The true ‘philosopher kings’ are those who remain faithful to the Y of their XY chromosomal integrity through thick and thin, remaining metaphysically aloof from the world at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass when lesser males than themselves have either fallen into antimetaphysics under metachemical pressure and become artists kowtowing to beauty or, as is more often the case, fallen all the way from antimetaphysics to antiphysics in consequence of the female achieving a maternal resolution of beauty in strength and of love in pride, wherein the hegemonic sway of chemistry over antiphysics is assured.

From this worldly position, ever the source of worshipful nostalgia on the part of males (become antimales) for the lost Y of youthful idealism, there is no way back to metaphysics - as there sometimes is for their antimetaphysical counterparts above - except via salvation, or deliverance from the antiphysical upended-gender plight by those who have either remained metaphysical (the ‘philosopher kings’) or returned to metaphysics from antimetaphysics (the repentant artists and, in some sense, ‘prodigal sons’).

For the antiphysical 'male' is not merely divided against his self on an X/Y basis but, as an accomplice in female resolution, has sacrificed his Y chromosome to the XX-chromosomal pressures successively brought to bear on him by beauty and strength, in consequence of which his acquiescence in maternal resolution is akin to an XX-X situation without hope, barring faith, of Y-chromosomal redemption, which is fidelity to self conceived, as is proper with males, psychically.

With faith, however, matters can be otherwise; but it will require an ability, quite unprecedented in religion, of the metaphysical to save such antimales (from their subordinate worldly plight), and this, in turn, will require the correlative counter-damnation of the chemical to antimetachemistry by those who, in relation to the godly/heavenly, could be described as antidevilish/antihellish, either of which manifestations of antimetachemistry would have been already
in situ under the metaphysical ... as unbeautiful females of a high stamp or, alternatively, brought down to antimetachemistry from metachemistry in consequence of the return of disillusioned antimetaphysical 'males' (antimales) to metaphysics, as noted above.

Whatever the case, only the combination of metaphysical and antimetachemical agents will suffice to deliver, on contrary rising and counter-falling terms, the antiphysical and chemical from their respective worldly standings, and less for their own sake than in the interests of divine and antidiabolic vengeance upon the diabolic and antidivine powers at the northwest point of the intercardinal axial compass who, in defiance of godliness and antidevilishness, would otherwise continue to prevail over them through the exemplification of somatic license netherworld and anti-otherworld without metachemical and antimetaphysical end, keeping that which is genuinely divine and antidiabolic out of the equation while they continue to give themselves inflated airs to the detriment of truth and to the possibility of an end, more pertinently, of evil and pseudo-folly, the evil of metachemical somatic license and the pseudo-folly of its antimetaphysical equivalent.