
Vanity (noumenal) trumps justice (phenomenal), just as righteousness (noumenal) trumps meekness (phenomenal). Though pseudo-righteousness (phenomenal) would claim to trump pseudo-meekness (noumenal) and pseudo-vanity (phenomenal) to trump pseudo-justice (noumenal), even though both pseudo-righteousness and pseudo-vanity are 'lower order', or corporeal equivalents, vis-a-vis pseudo-meekness and pseudo-justice, which, being 'upper order', are ethereal. The significant difference, however, is that whereas both pseudo-righteousness and pseudo-vanity are equivocally hegemonic (over justice and meekness respectively), pseudo-meekness and pseudo-justice are unequivocally subordinate (under vanity and righteousness respectively).

Not untermenschen riding the u-bahn (or untergrundbahn), but übermenschen riding the ü-bahn (or übergrundbahn), whether or not the former took a double-decker bus to the u-bahn or the latter took a single-decker bus to the ü-bahn (not like the street-level S-bahn or Schnellbahn but more akin to Wuppertal's Schwebebahn, or suspension line). For if they had taken such buses, one would have the right to conceive of a distinction between state-hegemonic (alpha noumenal/omega phenomenal) and church-hegemonic (alpha phenomenal/omega noumenal) axial criteria.

One should add to the above distinctions concerning the term ü-bahn (admittedly down to my imagination), that the bus types (single and double) would have less to do with untermenschen and übermenschen (taken here as referring to males only) than with what could be called überfrauen and unterfrauen, so that the state-hegemonic polarity of double-decker bus and u-bahn would be of überfrauen and untermenschen, whereas the church-hegemonic polarity of single-decker bus and ü-bahn would be of unterfrauen and übermenschen, or something to that class- and gender-divisible effect, with broadly alpha/omega implications in each case.

Therefore we can posit a kind of gender transformation, in either case, from buses to trains or, more correctly, the alternative types of bahn, as conceived by me in an attempt to endow Nietzsche's distinctions between übermensch and untermensch with a semblance of transportational logic!

Irony aside, one thing we can be sure of: übermenschen, or supermen (supermenschen would still be effectively German), on the underground, the u-bahn, the metro, or whatever, can only be a logical contradiction in terms. Nor would it be logical for untermenschen, or submen, to ride what I have called the ü-bahn (überbahn or Schwebebahn), the elevated line, least of all on a regular basis, whether or not one would also wish to make a kind of bourgeois/proletarian, liberal/socialist, humanist/subhumanist distinction between conventional above-ground trains and the underground.

But the real world, for all its boasts of efficiency and regularity, often defies logic, whether from necessity or simply because of ignorance and uncertainty or, indeed, a pragmatic refusal, bordering on ethnic intransigence, even to entertain the possibility of ideological overtones.

Something analogous, in regard to überfrauen and unterfrauen, superwomen and subwomen (and/or women per se), could be inferred about the bus distinctions noted above between double-decker and single-decker, with the upper deck of the former especially applicable to superwomen and the main deck level of the latter (for even single-decker buses can have a raised-seating platform towards the rear) applicable, by contrast, to subwomen, whether or not one then opts to conceive of the lower deck of double-decker buses and the raised rear deck or platform of single-decker buses as appropriate, in their different ways, to women in general – somewhat analogous to the likelihood of mainline and suburban trains being applicable, in their different ways, to men in general, as opposed to supermen 'above' (elevated and/or suspension line) or submen 'below' (underground line). Doubtless this argument could be extended to … but I think I have speculated quite enough for today and would be reluctant to further complicate matters with any more such mind-boggling distinctions!