
There was a man who, through no particular fault of his own, lived in hell or what he regarded as such, namely London, with its double-decker red buses and, at the lower end or pole of the axis he perceived as being state-hegemonic, its underground lines and trains taking millions of people to and from work. Even his accommodation in a bedsitter with shared bathroom, toilet, kitchen, garden, landing, hallway, front door, etc., was a part – indeed a bigger part – of this hell, particularly since most of his immediate neighbours (those in the same tenement) were not of his ethnic persuasion but, at times, radically at variance with what he would have considered compatible behaviour or outlook upon life.

He lived, as I say, in hell and suffered enormously. But one day the lord of this hell, call him devil or landlord or whatever, granted him the fulfilment of anything he wished for – anything! So after due reflection our man opted for heaven, a place where there were no square-looking red buses or underground trains or, indeed, overcrowded tenements populated with disparate ethnicities whose lifestyles were often in conflict. This heaven was less like London and more like a suburban part of Galway City or even Clifden or Athenry in County Galway in Ireland, and it was very different from anything he had ever known – in fact, so different was it, with its single-decker green buses and overground trains, not to mention houses on pretty modern estates with more space and privacy than was to be found in his previous abode, that he did not feel so much at home there as he had imagined he would – indeed, he felt positively strange and cut off, like someone or something from an alien planet. After a week our wishful thinker was begging the devil to let him return to hell and the life with which he was familiar, no matter how painfully.

So the devil said to himself: 'Why should I let God profit from him when he is only too willing to carry on letting me exploit him as before?' So he granted the poor man the right to return to hell on the proviso that he would never try to leave it again, and so he did, almost grateful to the devil for having taken him back. And that, I'm afraid, is the moral of this sad tale. People become so accustomed to suffering in hell that they would rather continue to do so than move to heaven and have the benefit of some peace and quiet. Our man is only too typical of the great majority of persons trapped in hell who, though they fear the devil or demons that daily torment them, lack faith in their ability to handle heaven and live in an altogether different environment – and way – from that to which, over several years if not decades, they have become so painfully accustomed.

Bruce Dickinson sings, on one of his solo albums, about those who do it and those that get done, as germane to what he calls the two sides of life, but unlike the Iron Maiden vocalist I maintain that life is more complex than that even in, though not necessarily to any great extent, this day and age of alpha-stemming if not alpha-oriented secularity, and would like to think that those who get delivered from the ones that do it are – or will be – of the Saved, especially when meekly pseudo-male.

What can be unequivocally said of the so-called Creator, or so-called God (the Father), which, in its metachemical objectivity, is really Devil the Mother, the cosmic and, in particular, stellar absolutism autocratically behind Nature and its predatory cruelty? I'll tell you what: that 'it' is absolutely evil and absolutely criminal – evil in its somatic freedom and criminal in its psychic binding, the ratio of the one to the other being in the (absolute) ratio of 3:1, like supersensuousness vis-a-vis subconsciousness, or supernature vis-a-vis subnurture, or superheathenism vis-a-vis subchristianity, or superfemininity vis-a-vis submasculinity, and so on, with the former attributes in all cases evil (metachemically freely somatic) and the latter attributes … criminal (metachemically unfreely psychic, or germane to bound psyche). That is what the Creator, the so-called God of the Jews and, indeed, of the Judeo-Christian tradition actually amounts to, and it is my belief that no self-respecting and civilized human being, least of all when male, could possibly condone or respect it. On the contrary, it should be paramount on his list of what needs to be rejected, if life is to progress to a truly cultural civilization worthy of being identified with 'Kingdom Come'.

I have always been intimidated by women with painted nails, particularly when their fingernails are painted red and appear to be dripping with the blood of their natural prey – men. Baudelaire wrote about nature being red in tooth and claw, and certainly the nature of women is such that their painted lips and nails approximate to that description of nature and to its predatory instinct to kill what is useful to the survival of the predator – in this case women, who are more than able, as a rule, to pick off men, effectively killing them by rendering subordinate to the reproductive impulse that which, did it not lose it head to a woman, would be capable of a life lived in and for the mind, even to the extent whereby the Life Eternal becomes its heavenly reward.

Killed off by women, however, men succumb to the flesh and to the inevitable mortality of the flesh, which is certain death. This 'life temporal' is everywhere and at all times the human norm, and whilst for women it is the deathly life of life through killing, for men it is the living death of bodily subservience to female flesh – what Baudelaire, that truly great and much-maligned French poet, scornfully dismissed in males as a mark of their being 'slaves of a slave' and a mere 'trickle in the sewer'. Simply put, the Life Eternal is not possible to those who succumb to women, as do the vast majority of men, thereby confirming their secondary gender status vis-a-vis those for whom the meaning of life is fundamentally success in regards to reproduction.