Although I have a number of weblog sites, including at,, myspace, and yuwie, most of my writing tends to revolve around philosophy or, at least, my philosophical ideas and ideals. Frankly, I don't much like the term 'philosophy' because it suggests a knowledge-oriented shortfall from the sort of Truth-oriented material I normally write and should therefore be taken provisionally, as a concession to common usage rather than as an accurate definition for my type of writing.


If one were to be pedantic about it, I suspect that philological knowledge vis-à-vis philosophical pleasure would suffice for a kind of ego/soul distinction in physics, or the vegetative realm of man, whereas theological truth vis-à-vis theosophical joy would suffice for a kind of ego/soul distinction in metaphysics, or the airy realm of God.


Therefore, since most of my mature writings happen to be metaphysical, a better definition of them would be theological/theosophical, with but a smattering of philology/philosophy, as and when I stoop to something physical and merely humanistic.


Most of the time, thank God, I am transcendentalistic, and therefore anything but earthy.