I have always respected and even admired the Hell's Angels.  But there comes a time when some kind of rebirth from sensuality (or anti-sensibility) to sensibility has to be made, as from antimetaphysics under metachemistry at the northwest point of the intercardinal axial compass to metaphysics over antimetachemistry at its northeast point.


Let's face it: anyone with a ring in his ear and long hair is a kind of ‘sonofabitch’, even if his bike isn't unduly 'ringful', with spokes radiating out from a narrow hub.  But if he graduates to having a kind of stud in his ear, or if, say, his bike has larger than normal hubs, or wheels that are less 'ringful' in their spoke radiations than 'badgeful' in a kind of hub-oriented centripetal way, then he is less a ‘sonofabitch’ than a kind of ‘sonofagun’, and one could certainly argue that, even without acid or coke or guns of an elongated rather than hand-held variety, he is worthy to be regarded more as a Heaven's Demon than as a Hell's Angel.  But with them ...

Well, there must come a time in any movement or club's existence when there is a parting of the ways, a revolutionary upheaval, a departure, even if only by a small number initially, from being an antimetaphysical 'sonofabitch' to being a metaphysical 'sonofagun', a sensible radical of noumenal, or ethereal, disposition who would quite comfortably and credibly accord with the St. George metaphor for male-hegemonic dominion and keep his 'old lady', or whatever, firmly in her antimetachemical place, a place not unknown to the habitual wearers of tight dresses!

I have long regarded myself as the godfather of Social Theocracy, and Social Theocracy, as conceived and elaborated by me in a variety of textural contexts, is nothing if not radically metaphysical in its ideological scope - indeed, so metaphysical as to stand for the bringing of metaphysics to a definitive peak in relation to global civilization and thus to a society centred in religious sovereignty.


Metaphysics has never before been anything like definitive, not even in transcendental meditation, and therefore only when it becomes such, on a basis transcending anything Eastern or Western, Christian or non-Christian, will it have not only the right but the wherewithal to rule and to control everything else, including, not least, its own anti-bitch corollary, antimetachemistry, avoiding, in the process, the traditional pitfalls of utopian reductionism that attend mere extrapolations from alpha-rooted 'theocracy' and seemingly necessitate polar fudging.

In that time, the time of Eternity, Hell's Angels would be completely irrelevant and effectively anachronistic.  Only those who have made it up and across, as though in a counter-Cupidian thrust out of perpendicular triangularity, to metaphysics, like prodigal sons returning to the fold of ‘philosopher king’ dominion, will have a right to serve that which is godly and, more significant to the context in question, heavenly.


I call them Heaven's Demons, and I believe I speak with justification when I say that such people are already to be found amongst the so-called Hell's Angels, having effectively, if not officially, outgrown their former or traditional status.  You only have to have a bike with high, cowhorn-like handlebars to be of this alternative disposition and manifestation of biker radicalism, the Y-like implications of the handlebars in question pointing towards that Y-chromosomal freedom of psyche of the metaphysical male, for whom Yo, Yaweh, Yes, Yohalin, and other conceptual or contextual manifestations of Y-like freedom will be the primary concern of Social Theocracy in the decades and centuries to come, an ideology whose very emblem, the so-called Supercross of an upended CND symbol, is but a foreshadowing of that Y-like freedom that, in the more advanced stage of global civilization, will be less Superchristian than Supra-christian, with superhuman elements serving a religiously-sovereign supra-human community whose metaphysics and antimetachemistry will be more than simply theoretical, but the heavenly and antihellish praxis, so to speak, of that which stretches beyond anything known to man.