For when religion is beholden, via science, to metachemistry, it is demonstrably false, and no less so because metachemistry is hyped as metaphysics the better to exclude metaphysics proper and grant a certain moral respectability to metachemistry itself.

A true philosophy leading to a true religion – that can only be germane to 'Kingdom Come'. For that is what 'Kingdom Come' implies. But such a true philosophy/religion, logically demonstrable, cannot be tolerant of falsehood, whether of religion or philosophy or, for that matter, of anything else. Free thought that leads to Truth (metaphysical certitude) is all very well. Free thought that is morally or philosophically irresponsible is – or can be – the enemy of Truth, and should be opposed and, where possible, discouraged by whatever means – short of cruelty and tyranny – are most expedient, not least by Truth itself.

Philosophy and morality are not, of course, the same, but philosophy can make a certain type of morality possible, and more justifiably from a given gender and/or class standpoint.

Being reluctant to listen to the bullshit that typifies traffic-generating websites, I tend to surf with the sound off, so as not to have my peace of mind unduly undermined by all the scam merchants and petty satans who offer you 'the world' and infinite riches … if only you'll … which, however, I won't, since, as a philosopher, I value my soul too highly.

So the reluctant writer is also, in some sense, a reluctant surfer, who rarely or never fully commits, and then only for an hour or so at a time. After all, what could be more boring than surfing the Internet for traffic credits when what you encounter is mostly either scams or boring business proposals?

The pitfalls of internet surfing are worse than puddles, and if you're stupid enough to fall in, you'll get more than wet: you'll get burned!

Internet predators resemble spiders who trap fleas and other smaller insects in order to suck them dry, leaving them empty and wasted.

My old enemy, the hammering, drilling workman is back with a vengeance, working in the house next-door, not least with regard to the roof and upstairs apartment adjoining my own, thereby turning my heaven into hell. But I 'hit back', as I always have done or, more correctly, have had to do … with music – at the present instance music from BBC3. Quality classical is not, I believe, generally to the taste of such persons!

That's what I've always detested about London: too many workmen impinging or impacting upon one. The past two months have been relatively quiet, but now! I often wonder how I manage to think and write anything at all, in these circumstances. It's all somehow against the grain, what I do, of the inherent barbarity of this and other such urban environments, and therefore all the more laudable, I should think, for taking place in spite of everything. It has certainly precluded me from becoming flabby and … complacent, such that can befall people, male writers I mean, who are stupid enough to move to the country or to some more suburban or provincial setting where their minds are overshadowed or, rather, bewitched by natural beauty to such a deplorable extent that they have nothing truthful to say and scarcely any feelings worthy of being identified with the soul!

To think that people like them – manual workers – could come to the fore as the pre-eminent class in society, as has happened in various communist countries, fills me with dread and dismay! Barbarism and philistinism are the only winners, and what is that if not a gross failure from the standpoint of civilization and culture? A society characterized if not dominated by its lowest elements, namely manual workers, or industrial proletarians, can only be the lowest form of society, testifying to the degeneration of civil society to the base level of some kind of communistic barbarism.

But out of or, rather, against the degeneration of soma to the base level of the urban proletariat will come the ascension of psyche towards some cadent resolution commensurate with Eternity in 'Kingdom Come', like the phoenix of Nazi Germany arising from the ashes of the decadent Weimar Republic or, in more general terms, Fascism from and against the threat of Communism, with its call to world revolution on the basis of worker power ('workers of the world unite'). Eternity ('the thousand year Reich' included) is only possible when the world degenerates, as it does with the eclipse of liberal democracy by social democracy and bourgeois humanism by so-called proletarian humanism (more correctly, sub-humanism), in which, quite understandably, there can be no 'God building' (Lenin), but only the lowest-common-barbarous-denominator of hammer-brandishing worker power. Frankly, I have nothing but contempt for this and for the poor buggers who are stupid or desperate enough to fall for it.

(As a sort of footnote to the above, I will add that one should be careful in drawing parallels between the regular thud or crash of hammering and music utilizing a regular drum beat, the regular beat of repetitive time, since what may sound like a regular thud is actually the exemplification of repetitive force, and one should avoid demeaning repetitive time by equating it with anything so physically temporal as repetitive or steady force. Repetitive time, on the other hand, is commensurate with metaphysical eternity, but only in a rather externalized crude way in the context of, let us say, rock drumming that foreshadows - and requires to be overhauled by - inner refinements effectively axially polar to itself, as, for example, in relation to drum machines, since drumming of this nature, no matter how rhythmically repetitive, will always be compromised by an element of repetitive force that one might call rhythmic force which, though obviously distinct from the noise created by hammers, is not so distinct from it as to be fully commensurate with the exemplification of repetitive time. It is precisely in this utilization of rhythmic force by drummers, particularly in rock music, that a parallel can be drawn with the repetitive force of hammering, to the detriment of repetitive time.)

Degeneration regenerating some neo-generative primitivity dominated by the bitch – thanks, but no thanks! Civilization is morally bound to fight back, using the 'fascistic' tools of militarism, against such barbarism until it gets what it deserves and is utterly exposed for what it's worth.

Whatever you may think, the Hitlers of this world will always be preferable to the Lenins and Stalins, as will the Nietzsches to the likes of Marx.

I have always, as an artist/philosopher, fought back against worker power and will continue to do so, as long as I live and can adhere to reason and, above all, to the divine values of metaphysics and the justification of 'Kingdom Come'. Social Democracy has not disappeared from the world, nor will it – at least not until the victory of Social Theocracy seals the fate of state-hegemonic criteria and makes for a world orientated, through the resurrection of church-hegemonic criteria, towards the otherworldly goal of evolution in the development, through all Eternity, of 'Kingdom Come'. All one can add to that is 'Amen'. So be it!

Homosexuality is little more than the expression of somatic degeneration (from heterosexual somatic relativity), having nothing, absolutely nothing, in common with the psychic cadence of the 'priestly kiss'. It attests, rather, to the degenerative nadir of state-hegemonic axial criteria and can only be tolerated, if not actively encouraged, in a society given to state-hegemonic criteria – in short, to one which is the fruit of heretical decadence and its corollary of generative licence. Homosexuality, as a sexual parallel to social democracy, can have no place in 'Kingdom Come', and one fancies that the man who smokes cigarettes as against cigars effectively lives on the plane, whether he realizes it or not, of proletarian humanism and social democracy, with all its attendant corollaries.

Science and philosophy have different starting-points. Science begins in free soma with the empirical investigation of facts, whereas the starting point of philosophy is in free psyche with logic and an investigation if not elucidation of truth. Fact is no more truth than beauty is truth or, for that matter, truth … beauty. Fact is somatic and empirically verifiable; truth, by contrast, is psychic and logically verifiable. Whatever is factually or empirically incorrect is fictitious. Whatever is truthfully or logically incorrect is false. Fiction is as distinct from falsity as fact from truth, but a society which hypes Devil the Mother as God (the Father) or metachemistry as metaphysics will constantly confound fact with truth, conveniently hyping fact as truth and thereby subordinating philosophy to science, so that it becomes synonymous with empirical investigation and verification through testing – the somatic antithesis to anything requiring to be logically verified because the product not of soma but of psyche, not of the body but of the mind, and therefore closer to religion, which should take its cue from philosophy, than to art, which more usually takes its cue from science, since concerned with facts rather than a logical analysis of the world and one's position or situation in it.

But are facts, when verifiable, any more real, or concrete, than truth, the product of logical reasoning. There is much talk, after all, about truth, to the extent that it is recognized (and not confounded with fact), being abstract and therefore somehow less real than facts. I don't believe this to be the case. Philosophy, like science, can be concrete or abstract, true or false, just as science can be factual or fictitious. The difference, it seems to me, is between two types of reality – the somatic concretion (coupled fictitiously to psychic abstraction) of science and, by contrast, the psychic concretion (coupled, falsely, to somatic abstraction) of philosophy. A distinction, in short, between objectivity and subjectivity, soma and psyche, empiricism and logic.

Thus science and philosophy, when respectively factual and truthful, are equally or, if you prefer, unequally real, or concrete, in their opposite approaches to life, approaches that inspire either art or religion and have a lot in common with the distinction, also antithetical, between state and church, which is, after all, one between soma and psyche, body and mind, objectivity and subjectivity, female (to bring gender into the frame) and male, however compromised or muddled the two contexts may, in practice, become.

The Church is no less real than the State, any more than philosophy is less real (except when twisted to suit a scientific agenda) than science, both of which are capable of abstract departures, through fiction and falsity, from their respective types of concrete grounding – the one in soma, the other in psyche, like alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, infinity and eternity, the objectivity of the vacuum that results in the investigation of the world, as of life, from an empirical standpoint, and the subjectivity of the plenum that results in the investigation of life, as of the world, from a logical standpoint, neither of which have anything in common, since they do not, as a rule, meet in the middle except in some liberal realm of atomic compromise whereby either philosophy is subsumed into science or science subsumed into philosophy, and one tends, more often than not, to get political or economic shortfalls from either science or philosophy, as the case may be.

But where the scientific and philosophic absolutes or extremes are concerned, looking at the world, almost literally, from the outside is so contrary to looking or, rather, thinking about the world (where religiously-inspired quotes might be in order) from within ... that there can be little or no common ground between them, which is of course a problem from a liberal point-of-view, since liberalism wishes to subsume everything or, at any rate, a watered-down version of everything (especially when noumenal) into itself, so as to be able not only to investigate but to control the world in a manner conducive to secular values.

Yet neither science nor philosophy, when respectively factual and truthful, are of the world but, rather, are netherworldly and otherworldly disciplines that investigate the world from opposite points of view, with intent not only to control it but either to dominate it, as in the case of science, or to transcend it, as in the case of philosophy, in the interests of either netherworldly (science) or otherworldly (philosophy) values, the values not of chemistry and physics, still less of politics and economics, but of metachemistry and metaphysics, the Devil (to speak in simple language) and God.

But the majority of people are – and without messianic intervention will always remain, in Nietzsche's memorable phrase – human-all-too-human, and therefore humanistic, knowing neither the Devil nor God, but only Man (meaning women and men generally).